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The Green Hack SRD
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The Green Hack SRD
Publisher: Kid Minotaur
by Bob V. G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/03/2022 14:22:02

The Green Hack SRD is a 25 page fantasy RPG. The game designer started with the Black Hack rules and created his own version (He did a great job). I rolled up five characters. To solo this, I used The FlexTale Solo Adventuring Toolkit (same place, now on sale, 612 pages).

So, on the first day in the dungeon, the adventuring group had to deal with a puzzle, a tripping hazard, and then a lightning trap. This trap killed Sheena the conjurer. After this, they exited the dungeon, buried Sheena, and then went back to the inn (and recruited another conjurer). On the second day, they fought a manes demon, recruited a fighter they found in the dungeon, and killed some kobolds. The team was damaged again, had only found one gold piece, so they retreated and spent the night in a barn. On the third day, they found another trap, a slippery obstacle, and more kobolds. This time they found a total of 13 gold pieces. They were wounded and headed back to town, but ran into a group of deranged bandits. The team won the battle but were disgusted when it was discovered that the bandits did not have one coin on them. They then made it back to the inn for a good nights sleep. Give this a try!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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