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The Treatise of Adventure
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The Treatise of Adventure
Publisher: Bwilder Games
by Bob V. G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/21/2021 16:59:10

Recently, I soloed my way through The Eye of the Inka-Dinka-Doodle (41 pages, free/pay what you want at DriveThruRPG). The RPG system that I used to play it is Treatise of Adventure (10 pages, free, same place). If you have played Pathfinder or recent editions of D&D, you already know how to play this game. If there is a rule that you don’t like, change it. These products are advertised for young minds. I am young at heart, so I qualify. I used The Solo Adventurer’s Toolbox as the solo engine.

The adventure started in the evening at the inn. This is where my four characters (they are included in the adventure) picked up their quest. The next morning, three of them headed to the only ship in the harbor. Cheeks, the rogue, went to go buy some extra rope and then she went to the ship. It was a quiet ship journey and then the four arrived at the island to find the quest item. There was a trap and several battles. My group did make friends with the small dragon. It did kill the anaconda. However, the Witch Doctor killed my dragon. I was able to find the quest item and return to the tavern with lots of gold pieces. Great fun! It is time to find the next adventure . . .

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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