Thay Land Of The Red Wizards |
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This is a fantastic regional sourcebook about the land of Thay, updating it to the fifth edition 1490s timeframe. It ties in with the Dreams of the Red Wizards DDAL campaign but is also just a spectacular resource for running games set in Thay, making it a genuine adventuring location.
The book details Thay as one of the last slave-owning nations in Faerûn, and describes how even in Thay young people are beginning to turn against the practice (after all, we have all these undead to do our bidding). Thayan customs, fashion, culture, even cuisine is detailed! There are three recipes in this book!
Learn how the Red Wizards are organized, who all the zulkirs are, and learn of the anti-zulkirs in Mulmaster who want to overthrow Szass Tam. Enjoy a gazetteer taking you through all the varied provinces and learn that even if Thay is a nation of evil, it's still just as varied as any other place.
It all gives you a sense of Thay as being a surveillance police state, like fantasy East Germany or something, especially with the details on the Probity Corps, who are basically the thought police of Thay.
Enjoy a purposefully mechanically unbalanced and broken subclass because BAH! Szass Tam cares not for your puny concepts of "game balance!"
The section on Circle magic is super cool and gives DMs a great mechanic for all those "stop the evil wizards before they complete the summoning ritual" style scenes.
The backgrounds for Thayan characters are fantastic, I particularly like the one that basically makes you the Faerûnian Weapon X.
The monsters are a lot of fun, most of them basically failed Cronenbergian experiments, and they give lots of good inspiration for building similar monsters along the same lines. Who knew Thay had so many goats?!
The included adventure is a wonderfully fun story of intrigue. The Forgotten Realms is a land of factions, plots within plots, and this adventure shows that quite well.
Get the book, get it in hardcover with good colour, it's a worthy addition to your shelf. And it's Ed Greenwood, for cryin' out loud!
Very informative with a load of background information on the land of Thay. Fun read.
This is DnD ats its best, much better than what we see for the last 3 years form wotc.
yes I spend more money here! (DMGuild) thanks for the excellence writers!
I just finished reading recipes - actual recipes for food in Thay... talk about adding FLAVOR to a campaign (LOL). Both literally and figuratively useful to bring Thay to life. I'm loving it. Great map as well. I always love maps!
It's a great product about one of the (seemingly of late) forgotten parts of the Forgotten Realms. It's well made, gives more details that WOTC tends to ignore in their adventures and suppliments (ToD and SCG details on Thay were, quite frankly, really lackluster) and really makes delving into a lot of the other areas and brings me back to the olden days of these sort of books. Lots of good ideas for adventures in this area, and honestly, I'm always up for additional content from 5E Faerun that isn't in the Sword Coast. Adventure within does a good job showcasing the setting itself and hopefully you can find it useful in setting up your own adventures here.
Also, I tried to make the Cardrauth and it ended up tasting pretty good.
I've always been fascinated with the Red Wizards, and this book provides everything you need to create a campaign in Thay. It's full of lore, history, politics, and even little things I've never seen in other D&D books, like food (with recipes for you to try at home).
Even if you don't play in the Forgotten Realms, this is a great example of world-building. And the adventure included at the end of the book is quite entertaining, can't wait to play it.
A good product, lots of leads without too much cannon info to bog it down. Lots of room to build your own adventure. I was hoping for a higher level adventure given the nature of Thay, but still not disappointed.
The lands of Thay are fanastic: governed by a tyranical magocracy overseen by a cabal of mages with a lich overlord. Animated dead serve in both the army and fulfil industrial functions (mining, etc), while magic manages and optimizes weather pattersn.
This book is a fantastic dive into exactly what I love: culture, geography, and history. I'm a big fan of immersion, and this book delivers speaking about clothing, habits, and food - even going so far as to include several recipes!
Written by co-authors Alex Kammer & Ed Greenwood (the original creator of Faerûn - now the "official" world of D&D 5e), this book is a cut above most of the things you can buy on the DMsGuild. It's no surprise it catapulted into Platinum status (1,001+ copies sold) just days after its release.
Can't wait to start the adventure this Wednesday for D&D Adventurer's League! Looking forward to some fun!
Great book. Really keen for crunchy follow up with more. npc stats, subclasses, spells, magic items and such :)
This book is the sum of great talents expressed in a rich expansion of the setting for Thay, which will help not only AL's DRW campaigns, but full or partial campaigns that may now take place within these mysterious lands.
I found it incredible the concern with the description of details, good illustrations, a new map of Thay made by Mike Schley (which does not need further presentations) in addition to the deepening of the local lore that makes it possible for any DM to dream of adapting a campaign in these lands. But in addition to all that, the additional content surprised me a lot, especially the introductory adventure, which gives a good idea of how to use the information contained in this book.
I was looking forward to the material when the authors announced that they were working on it, but I did not imagine that the end result would exceed all my expectations. Congratulations on the material and thank you very much for it!
And, last but not least, any material that is made in collaboration with our dear Ed Greenwood, is a must-read for any fan of the FR campaign setting.
The book is fine and elaborated, but the included adventure is a generic, flavour-less, intrigue, which could have been located anywhere in the Realms and only got its character names swapped. Mayhap it is just I, but I was hyped and expected an starter adventure with more of a Thay feeling to it. How can anyone write a Thay book and not feature the Red Wizards in the accompanying adventure?
dndcombat.com says five stars. Normally I would start a Forgotten Realms campaign in Cormyr, but this inspires me to start it in Thay where there is much more tension given that Szass Tam, an undead lich has ruled for centuries. Most importantly it provides a starter adventure in Eltabbar which lowers the cost of starting the campaign there. I always love Ed Greenwoods writing, it feels like the story is just there waiting for him to reveal it, and this setting is no different, chocablock with content that breaths life into a location.
Thay can be found on the Toril map here.
Great resource for all things Thay! Love that much of the information is on the land and its people, not just the Red Wizards. Thay as presented here is a three-dimensional landscape & culture, not just a playground for petty wizards. Especially enjoyed info on the parts of Thay not entirely in the grip of Szass Tam, and the "Thayan government-in-exile" with their alternate slate of zulkirs. It's already given me plenty of ideas for Thayan characters not connected to the Red Wizards. Top-notch quality work from the layout to the art & maps. Highly recommend!
This was such a great buy for me! I'm running a campagin where the man antagonist are the Red Wizards of Thay and this is so helpful. From the map of Thay to guides on culture, goverment, even actual recipes for Thayn dishes! I cannot recommend this supplement enough. It's well written and jammed pack with so much good information. I could probably run a whole campagin in Thay with this. Absotuely worth every penny.