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Fire&Steel TTRPG POD $10.00
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Fire&Steel TTRPG POD
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Fire&Steel TTRPG POD
by Bob V. G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/10/2021 13:52:51

The Manor of Jeremiah Blackwood (free/pay what you want at DriveThruRPG) is a fun 17 page adventure for Fifth Edition D&D, but I wanted to try a system that I had not used yet. So, I used Fire & Steel (free at the same place and 40 pages). To solo this, I used OSR Solo. I created four rogues and two fighters (all first level). So, the adventure started in the village. Smugel the fighter tried to gather more information from the villagers, but this resulted in one fight and a shop closing up early. His “luck” continued when he triggered a curse on the first floor of the manor. He did manage to make his saving throw. They were successful at exploring the first floor, but they did go through a lot of time (it is a timed adventure). Things got ugly on the second floor. An illusion created by Esmeralda caused enough damage to put Sam the fighter unconscious. They were able to rest for one hour so that he could fight again. In another room they triggered a screaming painting. All six characters failed their Charisma saving throw. They were experiencing fear. Their solution was a long rest in the manor. However, this gave Esmeralda time to complete her ritual and her new reaper attacked the resting characters. It did manage to kill Drew the rogue. The reaper was killed but the manor caught on fire. Esmeralda did this and she escaped from the PCs. The only loot they were able to get included two alchemist fires (bottles) and a bunch of books. Maybe you will have better luck.

    • This adventure includes maps of the manor (12 rooms, my characters explored six of them), descriptions of six trinkets (my characters used four of them), four stat blocks and two handouts. It is for four to six characters of levels three or four.

The RPG Fire & Steel is 40 pages and includes 2 maps, 20 spells, and stat blocks for 10 monsters. You will need a variety of dice. Give this awesome game a try!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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