This is a late entry in the Year of the Road event and it's bringing a focus on the mechanics of driving, vehicles in general, and chases. Right off the top it throws out the usual "Talents have no penalty, Skills +1 difficulty, Knowledges you can't roll" rule for what happens without the appropriate Ability to make it a whopping +3 difficulty when lacking Drive (or Athletics or Ride as appropriate) for vehicle maneuver, and placing the maximum difficulty at 10, which does awkward things to the Storyteller System (which is why it largely caps difficulties at 9 since Revised). The skidmark frame for the pages was creative, but im place it make the text a bit harder to make out, though this will vary based on vision of the reader.
The vehicle maneuvers and chase mechanics are solid, though it led me to wonder if the Martial Arts Maneuver system in M20 could be adapted to Drive Maneuvers to manage this effectively. There's lots of modifiers for road conditions (mixed with car conditions) and then some tables of vehicles of various sorts. It proceeds in chapter two to cover similar considerations for mounted maneuver and combat, including quite a bit of detail on lances for your Dark Ages game needs.
Finally, in Chapter 3, the supernatural stuff appears. First there's a few merits and flaws for driving in general, before moving on to system by system material. For vampires, there's a couple of horse revenants, for werewolf there's several gifts, for mage there's alternate engines, a sort of drivable familiar like thing modeled as an Ally (and with Arete misspelled), for Changeling there's a set of treasures.
Overall, it's a solid book. Probably the vehicle mechanics are the best part, certainly the part I'm most likely to use, I found the supernatural material to fall a bit flat, though the revenant horses were the most interesting of them. If you're going to run a game involving a substantial amount of vehicle work, whether travel, chases, etc., this will be a useful addition to your collection.