Roma by Night - Part 1 is an amazing book if you like NPCs. It details tons and tons of characters, each with a rich and extensive background. Its hard to judge this book, before Part 2 is released as it doesn't really stand on its on. This product does provide us with a plethora of characters to use to populate a setting, hopefully Part 2 will provide us with the details of that setting.
The Tabletop Gaming Club recommends this product just for the vast number of characters with rich backgrounds that are introduced. This product REALLY could use an English translation.
This supplement compiles all the merits and flaws that are recommended for a Chronicle set in the Classical Age as published in the other books of this line with several added, even if most of them are from other editions with a name change and minor text changes that reflect the setting and changes in the rules (if the merit comes from previous editions). The merits exclusive to this game line are appropiate and balanced enough. We really liked the idea of having one document that list all the merits and flaws one might need instead of having to hunt them down in an obscure sourcebook (or website).
As with all the books in this line the biggest problem lies in the english translation from the original portuguese text with several gramar errors, typos and mistranslations that make reading the book a problem; because one must stop constantly to decipher the meaning of most of the entries.
This book serves gives us several tools to help in the writing of a Chronicle. The first chapter deals with the basis of the Chronicle, with alternate rules for character creation for different power levels, ideas for dealing with Gehenna, Thinbloods and running a chronicle through the different time periods. The second chapters chapters is about the themes, hooks, story structure and npc uses and management. The third chapters offers several plot that affect or alter the setting significantly and are very interesting even if they are not to everyone’s taste. The final chapters gives us new backgrounds and merits/flaws.
This sourcebook contains a scenario that can be used as a jumpstart for a V20 chronicle or as a chapter of a running one. The scenario offers great flexibility as one can run it with stablished Kindred, ones embraced at the beggining of the scenario or even as mortals; with several routes open to the players depending on the players’ choices. The SPCs are well written and serve well to set the tone and events of the scenario. The story can be set in any city but using the domain of Rockford, Illinois is a good choice due to being close to the stablished Domains of Gary, Chicago and Milwaukee.
This sourcebooks gives us a character sheet for DtF (specifically malefactors ) with changes in abilitiess that reflect the changes brought by the 20th Anniversary gamelines. It also adapts the lores of the Third House to reflect this changes and streamlines the process of activation and difficulties for the rolls of each lore.
The book is well written but with few typos and sometimes it needs to be a little clearer on the wording for example:
Lore of the Earth 3 - Mold Earth hight Torment version mentions that the poisoning last for a number of days equal to the Demon Torment but does not mention if the poisoning is for the materials affeced, living beings affected or both.
Lore of the Earth 4 - Earthquake does not give a duration of the low torment version of the power.
There is a mistake in the drowning and suffocation sidebar: “A demon can’t this damage until she can breathe again” I think the sentence is missing the Word “heal”
Lore of Paths 5 – Warp Path keeps the same mistakes from the version in The Corebook for Demon: It keeps the rules from the level 4 power about failures during the extended roll to “seal” a lenghty path, it sohuld be “alter” and the texts about making the effect permaanent keeps the “it or can be made” typo.
Despite this it is a great book that can be used in tandem with the Corebook for Demon to integrate the Fallen into a chronicle for the lines with a 20th Anniversary Edition or play a Demon one with better systems.
Despite this it is a great book
Creator Reply: |
Thank you so much for the thoughtful review and the feedback. I will look to update the file soon to correct any typos. |
This Dossier presents a First Team that focuses in protecting personnel of interest to Pentex, and the book writes several uses for them in a series of official Pentex documents. The members of the First Team are interesting (even if a few of them are extremely powerful) and the author explains very well the process used to built them (with page and book references for the systems, templates and powers used). We really liked the minor references to other parts of the World of Darkness and the way the author embraces the morbid humor of books that deal with Pentex and Fomori.
Much like the previous sourcebook in this line, we get fifth edition character sheets for thirteen well stablished vampires. In this case, They are for Vampires that tend to operate outside/against their clan or the sect divide. The art is great and the stats for the characters feel appropiate (with some liberties taken due to lack of official sheets/missing info for some of them or changes in game mechanics). Be aware that several of the characters presented are very poweful or old so that might limit their use in your chronicle.
This supplements presents a character sheet and a portrait of each signature character from the revised era, adapting them to the V5 rule set. The art for each character is great and the conversion to V5 is good (some liberties are taken due to systems introduced in Fifth Edition, for example those with Disciplines that became Amalgams) with only a minor mistake (Jan Pieterzoon is missing two powers for his Fortitude discipline). Instead of getting a bio of each character we get a link for their White Wolf Wiki entry and this might be a problem due to the nature of a Wiki in general. A useful book if one wants to incorporate this characters into an existing chronicle.
This sourcebooks adds options for those interesting in the Duskborns and Caitiff and rules for using Revenants and Dhampirs. The new options for the Thin-blooded are interesting and the new factions are a great addition either as player options or purey as antagonists. The sections dealing with the Caitiff does a good job explaining their condition and the role they play in Kindred society. We loved the sections dedicated to the Panders and the Stoneman. The new predator types are good and the amalgams bring back a few familiar powers from previous editions. The rules for revenants are interesting and different enough form the ghoul template to make them their own thing. We get descriptions for 6 ghoul families but it should be easy enogh to adapt the rest to the system in this book.
The chapter dediacated to Dhampirs paints a good picture of the challenges inherent to their nature and the rules do a good job at presenting them as a different kind of supernatural being. The Loresheets are interesting, but the texts for the Revenan tones is the same as their description in the chapter dealing with them and we don’t get one for the Ducheski. A solid book for those looking to play/use these Kindred and Half-mortals in their chronicle.
An interesting jumpstart for a Chronicle that centers around a single NPC with several venues that can be developed and explored. It can be easily adapted to any location with minimal work from the Storyteller. We did find one error in the first random table that seems in error: "Pavel has been diablerized and his diablerist has taken over his body" this implies that Pavel was the victim of diabelerie then somehow the person diableirizing him took over his body and we believe the author meant to say "Pavel is a diablerist and his victim has taken over his body." Despite this it’s a solid jumpstart.
We recommend this product
This sourcebook contains a scenario that can be used as a jumpstart for a chronicle or as part of an ongoing one. The scenario is interesting and we are presented with options for running it with stablished kindred characters or as mortals (with the option of receiving the Embrace). The SPCs and Pregens are well written and even if one can set the secenario in any city using the domain of Rockford, Illinois is a good choice that can serve as a base for a chronicle due to beign close to the Domains of Gary, Chicago or Milwaukee.
Presentation wise the book is very good, the images used are fitting for stablishing the mood and representing characters. The writting is good with only a few typos. The only thing we think is missing is a small map of Rockford, and even that can be solved with a quick web search.
This book is designed to expand uno the Anarch book for V5 and it offers several good concepts to support a chronicle designed around the sect.
It offers several plothooks and story seeds related to the history of the Anarchs, it also gives several examples of Anarchs domains that can be used as presented or used as inspiration for Sect controled territories.
The author expands upon the kinds of vampires that claim membership in the sect with sample convictions for each one and taking into account the great diversity in politics, goals and cricumstances in the Anarch Movement. This includes giving us several archetypes for all the clans, Caitiff and Thinbloods. The book includes write ups for the Gargoyle and Lhiannan bloodlines, the last one beign a very clever way to bring back a extinct bloodline.
The chronicle bulding part of the book presents lots of options, tips and story seeds regarding all one might need to make an Anarch centered chronicle. We really liked several of the concepts presented for SPCs and the multitude of options regarding governance in an Domain controlled by the Anarchs.
The last part of the book deals with game mechanics: New Predator types and Advantages fit well with the overall themes of the Sect. The new Disciplines powers are nice even if a few of them are conversions of powers from previous editions. The section for expanded stats for several animals is appreciated. Finally the loresheets are interesting and we really like the Gargoyle and Nosferatu ones.
The biggest problem of the book is that the writing seemed rushed due to a lack of proofreading, the text is plagued with typos, spelling and grammar mistakes and some incomplete sentences. An example of this is that the third dot of the Headliners loresheets consists only of the word “piece”. The book could have used an editor.
Creator Reply: |
Thanks for the review. I'm working on addressing the typos, so i'll be issuing updates to correct those issues. I've also fixed that specific loresheet issue as I also noticed it had been missed! |
This sourcebook for Werewolf The Savage Age presents us a different take of the werebats. With the Urkama as precursors to the Camazotz and a different Gaia given duty that is very interesting and one that takes the werebats beyond being messengers of secrets. The duty assigned to the Urkama bounds them to the Deep Umbra and provides the reason for their fall during the War of Rage.
The new antagonists, rites, gifts and fetishes are great. The new antagonist type goes beyond the typical triad and can be used to create very interesting chronicles even in the modern setting and is very customizable.
This supplement presents an interesting concept for a city book: A small domain of Duskborns with well written NPCs and the society they have built for themselves. The Domain is interesting and the plothooks present oportunities for several kinds of chronicles and the introductory story is very good with several options available to players. The only loresheet in the book is a good match with the city and can be adapted to cities with similar winegrowing traditions. The writing and layout are decent with only minor errors.
Creator Reply: |
Thanks very much, I'm glad yhou enjoyed it — it was fun to write! |
A great sourcebook with several news backgrounds and merits/flaws tailored to each of the Nine Mystic Traditions, bonus points for being interesting mechanically and being thematically appropiate. We really liked the stories written as an introduction to each Tradition and the art is reallly nice, a great community Project overall. Now We are waiting for a similar sourcebook for the Disparate Alliance and the Technocratic Union.
Only criticism is the minor typos in the work, specially those related to in-game terms. In particular the Order of Hermes suffer the most from this, with several of the Houses of the Order having the wrong name (Bonisagus, Quaesitori, Verditius and Ex Miscellanea).
Creator Reply: |
Hi! Thanks for the review and feedback. I will update those spelling errors asap! |