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"What's in the bag?": Rules for Making Luggage Important $2.00
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\"What\'s in the bag?\": Rules for Making Luggage Important
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"What's in the bag?": Rules for Making Luggage Important
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Daine W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/05/2022 22:08:58

Great if you want to interject some realism for players who are hoarders and want to carry everything they find. A great new way to handle burdens and weight with some fun rules.
I liked the inclusion of store rooms and rules for using them - great for setting up some secret areas my players could try to break into or a fun mechanic to include if they are carrying somethng particularly valuable that shouldn't or couldn't be stored in a bag of holding!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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