I've only had a chance to roll through this twice, but I am floored by the quality work that has been put into this. If you like RPG life path systems, this is a fantastic one, and it is worth every cent.
Here is the character I rolled up on my second go. I think it speaks for itself:
Dev, age 36. Raised destitute in a Karachi orphanage, Dev was a sickly child, suffering from chronic tuberculosis. A devout Muslim, Dev was granted a scholarship to a religious school in Hunan Province, earning an education in Chinese legalism.
Continuing on to Tianjin University, he was hired as an aviator on a Tibetan expedition, stumbling upon the dread Plateau of Leng. Haunted by what he had seen, Dev ended up institutionalized. Six months after his release, he received a mysterious letter: a warning, from the future -- from himself.