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Tri-Stat Core Role-Playing Game System - JPG840 $7.99
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Tri-Stat Core Role-Playing Game System - JPG840
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Tri-Stat Core Role-Playing Game System - JPG840
Publisher: Dyskami Publishing Company
by Bob V. G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/05/2023 20:26:58

Recently, I soloed my way through [BESM 4] Lifewish: Ravenheart - Module Runner Book (15 pages, DriveThruRPG) a fantasy adventure for Big Eyes, Small Mouth: The Anime and Manga Role-Playing Game. Instead, I used TRI-STAT CORE Role-Playing Game System. I used the Solo Adventure Resource: The Dungeon Oracle (Paul Bimler) as my solo engine. I created three characters which could fight and use magic. The adventure started when the three PCs got back to their town. They had been at magic school. The townsfolk don’t really think being a wizard is real job, so they made the PCs dig a grave for a recently deceased adventurer (apparently, that is not a real job either). While they were digging, they unearthed The Spirit Blade. They then went back to their place to study the weapon. Next, Zara appeared and gave them their first quest – Find the Cloud Stairs And Climb It. The PCs started their journey and soon encountered Weigela the Peddler. They were not impressed with his wares. He was insulted by this. He attacked. Bella was wounded, but they knocked their opponent out. They looked through his stuff and took one item : The Fuse Mask.

Next, the PCs talk to a group of women who are gossiping. The PCs ask questions about their quest and they are referred to The Old Man. When they find him, he tells them they “look like young heroes” and gives them The Invisibility Mask. They continue their journey and come to a pond. There they talk to a large frog. They have a hard time understanding him. He asks them a riddle and they correctly answer it. The reward is The Eyeglass Mask. The next encounter is The Tree Titan. The PCs put on their wizard hats and Della casts the phobia spell on the titan. It now has a fear of hats. The titan changes direction and moves on. They now journey on to the desert. They explore the ruins and find The Foresight Mask. At this point, Arris finds them and gives them the Shield Mask. In the middle of the ruins they find an inscription, translate it, read the riddle, and answer it. A wall moves revealing the Cannon Mask. They take it.

Moving on, they find a stream and in it – The Translator Mask. Next, they find a secret path which leads them up to the top of the plateau where they have an encounter with Lightning Wolves. When the situation is under control, the wolves give them valuable information. The PCs then move on, find The Cloud Stairs, go up, summon The Skybird, and then talk to the titan (the phobia spell has expired). He gives them a quest, they complete it and he helps them find the Tree Clan Village. Once there, they restore the monument. What follows is the Celebration Feast and Bella gets healed.

Give this RPG a try!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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