Merrybears, A Pathfinder Ancestry is an adorable book with art that evokes fond memories of the childhood cartoons from which it draws its inspiration.
As far as the lore and mechanics, Calder CaDavid does a wonderful job of having the work take itself seriously. We know the references, we know what the ancestry alludes to, but Merrybears is not overstuffed with winking self-referential humor. You can genuinely use this in a Pathfinder game, and you and your group could play it for laughs, or you could have a group of mysterious yet adorable bouncy bears who are just having a real hard time with trolls like any other people of Golarion. Effort and care is put into offering some lore to integrate the merrybears into the world of Golarion at large
For me at least, that's what makes a work like this worthwhile and not just a throwaway joke you paid a few dollars for. Is this going to be for every gaming group? Probably not. But is it worth a look? Definitely! It shows a lot of love (as you might suspect from a bunch of bears who care), and is still a fun read with cute but useful ancestry feats such as "Bear Hug", "Bottom Bouncer", and "Silly Little Merrybear".
I love it. I'll probably squeeze some merrybears in my game somewhere.