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DDAL-DRW-14 The City That Should Not Be $7.99
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DDAL-DRW-14 The City That Should Not Be
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DDAL-DRW-14 The City That Should Not Be
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Ron M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/29/2024 06:29:21

Since this is the first of the Tier 3, it is possible that some or all of the group have not played the lead-up tier 2 modules. Luckily, the module provides an excellent way to do exposition dumps- the sidekicks! I strongly recommend allowing the players to interview all 3 and pick the one they like the best to go with them. Then, they have a walking catalogue of all that has come before, which adds SO much to this module.

Story-wise, it is a straightforward exploration mission for the most part. It relies heavily on DM narration to build tension and atmosphere. So preparation on this one is perhaps more important than most. If you can get across the utter alien-ness of the city, you will captivate the players. I recommend over-using the visions and temporary insanity charts.

From a module standpoint. the only thing that needs work are the maps for part 3. It is confusing how and where the players enter the complex. The complex expands in further modules, and some better description is needed to explain why certain areas are not accessible. Particularly important because the players receive story awards based on what they do to secure the site.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL-DRW-14 The City That Should Not Be
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by James C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/20/2023 18:48:27

This module in the DRW series isn't as exciting as most others of the series and feels more like filler in the story. It advances the plot of the larger story but not much happens and players who aren't invested in the bigger picture may feel lost.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL-DRW-14 The City That Should Not Be
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Peter S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/19/2022 21:56:20

This is a combat-light module, though the combats that can be triggered can be deadly for the unprepared. Instead, this is more centered on exploration, which is great because it's setting up Xorvintroth, where players are going to be for the rest of the Terminal Ambitions DRW arc (14-20).

[4 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL-DRW-14 The City That Should Not Be
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Ander T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/10/2022 19:09:32

This was great fun, even though the party managed to expertly avoid almost all combat. There were a few points that seemed a little slow, like the excavation option, but appropriate foreshadowing and suggestions of near misses still made it tense enough. It was fun to describe the utter deathtrap of a front entrance, and the party wasn't too keen on entering by subterfuge. The narrative has a small stumble in that the goal location can be encountered early, and it's up to an NPC to say "Let's check other spots anyway". It feels like a content gate, and it is. My table didn't take it too seriously, though. The climax was super tense negotation and skill checks, and it was challenging as a DM to really develop that social interaction and keep it just at the edge of disaster. It turned out really well, but I could see how maybe it might not have.

The biggest weakness that I can see is that the experience of players will be VERY different if they're coming off of earlier DRW adventures than if they're coming directly from Plague of Ancients (Season 10). The context of coming back to the ruined city allowed all of the ambience to hit with full force again, and some plot elements were actually developed further. One player pulled out notes from four or five sessions earlier to give context to certain statues. Maybe some of that groundwork gets laid in DRW, but it would be different.

I bought the adventures available so far, and one refers to an upcoming Epic adventure, and I'm really excited to run these. The writing and adventure design is far more coherent than the PoA adventures, which is most encouraging of all.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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