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James Edward Raggi IV's Eldritch Cock
Publisher: Lamentations of the Flame Princess
by Bob D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/12/2023 08:22:27

Beyond the shocking title, amazing, disturbing, frightening ways to play magic as truly horrible, especially notable for world-shattering backfires on miscasts, and an experimental proposal to completely rehaul the LOTFP rules.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
James Edward Raggi IV's Eldritch Cock
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3DIE6 Core Rulebook - Deluxe Edition
Publisher: Deeply Dapper Games
by Bob D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/29/2023 12:42:03

3DIE6 is a quick, quirky, funny, beautiful, simple and surprisingly innovative. The bug and fungus themed art and layout is beautiful, in tones of pink and aquamarine. As a game designer myself, I'm jealous and I wish I could do things so pretty and well laid out.

You are playing small, sentient, semi-humanoid insects in a big damp cave, where you explore dangerous locations and fight bigger and terrible bugs. What's unique about 3DIE6 is that every character (Roan) has three minds, each a character with a distinct archetype (class) and stats. You can switch between them at will but with a penalty if it happens in media res. Damage causes one of the three minds to lose skills (each mind has 6, so 6 "hit points"), and when they're all lost, the mind dies. What's unusual is the absence of healing mechanics for all practical purposes: damage is permanent and every hit involves the permanent loss of capacity, meaning your character won't live long and

A good thing is that character creation is very fast pick 3 archetypes among the half-dozen available, pick 1 talent for each, roll for a unique aptitude for each and you're done!

The game system is simple: roll 3D6 + modifier vs target for non-combat actions; for combat actions, roll 1D6 (pink) + modifiers vs Foe Attack Number [on an average scale of 1-6, sometimes more] to attack, and likewise for Defense: 1D6 (blue) + modifiers vs target number. Monsters don't roll. You also get to roll a 3rd "silver" die in combat which indicates the action the monster will do next in combat, which go down in number as you cause them damage. That's something quite unique I don't remember having seen in RPGs and which lends itself well to solo play.

On the whole the combat feels similar to Four Against Darkness, but far more deadly considering that the creatures out there are far stronger than you and likely to crush you. Fortunately, a dead PC has two more minds to take over and save its skin.

The creatures, for many, are incredibly powerful and likely to kill your Roan within a few exchanges. This high mortality is definitely OSR in spirit, and reminds of Call of Cthulhu (3rd ed, don't know about the others) for its mortality, but with a "death is fun!" attitude, and Last Grasp actions to make death rememberable for each of your three mind-sets.

I look forward to experience solo play! I'll add a distinct review when the time comes to THE EGG HUNT and THE LOST CITY.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
3DIE6 Core Rulebook - Deluxe Edition
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Publisher: EDGE Studio
by Richard B.
Date Added: 02/14/2005 13:35:08

An interesting 'Mad Max'/Car Wars variant, unfortunately competitioned by the much larger and more expansive Gamma World. The character rules and backgrounds are fun and evocative, and the book has a very good price-to-quality ratio. A very nice book for short term campaigns, but perhaps more background would have been preferable since what is available is very generic and lacks depth.

Baron Samedi

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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Publisher: EDGE Studio
by Richard B.
Date Added: 02/14/2005 13:32:48

The best Transformers-like incarnation by far, it features gorgeous art, well thought and complete rules mechanisms for all imaginable character types, and is a fun read. Excellent added value product.

The only regrets are:

  • it requires the basic D20 rules.
  • it is only 64 pages long and would have deserved a longer treatment;
  • conversion mechanisms for non-mechamorphs are a bit awkward;
  • no stats for featured NPCs
  • more background would have been great, though the 7 pages of it are very good.

Baron Samedi

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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Talislanta 4th Edition Sampler
Publisher: Morrigan Press
by Richard B.
Date Added: 02/14/2005 13:30:16

A good book, pleasantly illustrated, that remains however in the tradition of previous editions and doesn't revolutionize this venerable and old setting. Perhaps something more, like a D20 adaptation, might have given this edition a new light more different than earlier incarnations.

Baron Samedi

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Talislanta 4th Edition Sampler
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Cartoon Action Hour
Publisher: Spectrum Games
by Richard B.
Date Added: 12/09/2004 19:52:54

The best game about 1980s comics of all genres in the market, from GI Joe, Transformers to Jem and Hello Kitty, they have it all. Many settings are provided in detail, plus a complete He-Man-like sourcebook making up 50% of the volume. Art is average to above-average, but content is original, fast and fun. The Metal Wars Transformers-like supplement is even better.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Cartoon Action Hour
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