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CHEW: The Roleplaying Game - Quickstart
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CHEW: The Roleplaying Game - Quickstart
Publisher: Imagining Games
by Bob V. G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/06/2021 15:40:23

A few days ago I soloed my way through the adventure included in Chew: The Roleplaying Game Quickstart (51 pages, free at DriveThruRPG). This d6 dice pool system is described as a crime drama food game. It is based on a comic book series, so you could say it is cartoon roleplaying (it depends on your perspective). I used Mythic Game Maser Emulator as the solo engine. So, I created four characters and threw them into the adventure.

The first scene is where they pick up their quest from their boss. She is the head of the FDA office in Baltimore. Scene two puts them at a crime scene. The P.C. Rachel Mead finds a spilled bottle of alcohol and takes it as evidence and also because she practices the art of psychometry. Next, they chase a fleeing suspect but they are attacked by wasabi sushi rolls (Did I mention that this game is wild and crazy?). The P.C. Charles, who does magic tricks, took some massive damage. They lost the suspect, but Rachel did her psychometry thing and got three leads (destinations). When they got to B.U.T.T., they ran into the next bad guy (gal), Annabelle. Rachel used persuasion on her and talked her into giving up. They handcuffed her and then the P.C. Hack, the computer hacker, hacked her phone and they got the phone number for the villain Derek Cho. They went to their HQ and asked for some stuff they could use. They were given a device to track down Cho’s phone GPS microchip and explosives (nice). They discovered that Cho was on his own private man-made island. So, they went to the marina and Rachel used her persuasion on the owner of a 14 meter catamaran yacht (Kukai) that has a helipad. He instantly falls in love with her. He is twenty years older, but he does go ahead and put her in his will. When they get to the island they blow up all of the boats there (but not their boat). They took out a bodyguard and then had to deal with Cho. He took out two of the P.C.s with his tranquilizer pistol, did his villain speech, and then Rachel used her persuasion and the P.C. Arrow used his fast talking skill. They tranquilized him, cuffed him, and took him to the authorities. This was a partial win. There were a few henchman that got away. Give this a try!

. Note – I am not a fan of the combat system. There is enough material in this document to run a second adventure. If I do it, I will make changes to the combat system.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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