So oddly I bought this more for the utliity of thinking about Cults in general and how they are structured, as opposed to CoC and in particular Cthulhu centric cults within that setting. I like the quality of the production and the attention to detail that Chaosium always gives you, the book is well layed out and has three amazing adventures across different times for you to face off against some of the cults defined in the book. It provides some nice structure around the development of a cult and giving them some actual reasons and drivers. The discussion on recognising that most people are still people, even when corrupted by Cthulhu and therefore have very real human motivations is a key point well made. The book also provides details (beyond the adventures) on a number of potential cults for play across different eras (1890's, 1920's and 2020's). I would probabably have appreciated a broader discussion on the cults of the CoC universe (so the other Gods get little consideration), but thats me ignoring the title a bit. There are random tables for generating the broad outline of the Cult Leader and the Cult itself. The book also provides a worksheet for cult creation and solid sheet for identifying and working out the cult leader. Overall I think its excellent if your focus is on Cults of Cthulhu in particular, and very good if its CoC that floats your boat.