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17 Magic Rings $3.50
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17 Magic Rings
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17 Magic Rings
Publisher: The Le Games
by Joel B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/12/2007 22:53:56

Excellent products. I use these things books literally all the time. The objects make great quest items or a little something off the beaten path. Keep up the great work guys.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
17 Magic Rings
Publisher: The Le Games
by Rob M. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 03/19/2006 00:00:00

This 21 page PDF (26 with cover, 1 page of ads, and multi-page OGC declaration) provides 17 magic rings, or 18 depending on how you count the friendship rings. Also included are 2 treasure tables incorporating these rings, and a couple of ?mini-plots?, adventure seeds for which the ?recipe? for one of the rings presented could be offered as a reward. Also included are 9 pages of ability, status, and spell descriptions from the SRD that provides ?? definitions for the various spells, abilities, and other effects that are used in this book. This is provided to minimize the need to sift through different manuscripts.? For some reason Calm Emotion was listed twice in my copy

The rings include Familial Band, Firebane Ring, Goodberry Band, Ring of Arrest, Ring of Concentration, Ring of Courage, Ring of Darksight, both a Dwarven and an Elven Ring of Friendship, Ring of Pacifism, Ring of Precision, Ring of Restoration & Ruin, Ring of Spell-Theft, Ring of Telepathy, Ring of Warning, Spectral Ring, Summoner?s Ring, and Wedding Bands.

For the most part the rings are pretty interesting, I liked Ring of Concentration, which allows a character bonus on Concentration checks, and allows him to transfer control of a spell requiring concentration to the Ring. However, this ring is listed as requiring Craft Universal Item, instead of Craft Ring, for some reason. The Ring of Warning is interesting too, glowing with different colors when the wearer is in the presence of certain monster types or hazards. The Spectral Ring is nice item too, creating a Spectral Hand effect which the wearer can use to deliver touch attacks for him. The Ring of Pacifism bestows a constant Sanctuary effect, as the spell. However, it doesn?t indicate what happens when the wearer makes an attack while wearing the ring, since by the normal spell description, the subject attacking negates the effect, yet the ring?s effect is described as permanent.

The PDF itself is laid out in a two column format with a solid blue header and footer with the product title and the company name, page number, and author name in yellow, respectively. The Ring section titles are done in a red font, with some section headings done in a blue font, which I found to be a rather dubious waste of colored ink, especially when coupled with the yellow text on solid blue header & footer. The body font is easy enough to read serif font. There are a few small pieces of art through out the text, two of a photograph of a simple band, done in gold and silver, a few line-art pieces of rings, one of which is fairly blurry looking, and a character headshot piece in the appendix. The art is of poor to decent quality, but for some reason I was expecting an ?h4wt chixxor? pic or two don?t know why though.

Overall this is a good product, with some interesting rings presented, however, the lack of explanation of how to handle the permanent Sanctuary effect of the Ring of Pacifism, the apparent error of listing the ring of concentration as requiring craft universal item, the numerous grammatical errors, and unnecessary padding of placing all the spell, ability, and condition descriptions, all of which are in the SRD and the core books, causes me to mark it down a point. So, if you are looking for a nice selection of magic rings and find the rings provided by this product interesting, I recommend it, but you should be prepared to adjudicate some effects yourself.

<br><br><b>LIKED</b>: Ring of Concentration, Ring of Spell-Theft, Spectral Ring<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: Wedding/Familial bands to expensive to be common item, padded text, pointless colored section text.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Acceptable<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Satisfied<br><BR>[THIS REVIEW WAS EDITED]<BR>

[3 of 5 Stars!]
17 Magic Rings
Publisher: The Le Games
by Andrew B. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 02/08/2006 00:00:00

The Le Games? 17 magic rings actually presents 18 magic rings. I?ve read other The Le products that contain more than the 17 what-evers listed in the title, so I?m beginning to wonder if it isn?t some kind of inside joke. Each magic ring includes a physical description and appropriate game mechanics. This product also includes a small section with adventure ideas, treasure tables including the new magic rings, and an appendix of some of the open gaming content used in the product. Most of this additional material feels kind of tacked-on, and there really isn?t anything inspiring or must have here.

The meat of this product is the list of magic rings. There is a pretty good range of rings presented here, and the designers tried to give each one a unique flavor. Sometimes the flavor worked for me, and sometimes it didn?t. I really liked the Spectral Ring, which gloves your hand in a permanent shadow that you can then send out to deliver touch spells. The Ring of Warning is another ring that I liked. This ring subtly glows when in the presence of certain types of danger. It?s up to the player to determine, through trial and error, what kind of danger each color indicates. In the hands of the right player, discovering the ring?s various effects could be a fun side quest over the course of multiple adventures.

Where ideas didn?t work for me, the issues were largely ones of personal taste. The Wedding Bands come immediately to mind. These twin rings are meant to be worn by a married couple. They give the wearers the ability to monitor one another?s well being, provide protection to each other, and allow limited teleportation. All fine and well mechanically, but the idea of them as wedding rings somehow bugs me. I don?t see PCs getting married to one another too often, and I don?t really my NPCs shelling out 164,000gp on a pair of magic wedding rings. Add to this the Familial Bands, which are basically the exact same magic item (with slight differences), and I?m left feeling doubly flat.

17 Magic Rings unfortunately contains a few grammatical and mild mechanical problems. While none of the grammar errors are terrible, they are really easy to spot in a product this short. A thorough editing job and a few rewrites would improve the book?s overall clarity.

The mechanical errors are a little more problematic. Take, for example, the Ring of Pacifism. The item description says that, while wearing this ring, a character is under the protection of a permanent Sanctuary spell. The description of Sanctuary in the Player?s Handbook notes that the spell is cancelled if the recipient makes an attack. So, what happens when a character wearing a Ring of Pacifism does the same? Is the spell effect cancelled for that encounter? Is it negated vs the target attacked? Something else?

There are a few rings that I probably wouldn?t allow in my campaign, and a few that I would allow only with some rules modifications. I?m also confused as to why the ring of Concentration requires Craft Universal Item rather than Forge Ring. Is that a typo, or an intentional design decision? If it?s the latter, the product should have said so.

An experienced DM can probably adjudicate this situation without too much effort, but he or she wouldn?t have to if the Ring of Pacifism description was better written. The Le Games seems to be writing to gamers with the experience to ?read between the lines? and extrapolate what they meant from what they said. While their assumption is probably correct, unclear rules don?t fly in a modern d20 fantasy product.

Fortunately, the writing problems are, at their worst, a minor hindrance. There are enough clever ideas in this product to make it worth the price of admission. My players can expect to stumble upon at least a couple of these rings sometime in my latest homebrew campaign.<br><br> <b>LIKED</b>: A nice variety of magical rings, at least a few of which are good enough to steal for your own campaign. If you?re looking for a magic ring or two, you?re likely to find something you can use in this product.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: I have to take away points from my final score for a few grammatical errors and places where the rules weren?t as clear as they should have been. I?m also not as fond of some of the more mundane or less creative rings. If I could easily think it up on my own, I probably already have stats for it in my campaign.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Acceptable<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Satisfied<br>

[3 of 5 Stars!]
17 Magic Rings
Publisher: The Le Games
by Kenneth A. C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/03/2006 00:00:00

Well, I picked up this little product to see what was out there in the world of d20 rings, but this product does not really deliver much. There is a lot of strange rules that I am not familiar with, like the Ring of Concentration which DOES NOT require Forge Ring but some other obscure means of crafting magical universal items?

When that is said, there was a few of the rings that I liked, they are pretty standard, like the firebane ring and the ring of darksight. There was very little story to them, which is something I appreciate and the whole appendix in the back, with the spells and stuff seems like a bit too much. I could have done without it, as I already have the PHB, no need to spend money on it again.

I wont mention the pictures in greater detail as they made very little sense and could have easily been without.<br><br> <b>LIKED</b>: A few of the rings.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: Sorry, but the rest.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Disappointing<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Disappointed<br>

[2 of 5 Stars!]
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