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For the past few days, I have soloed my way through The Gilded Lilly (51 pages, at DriveThruRPG). This is an adventure for Traveller, but I used Bandits and Battlecruisers (140 pages, same place, on sale). This RPG is a supplement for Classic D&D. I did add some skill rules to make it better. To solo this, I used the Microsoft Copilot (AI, I asked it detailed questions). The adventure started when the PCs picked up their mission. It was a long-term diplomatic mission for the Coalition. The PCs arrived at the landing pads of the planet Berens by spaceship. They were greeted by Dairoku. He answered a lot of their questions. Next, they talked to Ravi who happened to be one of the three bankers on the planet. The PCs decided to lease a storefront building and have it remodeled. They spent the night at the Kenneally Inn. So, they talked to seven NPCs that day. On the second day, they attended a town meeting and met the other 35 NPCs that call this planet home. On the third day, they went out on a hunting expedition with Mujiba and Delmar. They did find a Thunderbeast which they killed, but Mujiba was killed and the PC Paul went down with a broken arm. The PC Chelsea, a psychic, healed Paul enough so that he could walk back with the others to town. That same day, the PC Sherry tried a local tea. That night, after midnight, Sherry woke up. She was compelled to walk into the woods. In the woods, her eyes caught the sight of something peculiar—a patch of luminescent blue nestled among the green.
She stepped closer and discovered a plant like none she had ever seen before. Its leaves were broad and fleshy. It glowed softly as though illuminated from within. Each leaf was adorned with intricate, vein-like patterns that pulsed rhythmically, almost like a heartbeat. Tiny droplets of an unknown substance beaded along the edges.
The plant's stem was a translucent, crystalline structure. It swayed gently even though there was no wind, it responded to her presence. Upon closer inspection, she noticed the stem emitted a faint, melodic hum, adding an otherworldly atmosphere to the encounter.
At the top of the stem, a cluster of delicate, star-shaped flowers bloomed. These flowers radiated a soft, warm light that contrasted with the cool blue of the leaves. They had an almost hypnotic quality. Their petals moved in a slow, mesmerizing dance.
Suddenly, she felt a slight prickling sensation on her skin. She realized that the plant was releasing tiny spores that glowed like embers in the air. These spores reacted to her body heat. They hovered around her and formed intricate, swirling patterns.
She quickly grabbed her specimen jar, collected a sample of the spores and a few of the plant's leaves for further study. As she sealed the jar, she couldn't shake the feeling that this plant was more than it appeared—that it held secrets. To be continued. Give this fun adventure a try! :)
For the past few days, I have soloed my way through The Gilded Lilly (51 pages, at DriveThruRPG). This is an adventure for Traveller, but I used Bandits and Battlecruisers (140 pages, same place, on sale). This RPG is a supplement for Classic D&D. I did add some skill rules to make it better. To solo this, I used the Microsoft Copilot (AI, I asked it detailed questions). The adventure started when the PCs picked up their mission. It was a long-term diplomatic mission for the Coalition. The PCs arrived at the landing pads of the planet Berens by spaceship. They were greeted by Dairoku. He answered a lot of their questions. Next, they talked to Ravi who happened to be one of the three bankers on the planet. The PCs decided to lease a storefront building and have it remodeled. They spent the night at the Kenneally Inn. So, they talked to seven NPCs that day. On the second day, they attended a town meeting and met the other 35 NPCs that call this planet home. On the third day, they went out on a hunting expedition with Mujiba and Delmar. They did find a Thunderbeast which they killed, but Mujiba was killed and the PC Paul went down with a broken arm. The PC Chelsea, a psychic, healed Paul enough so that he could walk back with the others to town. That same day, the PC Sherry tried a local tea. That night, after midnight, Sherry woke up. She was compelled to walk into the woods. In the woods, her eyes caught the sight of something peculiar—a patch of luminescent blue nestled among the green.
She stepped closer and discovered a plant like none she had ever seen before. Its leaves were broad and fleshy. It glowed softly as though illuminated from within. Each leaf was adorned with intricate, vein-like patterns that pulsed rhythmically, almost like a heartbeat. Tiny droplets of an unknown substance beaded along the edges.
The plant's stem was a translucent, crystalline structure. It swayed gently even though there was no wind, it responded to her presence. Upon closer inspection, she noticed the stem emitted a faint, melodic hum, adding an otherworldly atmosphere to the encounter.
At the top of the stem, a cluster of delicate, star-shaped flowers bloomed. These flowers radiated a soft, warm light that contrasted with the cool blue of the leaves. They had an almost hypnotic quality. Their petals moved in a slow, mesmerizing dance.
Suddenly, she felt a slight prickling sensation on her skin. She realized that the plant was releasing tiny spores that glowed like embers in the air. These spores reacted to her body heat. They hovered around her and formed intricate, swirling patterns.
She quickly grabbed her specimen jar, collected a sample of the spores and a few of the plant's leaves for further study. As she sealed the jar, she couldn't shake the feeling that this plant was more than it appeared—that it held secrets. To be continued. Give this fun RPG a try! :)
This was awesome! Check out my full post in discussions - Recently, I soloed my way through Ghost Planets (59 pages at DriveThruRPG, free/pay what you want). This adventure was designed for Fate Core, but I used Uncharted Worlds (Powered By The Apocalypse system, 178 pages, same place). I added a yes/maybe/no oracle to Extreme Future RPG second edition to make my solo engine. I picked out six characters for this adventure. Here are the highlights. The PCs have already received their mission to study the ancient sites on this planet for sixty days. This includes many research projects and bringing back artifacts from the advanced alien race that vanished with no explanation. On the first day they had several problems to deal with. The NPC Cielo was one of these. She said that she was here with her ship to study the ancient culture (a lie, she is here to steal artifacts). The other problem was with cubots. They look like an alien relic in the shape of a cube. However, when the PCs had trouble accessing some alien doors, they activated. Some came in from outside. Cielo got a call from her ship (they had activated from inside there too). The battle started and seven of the bots were killed. Barb the technomancer was able to turn one of them into a pet. Once again, the PCs tried to open those stubborn doors. Once again, more bots attacked. After the bots were killed, the PCs figured out how to communicate with the devices and the pet using their wristcomps and microwave signals. The PCs spent the night in the dome building and Cielo spent the night in her ship. Well, she was killed by the bots in her ship and her body spent the night in her ship. An hour after midnight, a large device in the dome building activated (loud noises and bright lights). This lasted for five minutes (and happens every night at this same time). On the second day, the PCs started their first research project. At noon, they went over to Cielo’s ship to check on her. Inside, a battle started with the bots. Once again, they had to use med packs to heal each other. On the third day the PCs triggered another signal while they were experimenting. The microwave signal woke up the Dreadnought that was “sleeping” in the mountains. So, as you can see, there was a lot going on with this adventure. On the seventh day the PCs were able to open up a tunnel to another planet using the alien technology. On the ninth day, bounty hunters showed up. This fun adventure will need to be continued at another time. Give this a try!
For the last few days, I have soloed my way through Whitefrank: Hawk Castle (51 pages available at DriveThruRPG). This fun adventure is for Whitefrank rulebook (63 pages, same place) which I did use. For the solo engine, I used Nonsensical Journeys in Ink and Thought (21 pages). I used my six druid characters (this was their second adventure together.
So, the PCs were on their way to Hawk Castle. They checked out Hawkwood and then the Apple Orchard. It was here that they had their first possible combat encounter. It was with an angry six-foot long scorpion. The PC Kendra talked to it (spell). Combat was not necessary. On the ground floor of the castle they encountered an aggressive Haukr. The PCs killed it and grabbed the loot. Kendra had been wounded, but she was healed right away (spell). The PCs found no one else in the castle, so they went down to the first dungeon level. Here they found some workers in the Laundry Area.
Two rooms later, the PCs found the Overgrown Room. There was a ghost in there. He gave them a quest – find a Slot Machine Token and bring it back to me. At this point, the PCs tried to check out the plants in this room because there was an amazing variety of them. The ghost yelled at them, “Do the quest now!” So, the PCs checked out two more rooms, but found a hatch that they could not open (did not have the required strength). In another room they found The Princess. She smelled like candy and became a member of the adventuring party. Actually, she was a Soulsucker, but the PCs were clueless. Three rooms later, they found a room with a hot bath. In here the PCs got sleepy and did fall asleep. The Princess was not sleepy and she kissed the PC fen. He quietly died when she ate his soul. In the morning the PCs find the dead body. They decide that they are going to leave the dungeon and castle. They leave his body right where they found it. When the PCs reach Hawkwood, they notice that the animals do not like The Princess. The PCs also notice that she is magical. Kendra and The Princess then have a magical duel. The Princess loses, she drops to the ground, and she now looks like a hag. The PCs kill her and loot the body. So, the loot for the two days of adventuring is 120 gold pieces. Maybe you will have better luck. Give this a try! :)
For the last few days, I have soloed my way through Added Value - A Level 1 Adventure for Starfinder
(22 pages available at DriveThruRPG). I did use Starfinder (532 pages, same place). For the solo engine, I used the Mythic Game Master Emulator (53 pages). I picked out six characters – two soldiers, one solarian, one bio-hacker, one technomancer, and a Jubilexian (corrosive slime).
Neebon Biotech is an up and coming corp that has been making strides in the field of full body cyber and biotech implant systems. An upstart in the field, they have been displacing some of the larger and more established corps with innovative ideas and tech that is several steps ahead of their competitors. This has made them no few enemies, and as the adventure begins, one of those enemies has begun a multi-pronged corporate espionage campaign poised to wipe Neebon Biotech off the map entirely, and swipe their intellectual property in the process. This is where the PCs come in. First, the PCs received their mission. Next, they started behind the building in an alley.
The first encounter was with an angry homeless man on drugs. The PCs shot him with a paralyzing dart. Of course, they destroyed the back alley camera. The slime then slid under the back door and let the other PCs into the facility. After they killed the security drone, they took the dwarf out with a paralyzing dart. The PCs got down to the next level by using the stairs. They were greeted by hell birds. The PCs killed them. The PCs explored the next nine rooms and killed more birds and bots. They did not mess with the tentacled thing because it was already contained in a room. They explored four more rooms and killed a bot. The last room was their destination (server room). It was guarded by a modified human and an orc soldier. These two did not work in this facility. They were intruders. This was the toughest battle. One of the PC soldiers did go down. The biohacker was able to stabilize his wounds (medicine skill roll). The ranged battle was not going well, so after the nasty human was killed, the slime grappled and killed the orc. At this point, they used the datadrive to retrieve the needed information. They did manage to escape the structure with some additional loot. So, mission accomplished. And they got paid.
Give this fun adventure a try! :)
Recently, I soloed my way through The Tomb of Myriad Horrors (3 pages at DriveThruRPG). It was designed for Hack’D & Slash’D, but I used Ordure Fantasy (a d6 system, 19 pages, same place). To solo it, I used two tools. The Bing Copilot answered my questions and I used Oldskull Underworld Generator 1: Rats in the Walls (260 pages, same place) to generate two additional rooms and two outside encounters. For the PCs, I used Chalk and her four friends, this was their third adventure. So, the PCs heard about the Tomb from a wandering peddler and headed off in that direction. Before they saw it they heard the sounds of orcs talking loudly. Terence the PC summoned an orc and then the group attacked the orcs guarding the entrance. The PCs killed the guards and then entered the tomb.
On a wall they saw the riddle. They had no idea what it was about. In the first room they found a bunch of dead orcs. Traps had killed them. In the second room their was a puzzle. The PCs were clueless and they triggered an Animated Statue. Terence got rid of his summoned orc and summoned an Animated Statue. The PCs won this battle. There was also a trap in this room and Chalk did not notice it. Luckily, Terence saw the trap and they were able to avoid it. In the third room (puzzle) they fought gargoyles. One of them had to be killed twice. In the fourth room they saw a sarcophagus on a platform. The PC’s animated statue investigated it. Another trap was triggered. The statue flew up to the ceiling taking damage, and more damage when it fell back down to the floor. It was now dead. Terence summoned another one. It then went on the platform to investigate the sarcophagus and a mummy came out of it. The PCs killed it.
At this point they had to make a choice and they did pick the better one. In the next room they killed giant rats. They did find electrum and gold pieces hidden in the debris. In the final room they found a skull on a stake and a skeleton (not animated). They then exited the tomb and headed back towards the nearest town. The next encounter was two aggressive chaotic wizards. Terence started a wizard duel with one and that wiz went down. The other wizard summoned an animated statue and the battle started. The PCs won that battle. They searched the dead bodies and found a wand of magic missiles (seven charges remaining). So, the PCs finished the adventure and had plenty of loot to pay for meals, lodging, and supplies.
Spoilers - You have been warned - Recently, I soloed my way through Escape From the Fortress of Memories (8 pages, at Dungeon Masters Guild). This is an adventure for Fifth Edition D&D which I did use. This was the third adventure for Luna and her friends. For my solo engine, I used a deck of virtual Magic the Gathering cards, all from the Throne of Eldraine set. The adventure started when the PCs arrived in Phandalin. They talked to several NPCs including Sildar. He told them about his daughter, her disappearance, and the details leading up to it.
The PCs got into bed that night, still unsure of what they should do. After sleep embraced them, they found themselves in Alana’s (the daughter) dream landscape. Sildar was there too. They discovered that they were at the Candy Forest location. After reading the riddle/sign, they followed the trail (and ribbons) into the forest. Soon, they find Alana being attacked by The Wretched in a closed-in grove. After the monsters are killed, the PCs search for an exit, but one can not be found. When Alana drops her last ribbon, they find a new path and a Staff of Adornment. Later they arrive at a campsite at a lake. They all look through the items at that location including a Moon-Touched Shortsword. Alana finds her hand mirror and looks into it. The PCs see a reflection of a skulk in it. This triggers something in Alana, and when she talks about her memory, the skulk and its friends appear. The PCs kill the monsters.
The PCs now see a new path and pick up their third magic item – Boots of False Tracks. Soon, they find a full length mirror showing images from Alana’s favorite book. They go through it and discover a castle. They enter it and find Linden the Steadfast Queen. She gives them their quest and they head off in the correct direction. They are halfway up a mountain when they encounter the Prophet of the Peak. They answer its riddle and continue on. Next, they find the Diseased Griffin. Their instruction are to kill it, but they notice it has been hit with an arrow, and that the fletching is made from raven feathers. Luna sings to it, removes the arrow, and heals the griffin. At this point, the adventuring party wakes up. Three of the PCs are still damaged. They do have the three magic items that they found in the dream.
Give this fun adventure a try!
Creator Reply: |
Thank you so much for sharing your solo adventure! I love the idea of using an MtG deck as an oracle deck to help guide the story and Eldraine is such a great set for this setting. |
For the last few days, I have soloed my way through Rocks on the Other Side (119 pages, at DriveThruRPG). This post-apocalyptic RPG depicts the aftermath of a global nuclear catastrophe. I created six PCs. For the solo engine, I used Magic the Gathering Cards (92% of the virtual deck was from the Fallout expansion).
The PCs started with a Ford Transit Cube Van XLT. They were sleeping in it. They had parked it on a side road. At 05:00 A.M., they heard the sounds of vehicles. It was an Enclave Convoy being led by Colonel Autumn. He wanted to know if their vehicle was “available”. He looked them over and then confiscated it from them. He had many men under his command and they were well armed. Just after this, still before dawn, the PCs were attacked by a bat mutant. The PCs killed it, but Dirk did take damage and he did make his saving throw to avoid the effects of mutated damage. At 05:30 P.M. the PCs encountered a Caesar’s Legion Convoy being led by Legate Lanius. This time the PC’s guns and ammo were taken.
On the second day, they found the Darkwater Catacombs. Only armed with spears, they did not want to mess with that. Later, they encountered a man on a grey horse. He introduced himself as Mr. White. He looked at Dirk’s wound, changed the bandage, gave him a pill, and shared his food with the PCs. He left after this meal. This was followed by the PCs being attacked by raiders. Dirk, Zack, and Pam died. The other PCs ran away. The last encounter for the day was a market, but the PCs had nothing to trade. They spent the night in a boiler room. On the third day, while searching a large building, they found a basilisk collar. They took it to the market and traded it for a crossbow and bolts. Later, while exploring, they found a robot. It seemed to be on some kind of mission. It ignored them and moved on. The last encounter of the day was a zombie mutant. They killed it, but Carlos died. So, only two of my PCs survived the three days of adventuring. Maybe you will have better luck.
For the last few days, I have soloed my way through The Cursed Library of Gro’Thell (16 pages, free/pay what you want at DriveThruRPG). This fantasy adventure is designed for ShadowDark RPG which I did use. I used the Bing Copilot as my solo engine. I picked out six characters to go through this adventure. The quest is to bring back books. They have travelled through the caverns and they tie up the patron’s donkey. They go up a steep passage and find themselves in Room #1. This room is quiet and has lots of books. They take the time to transport 105 books (and one scroll) back to the cavern, close to the donkey (but he can not reach them). When they get back to the same room they encounter Dalgauth the wizard skeleton. He says, “You have taken some of my books. Now you will die.” The PCs kill him.
In the second room, Erevan the cleric reads the writing on the wall. He makes his saving throw and does not get cursed. The PCs do find an expensive book in this room. In Room #3 they fight Aquatic Arcane Oozes. The PCs win and find an ornate ring. In Room #5 they kill Null Arcane Oozes. It takes a strength roll for the PCs to get into Room #6. Miriel the wiz sees that a spike had been used to keep the door closed. She picks it up and feels a magical vibration. She keeps it. The PCs now notice that a NPC is in this room, suffering from hypothermia. They start a fire to warm him up. He introduces himself as Abraham Windre. When he is feeling better, they lead him out of that room. The PCs are travelling through a hallway when one of their torches explodes. Elenora the rogue says, “What the hell?”. In room #4, Thar the fighter takes damage from a trap. Because the air in that room if filled with a noxious gas, they now leave it alone. In Room #7 they have to deal with Necromantic Arcane Oozes and a zombie. The PCs kill them, search the room, and find another scroll. In the next room, the PCs encounter invisible stalkers. The PCs let them do their job and the PCs continue on.
The PCs discover that the next room rotates. This brings them into combat with Pyromantic Arcane Oozes. The PCs kill them, search the area, and acquire a small locked lockbox. They pick it up and take it with them. Healing spells are cast (again). They also give Abraham fifteen books to carry. They now go back to the cavern and Elenora opens up the lockbox and the sealed envelope. She goes blind (failed her saving throw). They load up the donkey and then head to the woods (they came this way earlier). Here they encounter goblin scouts and initiate a parley. This creates a quest and the PCs agree to set up an ambush. With the help of the Goblin Scouts, they find the perfect location near a narrow pass that the Dire Wolf frequents. The goblins gather materials for traps and camouflage, while the PCs prepare their weapons.
As the sun begins to set, casting long shadows across the forest, the beast approaches. It’s larger and more menacing than any they have seen before, with fur as dark as the night and eyes that glow with a malevolent light.
The Dire Wolf sniffs the air, sensing something amiss. The battle begins and the Dire Wolf dies. Later, the PCs deliver the donkey and books to their patron. He gives them the reward. Back outside, they say goodbye to Abraham. Now it is time to look for a place to spend the night.
Give this fun adventure a try!
Recently, I soloed my way through The Hand of God (68 pages). It is for Troika! The RPG (120 pages). For the solo engine, I used a yes/maybe/no oracle and The Dungeon Oracle (Bimler). I used the same six characters that went through the adventure that is in the Troika rulebook. So, this was their second adventure. The adventure started when the PCs were plucked from their dreams and placed in a high nest at the top of a mountain (kind of). The PCs went down between the pieces of wood. They did not attract the attention of THOG (they passed the sneak roll test).
Their first encounter was with Prayer Worms. The PCs killed them. The next encounter was with Iblly the Dolm. The PCs had a nice conversation with him. This was followed by a troll on a bridge. They were able to get past him with persuasion. Now they were at a spire. The PC Grunt attempted to climb the outside stairs, but he took fire bolt damage from the top of the spire. So, the PCs entered the spire from the front door one at a time. When Grunt got to the middle of the main room he triggered a magical trap. He fell through the floor down into a pool several levels lower. He tried to fight the Eel king, but he died. At this point, Grunt woke up from his sleep. He saw that his friends were still sleeping. He did not disturb them. The PCs were still on the same level of the spire when they encountered a Notule. PC Kune tried to fight it. The nasty thing attached itself to Kune’s face. Jack the PC shoved Kune a few times and then he and the Notule fell down into the pool below. The Eel King killed them too. This awakened Kune. He and Grunt talked about The Dream. The four other PCs moved on to some other rooms. They acquired dice, cards, thread, and gold leaf buttons. In another room they found a key, but it triggered another Notule attack. This time they killed it. The PCs could have continued to explore this tower, but they exited the structure.
They continued to explore and soon found a town. In this town Felicia’s silver rapier was stolen and she did not even notice. When they found a witch, they had a conversation with her. Next, they travelled to the forest. When they saw bandits up ahead setting up an ambush, they circled around to avoid them. Further into the woods, they saw traps and avoided them. The next two witches they encountered attacked the PCs. The PCs Felicia and Jack defeated them in magic duels. In a swamp they encountered The Giant Spider Ur-God. It wanted to do a trade, so they traded away a handful of gold leaf buttons for a poison antidote. After this they found a gate. The next encounter is a ship on the edge of a steep drop-off. It is occupied, but it is an adventure for another day.
Give this fun adventure a try! :)
For the last few days, I have soloed my way through Retro (22 pages) This adventure is for Cepheus Engine (Traveller), but I used OVA (Open Versatile Anime RPG). To create my solo engine, I changed four lines in Tomb of a Thousand Doors. I used the same eight characters that went through the adventure – Phoenix Initative (DriveThruRPG).
So, the adventure started with the PCs at Phoenix Enterprises in the Highport Corporate District. They got the details of the mission and tried to get more money for it (that did not work out). They accepted the mission and then Garcinia the android was brought into the room. Carrie the technomancer was excited to see her. Carrie loves her cute quirky personality. However, it is obvious that she has been reprogramed and now has the personality of a toaster. Carrie cries. The PCs are informed that this android will be taking soil samples from the planet. They also get the list of mission objectives.
So, they use the corporate owned spaceship and eventually get to the correct solar system. First they check out the orbital station above the mission planet. There is no air lock, so a space walk is necessary. Carrie has problems with that but the others do help her. Inside, they see that valuable things have been taken and lots of stuff has been damaged. When they head back to their ship they do find a body floating in space. It is one of the missing scouts. They take the body so it can be taken back. The PCs then explore the planet. At one of the standing stone sites they find aliens. One of them has a translation device. They are friendly and answer most of the questions. The PCs are informed that space pirates caused the problems on the station. At this point, the space pirates attack. They are killed, but one of the aliens dies. Garcinia collects hair samples from one of the dead alien pirates. The PCs also grab the loot (weapons).
The PCs are surprised when one of the missing scouts comes up to them. He quickly explains what had happened to him. Next, there is a rockslide. John takes damage along with his vacc suit. It is repaired. The PCs try to get the aliens to join them as they search for the pirate ship. They decline, so the PCs start their search. What they do find in the middle of a ruins is a passage that leads down. The first room has alien bones. A sample is taken. The second room has an alien mural on it. Pictures are taken. In the last room contains twelve cryopreservation robots. In the chest of each one is a frozen alien infant. The PCs now split up with some going to the surface to guard the android. The others try to get the robots moving. The PCs do accomplish this and the robots follow the PCs up. So, the PCs get to their ship and back to corporate HQ with everything they have found. They accomplished all of the objectives except finding scout number three. HQ is pleased with their performance and they are rewarded with a bonus of credits. Note – I did have some good rolls. With bad dice rolls, this could have ended way differently.
Give this fun adventure a try!
Recently, I soloed my way through DmDave’s Dungeon & Lairs: Skeleton Tomb. (5 pages, for Fifth Edition D&D). To play this I used the Destiny Roleplaying System (41 pages at DriveThruRPG). This d6 system can be used for any setting. Because I have played this adventure before, I used the Solo Adventure Resource: The Dungeon Oracle (Bimler) as the solo engine. I created a fighter, a cleric, a wizard, and Dela, a priestess of the Frog God. Her signature spell enabled her to turn anything into frogs, slime, or pond water. The Destiny system is very unique. Attributes and armor affect the story, not your chance to hit. There are no hit points, there is sand. You can get more sand as you play (think hourglass). Also, when a PC’s sand is used, experience is gained. So, my fighter ended up getting more experience than the others because he saw a lot of action and his dice rolls were terrible. The random quest that came up was to get the name of the dead warrior in the main sarcophagus.
The PCs found the smaller crypt first. They went down the main hall and had to deal with a locked door (Dela turned it into pond water). Inside they fought four skeletons. One skeleton was turned into frogs, one was destroyed with a R.I.P. spell, one was destroyed with a burning hands spell, and the last one was killed by a sword. It was in this room that they discovered the name that they were searching for. Next , they checked out a collapsed passage. The trap they encountered was sneezing dust. The victim did make a lot of noise and they had to kill the two skeletons that showed up. One of the skeletons was wearing a silver belt worth 250 gold pieces. Since they had the name, they headed back to get their reward. At the moment the Destiny system is one dollar, so you should check it out if you are interested. The attached image is of Dela by the IQArtist.
During the last few days I have soloed my way through two short adventures that are included in QADD: Quick And Dirty Dungeons Deluxe!
(fantasy RPG system, 78 pages at DriveThruRPG). The first adventure is a solo one. I created a first level rogue (Janine) and put her through it. There were two combat encounters and some tests/saving throws. It is interesting that you gain experience for tests/saving throws whether it is a pass or fail. Janine did survive the adventure and made it to second level. To solo the GM adventure, I used the FlexTale Solo Adventuring Toolkit (613 pages). Janine recruited her friends, so she had five first level rogues join her. One of the good things about this system is that it is easy to handle large groups of characters. If you like the Tunnels and Trolls RPG system, you will like this too. This group of PCs went through five combat encounters and several tests/saving throws. They did gain information about the area by manhandling a captive goblin. All six PCs survived this second adventure. For loot, they found a silver candlestick and 600 gold pieces. So, I do recommend this fun game.
Mirrors of Madness (15 pages, on sale at DriveThruRPG) is a solo journeying game. I did combine this with Masquerade Macabre (I love the tarot card chart). To five this game more “meat”, I created a first level cleric (Old-School Essentials). So, this was my first attempt and my character died on turn three. A succubus killed him with a draining kiss. What a way to go. For my second attempt, I used another first level cleric (Dungeon Crawl Classics).
Masquerade Macabre
(26 pages, on sale at DriveThruRPG) is meant to be played as a party game. I did not play it that way. It comes with a tarot card chart, so I used this product as my solo engine and its theme for an adventure. The RPG system that I used was the D6xD6 RPG Core Book. I created six characters. The year is 1938 and the PCs are invited to a free dinner party.