Dark Myth and Legend is an amazing book that details both monsters and items from legend. Ever want your vampires to encounter a Gryphon. Ever want your vampires to find the Mantle of King Arthur. Then this book is for you.
The Tabletop Gaming Club really enjoyed this book and recommends it to everyone playing vampire game that is infused with a little fantasy.
This book is the first in a series detailing the city of Philadelpia through different time periods and covers the time between the Colonial Period to the years before the World’s Fair in 1876. And is written to be used with the 20th Anniversary ruleset in mind. The author recommends having acces to Vampire: The Victorian Age and Vampire: The Wild West for inspiration in creating stories for the time period.
The first thing one notices is the gorgeous presentation. The folks at Chopping Block Media give us a full color experience with custom page borders, different page backgrounds for each chapter and several custom illustrations.
The book is very good with a detailed description of the history and geography of the City with plenty ploothooks and places of interest for use in a Chronicle. We really liked the sections dealing with how to portray the bigotry and prejudice inherent to the time period in a mature and respectful manner. We really liked the fact that the history of the Prince directly linked to the development of the Philadelphia and the greater Camarilla presence in the United States.
The Kindred presented are very interesting and well written either as individuals or coteries and ther stats in the appendix look appropiate to their age.
The brief campaign in Chapter five forms part of events described in the greater history of the City so the results are a foregone conclusion, even then it is interesting and can be used to set the stage for a longer campaign that explores the consequences of the PCs.
We strong recommend this book to all fans of the world of darkness.
Creator Reply: |
Thank you guys so much! We really hope the Tabletop Gaming Club gets a chance to run a Philly chronicle. Let us know if you do! |
New World Shadows 100 American Ghouls for the Sabbat is a useful tool when looking for quick npc with a little personality and background. The book gives us a 100 different character names with about a paragraph of background and personality information for each.
The Tabletop Gaming Club found the book useful during their weekly game and recommends this book to storytellers who want to flush out their Sabbat based games with little work. Its another wonderful addition to the other 100 series of character books.
100 Encounters in a Fey Forest presents us with short write ups of various encounters things that characters can run into passing threw a magical forest..This product much like many of the authors previous titles is well written and presents us with very interesting concepts. Its a great resource to have.
The only issue we have is mostly with layout ...it could use just a little bit of spacing between entries so its easier to fine what you are looking for in a quick glance. It would also benefit from a few more art pieces within the text to set the mood.
Overall, the product is a great addition to add flavor to any pathfinder game. Solid product.
100 Encounters in a Fey Forest presents us with short write ups of various encounters things that characters can run into passing threw a magical forest..This product much like many of the authors previous titles is well written and presents us with very interesting concepts. Its a great resource to have.
The only issue we have is mostly with layout ...it could use just a little bit of spacing between entries so its easier to fine what you are looking for in a quick glance. It would also benefit from a few more art pieces within the text to set the mood.
Overall, the product is a great addition to add flavor to any 5E game. Solid product.
100 Encounters in a Fey Forest presents us with short write ups of various encounters things that characters can run into passing threw a magical forest..This product much like many of the authors previous titles is well written and presents us with very interesting concepts. Its a great resource to have.
The only issue we have is mostly with layout ...it could use just a little bit of spacing between entries so its easier to fine what you are looking for in a quick glance. It would also benefit from a few more art pieces within the text to set the mood.
Overall, the product is a great addition to add flavor to any fantasy game and could easily be used in a Changeling game. Solid product.
100 Strange Sights to See in the Hedge presents us with short write ups of various encounters things that characters can run into while in the hedge..This product much like many of the authors previous titles is well written and presents us with very interesting concepts. Its a great resource to have.
The only issue we have is mostly with layout ...it could use just a little bit of spacing between entries so its easier to fine what you are looking for in a quick glance. It would also benefit from a few more art pieces within the text to set the mood.
Overall, the product is a great addition to add flavor to any changeling the lost game.
This bundle is provides us with some of the best work of Neal Litherland and some of his co-creators. The 100 Kinfolk series provides us with tons of quick npcs to use in our campaigns that are easily adapted to any need.
Pick up this bundle and save a ton. Well worth the investment.
This short fiction continues the story from Fireball Run in Darkened Streets so Reading that product before this one is recommendable but not necessary. The book has minor errors in the text not enough to distract from the flow of the story.
The story is about an Etherite contacting and associate from the other side of the Ascension War to get help in the investigation of the events from Fireball Run, this takes our protagonist to a cemetery where the aftereffects of the Sixth Great Maelstrom rear their ugly head interrupting their search, or at least it seems that way.
We liked this story a lot, it was a light reading, characterization of the protagonist was on point representing the most amicably interactions between Traditions and Technocratic Union when confronted with the possibility of a bigger threat but keeping the tension and ideological differences between them. The fact that this book references the enduring effects of one of the defining events of the transition from 2E to Revised is also a plus for us.
At the end of the book there is a list with the effects, artifacts used during the story. All of them look fun and easy to use in an appropriate Chronicle.
The Tabletop Gaming Club recommends this story for every fan of mage.
100 (Mostly) Harmless Goblin Fruits and Oddments to Find in the Hedge presents us with short write ups of various fruits and similiar things that characters can find growing in a hedge..and various mechanics involved in interacting with them. This product much like many of the authors previous titles is well written and presents us with very interesting concepts. The only problem with this title is the publisher's layout.... the title on the cover doesn't stand out from the background making it difficult to read. The font size seems a little small with no space between entries which make the text hard to read, (we had to zoom in on the pages).
Overall, the product is a great addition to add flavor to any changeling the lost game.
Graveborn presents us with 3 new races, the ghoul, the fetch and the damphyr. Each race the children of some kind of undead. We found each of the races interesting, and found the concepts fun to play. We definately recommend this product to players of 5e. We do wish that there was more background information on how these creatures came into existance.
Odyssey Races introduces us to four new races for 5e, nymphs, medusas, sirens, and satyrs. We really liked all these races, and found most of the fun to play as. The author provides us with several subraces for most of these. We really like how he expanded the Nymph race though we think the Satyr could have used a little more expanding. Overall, the product is worth the investment.
The Dealer introduces us to a new class of spellcasters that use cards to cast magic. In many way, the concept reminded us of the old Huckster spell caster from the Deadlands game. We found the concept and mechanics interesting, and look forward to trying to play one in our 5e game. Though, it would have been cool to incorporate a deck of card into the actual play.
Into the Darkness is adventure written for Vampire the Masquerade but unlike most vampire adventures, the players don't play vampires but instead play mortal hunters. The scenario is broken into 4 basic parts, with lots of options provided based on what players do in that section of the adventure.
The Tabletop Gaming Club truely enjoyed this adventure. We strongly recommend this adventure as an excellent foray into playing mortals in the World of Darkness.
One minor error on the bottom of page 11 in the Jax-Broken-Dream description, there appears to be part of a sentence missing.
In the Nosferatur Character Pack the artist provides us with 5 different FULL PAGE character protraits that can be used to represent characters of the Nosferatu clan. The art work is amazing and the artist licenses the art's use in both your games and in your own storyteller vault products.
This is clearly a 5 star project and we recommend this product to anyone wanting a few visuals to improve their game play experience and to all authors of community content project that need art to spice up their works.
For less than 2 dollars an character image this is a steal.