The first thing that hits you is the excellent thought and preparation with regards to the format for each encounter, and the layout for the compendium as a whole. It's easy to read, easy to follow, and consistent throughout. The artwork is top notch and fires the imagination which for me, gives me creative ideas for 3d encounters and terrain - a big part of DM'ing in my world. The optional encounter variants allow DM's to adjust for taste and difficulty, while the huge spread in APL's (average party levels) makes it easy for beginning parties as well as experienced ones. I love the fact that a Bestiary is included so you don't have to go hunting around the web or your hardcover books for monster stats (ditto for magic items).
With all that said, is this for you? If you need some quick quests to drop into your campaign or one shot, this is a fantastic tool. This is definitely not a campaign so don't be looking for a full story arc here, that's not what this book is about.
If you need another tool in your DM arsenal, one that you'll use for years to come - this one won't disappoint.