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The GameMaster's Apprentice 2e: Cyberpunk Deck $9.99
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The GameMaster\'s Apprentice 2e: Cyberpunk Deck
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The GameMaster's Apprentice 2e: Cyberpunk Deck
Publisher: Larcenous Designs, LLC
by Andreas [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/10/2024 07:46:11

This is another great addition to the GMA decks and perfect for my RED campaign. Even though I already hugely appreciated these decks, I think the adjustments in the 2nd edition make the improv experience even more streamlined and self-contained. Personally I find the process of drawing these well designed cards much less "intrusive" to the creative process and roleplaying than rolling on numerous tables.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The GameMaster's Apprentice 2e: Cyberpunk Deck
Publisher: Larcenous Designs, LLC
by Ronald G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/07/2023 15:20:51

I just received my cyberpunk gma cards in the mail today. They look fantastic! I also ordered with this Lester Smith's Bookmark NoHP Cyberpunk sourcebook card and core rules. I want to play a solo cyberpunk game. This will be a nice little complete game that fits in my pocket!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The GameMaster's Apprentice 2e: Cyberpunk Deck
Publisher: Larcenous Designs, LLC
by David E. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/03/2023 03:21:32

I prefer this deck's new 2e format. It doesn't change much, & its new tweaks seem few & small at first... But over the course of a game, it makes the deck more quick to digest & more efficient to use than previous GMA decks. It is a real improvement.

The Cyberpunk-themed content in this deck is also quite evocative & useful. There is no throw-away content here. E.g. in just a few draws, it has already juiced up my Starforged campaign with some fresh ideas & immersive details. Such good content in a deck can go a long way in a GM-less or solo-game.

My only caveat is that this deck's neon style against a dark background is so high-contrast, colourful, & visually busy to look at, that it can be painfully difficult & impractical to use for anybody who has a migraine condition or similar condition. That is an obstacle for me.

But I still admire this deck's style: It definitely suits its Cyberpunk theme. And if you purchase the deck in PDF, it also includes a low-ink version that is just in plain black-&-white against a pale background. That version is relatively simple & low-key to look at. So I'm having no difficulty using that lighter PnP version as my deck.

Highly recommended.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The GameMaster's Apprentice 2e: Cyberpunk Deck
Publisher: Larcenous Designs, LLC
by Justin [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/13/2022 16:18:27

Regular user of GMA cards when I GM and more recently for solo play. I’ve found all the ones I have to be every oracle I need in an easy to use package. But as well as being useful for games like Shadowrun, Cyberpunk, Cy_Borg, etc this deck is an evolution on the form. My favourite changes are:

  • addition of “Yes, but” and “No, but” as “?”;
  • direction marker moved to the centre of the roll dial;
  • improved event sparks and organisations; and
  • easy readability. Highly recommended.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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