First of all, I'd like to clarify that this is a very good and concise rule set. So, my points bellow are mainly my personal taste.
I'd love to see a bit more of constructed play than journal style, mainly for people with zero exp in soloing RPGs. Personal Oracle is a wonderfull ideia, pure gold. But, like in any solo play, one can find itself lost after a couple of scenes. This is a barrier for anyone trying any solo system, and with Vampire-style narrative this is crit than ever.
I'm not so found of the reverse reveal. I'm saying this cuz, even being easy to work around, I liked the Scales concept, but they work much better with the reverse system.
Besides this two points, the book presents usefull Oracles (the more, the better), an example both in rules and narrative. Like I said, it's a very good rule set, and easy to patch prefered choices and hacks for a more exp soloist.
And if you are new to solo RPG, give it a try. Sounds crazy at first, but you can find out a style you're comfortable with, and this books for sure helps this task.