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Weapons of Legend for 5th Edition | Roll20
Publisher: Jeff Stevens Games
by Craig S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/19/2024 07:24:33

As always the art in Jeff Steven's Games products are of super high quality. With these weapons growing with your character it is easy to get a lower level a cool new weapon and it doesn't get out powered or boring. A lot of them get very powerful, but I don't think overpowered at any point in a campaign. I love these kind of products just because it takes away those tasks of worrying if the power level is too high too early.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Weapons of Legend for 5th Edition | Roll20
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Saints & Sinners: Ruby Edition
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Craig [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/24/2024 07:00:00

This is a fun and interesting set of characters. I LOVE Nash, it is such a fun idea and leads DMs down a new path of thinking about characters and why they may do things. Players may also like it to inspire themselves as well.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Saints & Sinners: Ruby Edition
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Weapons of Legend for 5th Edition
Publisher: Jeff Stevens Games
by Craig [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/31/2024 10:37:33

One of my favorite projects that Jeff has done. The growth mechanic is so much fun and some of these weapons in the right hands would be so fun to describe in battle.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Weapons of Legend for 5th Edition
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The Puzzling Temple of Flummox Heist
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Craig S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/16/2023 14:16:17

I was very lucky to play through a very early version of most of these puzzles. I am not great at puzzles however I had a great time and it took five of us a while to make it though. I think if you have a low combat expecting party it is a lot of fun. You maybe get to run different characters than you normally would. This is a lot of fun for a lot of people and a great switch up for a party that is maybe needing a break from a dungeon or just wants a game with some super well thought-out puzzles. The clues are a great addition to this so you don't have an all or nothing expirience. That is a smart addition to this adventure.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Puzzling Temple of Flummox Heist
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Fountains, Pools, & Wells
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Craig S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/22/2023 08:34:06

I love some of these pools and have stolen a couple of them Mainly Stolen Reflections for a Brindlewood Bay game I am running. Some of these pools are downright frightening and others even with a result you may not want, it can still be beneficial at least part of the time. Often multiple results if the whole party drinks at the same time which I personally love.

The maps that are included are worth the price easily. They are simple maps but with enough detail to use in your Roll20 or other online game.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Fountains, Pools, & Wells
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Heinrich's Call of Cthulhu Guide to Character Creation
Publisher: Chaosium
by Craig S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/09/2022 10:50:38

Recently got this pdf. I have ran through this about 10 times creating characters and I can officially say that no two characters were even remotely close to each other. I love that it fills out SOME/MOST of the character sheet but doesn't answer every single question. Instead it leads (guides? Ha) you to where your character can go. Events that seem random have ways to connect to each other.

I love creating characters that will probably never be played, but maybe NPC's in my ongoing Pulp game. My players will be using this excellent guide to get their next characters and I cannot wait for them to get so excited for their characters before ever even starting the game.

Highly, highly recommend this even for Keepers of the Arcane Secrets to use to find your potential villian. Why do the PC's get to have all the fun?

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Heinrich's Call of Cthulhu Guide to Character Creation
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Horror at Devil's Run - 5E Adventure
Publisher: Jeff Stevens Games
by Craig S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/24/2022 15:03:24

This looks like so much fun, especially this time of year. I am a bit late this year, but next year, I am running this for some friends and can't wait to do so.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Horror at Devil's Run - 5E Adventure
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Potbellied Kobold's Guide to Villains & Lairs
Publisher: Jeff Stevens Games
by Craig S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/19/2022 09:06:54

I backed the Kickstarter for Potbellied Kobold's Guide to Villains & Lairs and couldn't have been more pleased with this gem. I currently only have the PDF and I am waiting for the Hardcover, but I have read through this and I am amazed at the maps, the color art. I know that there is a lot of products with little or no art. This is full of color custom art, maps and drawing of special items that these villians use. The editing and art are approaching the top level of all of publishing including the biggest names. I think it would have been easier and made more profit to not have this, but people need to read this and check it out for yourselves.

My favorite is Orlack, I love playing Druids, so a zombie Druid made my day (maybe not all the players day although it will be memorable.) Kudos to the creativeness of Jeff and all of the artists (and editors) that made this happen. Please get this book, it is worth the price.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Potbellied Kobold's Guide to Villains & Lairs
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Way of the Owlbear - Monk Monastic Tradition
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Craig S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/11/2022 12:34:24

I love this. I haven't been able to create this character yet, but the abilities are not over-powered. They would be something that I would love to play and most monk Traditions haven't really interested me or have taken away some of the Monk's abilities. This would also be fun to role-play as I imagine the first time the character hoots at their enemies and the reactions around the table.

If I get a chance to play this, I will update my review.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Way of the Owlbear - Monk Monastic Tradition
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Potbellied Kobold 5E Villains - They of Many Colors
Publisher: Jeff Stevens Games
by Craig S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/22/2021 08:48:26

I really enjoyed the uniqueness of They of Many Colors. Ironically so many NPC's are black and white. This gives a little bit of a "where do the PCs take this" feel and I would be curious to see what happens.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Potbellied Kobold 5E Villains - They of Many Colors
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Adventures from the Potbellied Kobold: 15 Adventures for 5E
Publisher: Jeff Stevens Games
by Craig S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/02/2021 09:15:58

I backed this and with the release couldn't hope for a better product. The art and editing are top-notch and there are so many fun short adventures in here. Highly recommended if you want to have fun at the gaming table.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Adventures from the Potbellied Kobold: 15 Adventures for 5E
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The Adventure Collection Vol. I
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Craig S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/24/2017 21:42:04

I would dare you to find a better collection of short adventures for this low of a price. I have enjoyed reading these, and I want to run some of these adventures if I get a chance. So many good ideas packed into one place.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Adventure Collection Vol. I
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Gateway to a Savage Land - Adventure
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Craig S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/11/2016 17:00:57

I had the advantage to be able to read this adventure. I appreciate a lot of the details that Jeff has put into this. For example, I like that any rules that I am not very familiar with are mentioned in the text, along with a page number. I also like the Random encounters at the end, as this adventure takes place in a land that I wouldn't immediately have thought of examples to use.

I haven't been able to play or DM this yet, just a read-through, but it seems very balanced and the author also give a few suggestions for further balancing if the party is larger or smaller in a few encounters.

If I have any complaint to be made it is that the items found are sparse, but that is a very small complaint and could be added in easily to the taste of the DM.

The one item found is very interesting to me though and leads some to some questions about this family and I think a follow up adventure outside of the Savage Lands should be plotted as it raises several questions for me.

In short, this is a fun adventure, fairly short, but would be a nice change of pace from the average "Dungeon Drudge."

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Gateway to a Savage Land - Adventure
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