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The Haunting of Hargrave House
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The Haunting of Hargrave House
Publisher: Trash Bacchus Publishing
by Bob V. G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/11/2022 14:43:12

The Haunting of Hargrave House is a three-page adventure for The Between RPG, but I used Magical Fury (also at DriveThruRPG, 35 pages). To solo this, I used The Solo Investigator’s Handbook. This adventure starts in London, 1837. Because Miranda the P.C. had died in an earlier adventure, she was replaced with Selma giving me five P.C.s total.

The story started Christmas Day 1837. Sir Aubrey got electrocuted to death, Selma heard the noise, and discovered the body. This death was not just an accident. The Gunnysack Demon was involved. Spiritual manifestations started soon after this. Fall 1838, Selma attends the School of Magic and teams up with four other girls. She brings them to the Hargrave House for Christmas. The first night they see Charlie Morgan in the full-length mirror. He explains how the demon abducted him and he also gives the girls his address. During the morning of the second day, they investigate the Morgan Home and borrow some of Charlies clothes and toys. That afternoon at the Hargrave House they meet Sir Aubrey’s son John and his fiancé Ruby. She is friendly and suggests a séance. During the evening of day three, John, Ruby, the medium, and the adventuring party, start the séance. The medium channels Gammer Greenough (the deceased witch). Her full name is revealed and she boasts of her summoning abilities. The demon hears this, makes an appearance along with his portal, grabs John, and the two of them disappear through it. The portal vanishes and a dark shadow remains. Belinda the shadow mage tries to change the shadow back to the portal, has a spell failure, and is attacked by the shadow and takes trauma damage. Selma uses her crystal ball, uses the witch’s name, and gets the address of Gammer’s place (partial success, she takes trauma damage).

On the fourth day, the five girls go to Gammer’s house (abandoned) where they run into a Dark Magical Girl. Robin the Ribbon Mage takes her out with a magical duel. In the wine cellar they find witch stuff. Meera finds a scroll/ritual and uses it to unsummon the demon. They also find an enchanted distaff. So, the demon has been taken care of, but John and Charlie are now stranded, lost in time and space (oops). The girls then have a meeting and decide that Selma will be the one to go back to the Hargrave House and deliver the bad news. Maybe you will have better luck with this interesting adventure.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thanks Bob! That sounds really interesting, I do enjoy a solo game from time to time, and I'm glad this gave you interesting material for a story! Always gratifying to hear play reports, and I will check out the system you mentioned.
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