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Dragonbones Sandbox & Dungeon crawl - The King's crown $3.00 $2.00
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Dragonbones Sandbox & Dungeon crawl - The King\'s crown
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Dragonbones Sandbox & Dungeon crawl - The King's crown
Publisher: Doppelgänger Publishing
by Bob V. G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/04/2022 10:07:47

Recently I soloed my way through Dragonbones Sandbox &Dungeon Crawl – The King’s Crown RPG (for several players and one game master, 27 pages available at DriveThruRPG). You would not use this fun system if you are trying to do a GoT or LotR campaign. You would use this system if you want to entertain your players and make them laugh. I created Clip the illusionist, Trace the thief, Biggs the fighter, Tess the cleric, Rocks the ranger, and Sonnet the druid. The solo engine that I used was the Dungeons and Dragons Dungeon Master Guide 3.5 with a yes/no/maybe oracle.

The game started with the PCs picking up The Lost Blacksmith quest at The Iron Castle. There were no encounters on the road and they arrived and entered The Forge dungeon. They did notice the contact poison on a door knob, but a combat with two giant shrews did wound Biggs. They exited the dungeon, used two healing spells to heal the damage, and then went back to the nearest farm. They spent the night in a barn (they were low on coin). On the second day, Biggs woke up with a fever (fungus fever). They headed back to the castle and he got healed at a temple. For the rest of the day, Rocks killed some rabbits and cooked them for the group. On the third day they arrived back at the dungeon. They had to deal with one trap and six combat encounters (the darkmantle was nasty). They found some better armor, rope, and 20 gold pieces! The fighter was wounded again, so they healed him and spent the night at an inn.

On the fourth day they went back to the dungeon. They killed the zombie. After this they entered a room and the entire floor tilted at an extreme angle. They slid down, fell, and landed in a giant web. The cleric was wounded and poisoned by a giant spider, but they killed it. At this point, they tried to find the way out of the dungeon, but ran into a carnivorous plant. It attacked the lead party member and missed. Sonnet the druid gave it a massage and it did not want to fight anymore. They waved goodbye to the happy plant, found the blacksmith, 60 gold pieces, a healing potion, and a poison antidote (the blacksmith was carrying it). The exited the dungeon and then - party time! This RPG contain eleven more quests so get busy!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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