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Print and Play: Pacific Rim Extinction Wave 3
Publisher: River Horse Games
by Skyler T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/02/2022 14:58:09

The files are well made and easy to print (have been doing so on a Mars 2 Pro), though the kaiju models are too large compared to the Jaegers. Not as in they shouldn't be taller than the Jaegers, I mean they're just scaled up wrong so that even the bases are the wrong sizes. From what I've figured out from a bit testing and trial and error, they should be scaled down as follows:

Kaiju Drone - 83.51%

Knifehead - 77.1%

Raiju - 84.73%

Scunner - 84.7%

Beyond that, while I WISH the Wave 3 models had been physically released, this is atleast a compensation of a sort. Still, hopefully Wave 1 and 2 are released here as well, hopefully free for backers, so that the models can be of the same quality.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Print and Play: Pacific Rim Extinction Wave 3
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