Brilliant New Concept for Background Material - The Story Guide
Really love this idea of a Story Guide rather than a fixed scenario, as it means games keepers like me can feel less guilty about running the scenario my own way. Part way between a full heavy weight sourcebook and a scenario with a fixed arc this gives a lot of material but no fixed track to use it.
For improvised keepers like me this becomes much more friendly and usable and at the same time i can feel less guilty at taking only what i want to use and ignoring parts as they won't be useful or needed. This is refreshing for me as i often struggle to find scenario's that keep me fully engaged and even those written by great writers i want to change and adapt.
The sheer amount of material here does make up massively for no single tale or structured path being offered. This is truly a mini sourcebook as it gives plenty of background, locations and characters but is not a full sourcebook either and so does not overwhelm with the level of detail.
Its like a very well formed sketch book - like a Da Vinci notebook page - crammed with ideas to spark your imagination but not so bare as to leave you wanting.
I would like to see ,ore in this format and may even try to write in this style myself. I think the format has legs and will be a useful intermediary between the sourcebooks of the publisher and the single tales of many writers.
Overall a 4 out of 5 because i feel that the layout does flit back and forth a little and seems to me that it needed a tad more structure in order of the info presented, but in the whole this is superb and great value for money.