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HYPERBOREA Player's Manual
Publisher: North Wind Adventures
by Larry M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/25/2024 06:18:56

After being intrigued by the 2nd Edition, but put off due to a couple of bad sessions, I am so glad I bit the bullet and gave the 3E a shot. It's polished and reformatted in some spots, all to the benefit of the book as a whole. I especially liked the way they depicted the races and classes this time, with portrait/bust like representations for each one, giving the player an inspirational visual. Additionally, the 2-Phase combat has been streamlined into one phase, and works so much better.

In my humble opinion, this is the perfect balance between Old-School sensibilities and modern presentation, but skewing heavily into the 'old school' vein, which is a plus for me.

Fantastic Book!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
HYPERBOREA Player's Manual
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