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Ghost Club RPG $12.00
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Ghost Club RPG
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Ghost Club RPG
Publisher: Andrew Dowell
by Bob V. G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/24/2023 14:56:15

For the last few days, I have soloed my way through the Ghost Club RPG (144 pages). This is a 2d6 system (PBtA). I used the Plot Unfolding Machine (9 pages, free/pay what you want at DriveThruRPG) as the solo engine. The exciting adventure that I used is included in the rules. I did use the five characters provided and I used their nicknames. The adventure started when the kids (PCs) were walking down Main Street. The creepy owner (Mr. Castle) of Castle Pawn Shop stepped out of his store and got in their way. He told them that he had a few used toys for sale. They went in, pooled their money, and Destroyer bought a used yo-yo. Outside, he practiced a bit and then did the trick Walk the Dog. The yo-yo escaped from the string and took off down they street. The PCs ran after it. It went a few blocks before entering The House of 11th Avenue.

They followed it inside and explored the first room. In this room they had to deal with an illusion, they found their first clue, and they found a silver fork. In the second room they had to deal with another illusion and a hallucination, found their second clue, salty French fries, and a traffic cone. They were not in the third room long, because a ghost shark attacked the room from outside and they had to deal with a wave of fear. In the fourth room they found a ghost coin, their third clue, stairs that went up, and stairs that went down. They went down and encountered a strange room. In this room they found super crunchy snacks and the fourth clue. At this point, the wisp came out of a colored box and attacked the group. The PCs were able to use their four banishment items to destroy the wisp. They then went back to Mr. Castle. He bought the stuff they had found and gave them a cash bonus. They now had $247. They would have had more, but they had to pay for property damage (oops). He did ask them a lot of detailed questions and they wondered who this guy really is.

Can your group beat this $247 score?

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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