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Mythic Magazine Compilation 5
Publisher: Word Mill Games
by Keith D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/08/2024 16:58:06

I felt this compilation lacked anything substantial that couldn't be done just as effectively using the core rules and without much thought or planning. I was disapointed by the narrative combat rules. I expected 'narrative' to mean story but it's just another roll to see if you hit, roll damage system. Mythic is a great product but this compilation left me wondering if it's getting in danger of overcomplication from uneccessary side rules.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Mythic Magazine Compilation 5
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Chuubo's Marvelous Wish-Granting Engine
Publisher: Jenna Katerin Moran
by Keith [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/25/2023 05:15:10

I get the feeling there's a good idea hidden in this but it's such a jumble to read through. The background images and background colours make reading it very difficult. I imagine I'll struggle on but I was very dissapointed.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Chuubo's Marvelous Wish-Granting Engine
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Mythic Magazine Compilation 1
Publisher: Word Mill Games
by Keith D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/20/2022 05:49:25

Just received the hardback book and it's realy nice. I'd put off buying the individual pdfs waiting for a book and it was worth the wait. The price put me off for maybe a minute but holding it my hands I'd say don't cut corners on the next volume and I'll be jumping to get my hands on it. If there was a compilation of GME, Variations, and crafters I'd have that too.

For someone whose eyesight suffers, the print font, size, and white background are a godsend, I can read this easily in leven ow light where I really struggle with other publisher's overdesigned, overly glossy books.

So far I've only skimmed the book but i can tell the content is actually full of content and no filler. I'll be reading and rereading this for years.

And finally, there's some beautiful, atmospheric artwork in it. I'm a sucker for the lone, almost a silhouette, figure against a powerful background of the elements, great magic, huge landscape sort of thing.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Mythic Magazine Compilation 1
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The Science of Magic
Publisher: SpearSoft
by A customer
Date Added: 03/07/2018 04:00:31

I'm a bit disappointed with this. I bought it for the magic system but it's a real tough read and things like WP < (SR - AMR - IMR) ≤ 2*WP really don't sound like magic. I get the feeling it's an idea that could work but it needs a lot more work.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
The Science of Magic
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Creator Reply:
I'm really sorry you're disappointed. I tried to make it clear in the foreward that this is an old system, originally published in the early 90's. "This game system has been in existence in a limited fashion (hand-written on paper) since 1985. It started to take shape in 1989 (after being transferred to computer) and was play tested between 1990 and 1992. The original version was released in book form in 1992, but it only sold a few copies at various gaming conventions (enough to cover costs and pay for con passes, but not much more). I stopped pursuing it after starting a full time job as a game programmer. For a while, I had a badly formatted PDF version available for download (for free), but I recently decided to reformat it (and fix some typos and errors), and now Iʼm making it available to a wider audience." It definitely has an old-school, grognard feel to it, and won't appeal to many people (particularly if they're uncomfortable with formulas and math). We were all used to games like Champions, which required calculators and a ton of six sided dice. If you're used to more modern systems (D&D 4E or 5E for instance) it definitely won't feel familiar.
Roleplaying Emotion
Publisher: Lightspress Media
by A customer [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/20/2017 12:57:14

'Roleplaying Emotion helps you to understand the character’s emotions within the context of the story goal, their personal goals, and their motivations. When this are going well, the character will express things like affection, contentment, happiness, hope, and respect. When things go poorly, they’ll express anger, disgust, fear, sadness, and shame.'

Having read the above blurb I expected a mechanic that took in game events and helped determine the character's emotional responce however there are no rules for this at all. It's a little tough to unravel and it took a while to realised all it is is a series of extra tracked stats that define the characters emotional state but no rules for what modifies the stat values.

The descriptions of emotions, their consequences, and how characters enact them are ok and the choice of stats seem to be broad enough to work.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Roleplaying Emotion
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UNE, The Universal NPC Emulator (rev.)
Publisher: Conjecture Games
by Keith D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/05/2015 04:24:38

I'm a great fan of products which rather than offer endless tables use a simple mechanism to force something unique out of your own imagination. The Universal NPC Emulator really sits well as the first product I go to (and sometimes the only one) when I create an NPC.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
UNE, The Universal NPC Emulator (rev.)
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Creator Reply:
Thank you for the review! It is very much appreciated.
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