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Horror at Devil's Run - 5E Adventure
Publisher: Jeff Stevens Games
by Nora R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/05/2022 12:01:31

I backed this on kickstarter, so I ran this using the hardcover, the pdf, and the vtt version. I ran this for two groups for our Halloween sessions, one group of 4 at level 4 and one group of 2 at level 7. The adventure took about 4 hours for each group, and it was easy to tone the challenges up or down for player skill level.

I had a lot of fun running this; the background story is very solid and easy to adapt to the two very different settings my player groups are in. There were a good number of little challenges for the players before the BBEG, and a decent mix of combat/non-combat for such a short adventure. I also thought the horror elements were great, and the characters reacted pretty viscerally to the art.

Without trying to spoil anything, I especially enjoyed the BBEG's motivations; it was perfect festering small-town rage.

Overall, I'm really pleased with my purchase, and I'm tucking this away for a future Halloween as well.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Horror at Devil's Run - 5E Adventure
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The Wild Sheep Chase - A Single-Session Adventure
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Nora R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/20/2022 16:54:57

I tested this out with my game with my little sister before using to introduce my friends to DND. It was a hit! 3/4 of the friends I was playing with had never played before, and 2 of those had only so-so interest, but they had fun and everyone wanted to play again - success! I did do the conversion to level one by Matthew Perkins for my friends, and the at-level version for my sister, and both were a success. Overall, this is a fun, low-stakes, and short adventure, and I think it'll be my go-to adventure for introducing folks to DND.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Wild Sheep Chase - A Single-Session Adventure
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