FlexTale Solo Adventuring Toolkit (multisystem: Pathfinder, P2E, 5E, OSR, DCC) |
$19.99 $9.99 |
Average Rating:4.2 / 5 |
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Outstanding product. I love the PDF. I plan on buying the hardcover version soon.
I have grown to be a fan of this author and as a result, have purchased 3 books (so far) and I have a handful of PDFs. I wish I can comment that the whole book is great, but at 600+ pages, you may have to wait a year for me to say that. But I can say that what I have seen so far is very useful and I love how it delves into his other ventures, like his FlexAI book. The author is brave in that he gives you a lot of information in this book, including a comprehensive dabble into the FlexAI book, almost to the point where you don't need to buy that book. But I use the word "brave" because he provides so much information (600+ pages) and he is confident (and prolific) enough to author a 400+ page FlexAI. Not counting my PDFs and only counting the 3 books I own from J. Evans Payne, I have over 1,400+ pages of material. Thank Goodness it is reference material that I can just shoot to quickly and not read all of it, because that would take me every bit of 2 years to complete. I have a feeling that as Solo TTRPG popularity soars, we will all look back at authors like J. Evans Payne as pioneers that took us to the next level.
A large, rambling and confusing document. There is some good content in here, it's just so difficult to find amongst all the clutter. The text could easily be reduced by 75%, made more succinct, specific and streamlined.
This product has some great ideas behind it, and I think it has potential. However, as it is now it feels unfinished and un-tested. Two give you two examples:
The game presents you with a number of plot structures, and when these are presented it reads as if you are meant to pick one of these (or combine them in a series if you want a more complex structure). However, when you read the one about social interaction, it is presented as something you put on top of one of the other structures, and not something to use in itself. While this in itself is not a bad thing, it contradicts the text about picking one of these structures (and also how the other structures are described).
Another issue is the part about Milestones. It is a good idea, but as written, most of the times it seems that you only have one of these per quest anyway (with the exception of complex quests). This to me takes away their usefulness. Just adding, for instance, a random roll (based on the size of the quest) for how many milestones a certain quest has would add a lot.
With these things said, I like the ideas in this book. It is well laid out and easy to read, and once it has its kinks ironed out, I will be glad to use it for solo gaming. In its current shape, however, I think I will stick with the GME or similar products
I absolutely love this product. I spend a lot of time with solo roleplaying as a hobby, and this is perhaps the most comprehensive solo toolkit I have ever used. While it may initially seem overwhelming, it's incredibly easy to use what systems and features you like and at whatever level of abstraction or complexity you're comfortable with. Highly recommended for solo players who are fond of fiddly solo systems.
I would just like to say that the whole book is excellent for my use case, Solo Gaming. I only gave this 4 stars because of some formatting, words missing, and the like. But the content itself is remarkable. I can't really specify where and how many mistakes I saw but it is there. And if there is an update to this, and all of those are fixed, I will change my rate to 5 stars.
But, here's my detailed review of the FlexTale Solo Adventuring Toolkit.
I purchased this to use in my Solo Gaming. And after reading, skimming some of that parts I don't need, I know I can use this. Specially the section where the book suggests how to make Quests. That alone is helpful for me. Now, I do think that this book is targetted to DMs, it just feels that way to me. Why do I say that? Because this book somehow "gamifies" DMing. The planning part of the DM is made easier. Now, it may not be for all but for aspiring DMs or the Soloist who will eventually play as the DM as well, this book will really help you.
Yes, this has 600 pages worth of content. And yes, I admit I won't be using 100% of this book, just cause I do want my own spin/brand on the games I will play. But the parts that I will use in this book will definitely add some significant things to my gaming experience. With that said, this book is mostly focused on Pathfinder. Which is really sad, for me specially, since I mostly play system agnostic games. But like anything in this book you can tweak it so that you can use it for ANY system. But with some additional work, which I don't particularly mind.
But all in all, I don't regret buying this book. The read is a bit of a slog, but it is worth it. This book gave me another set of tools I can use when playing Solo. And I do think that, for the aspiring DMs out there, should at least consider this book.
Peter A.
This was the biggest waste of money. You spend more time flipping through confusing charts and convoluted rules than actually playing the game. This purchase made me wish that DrivethruRPG had a refund system but they don't, I'm stuck with this.
At first I sided with the reviewers that were overwhelmed and pondered why on earth this many tables and sub systems could be needed. Then I slowed down, read entries that interested me, then read more and I realized this is an incredibly well thought out toolkit for more solo RPG situations than you can imagine. That's why it is a five star product. This isn't meant to be an oracle, you can use Mythic, the Encounter Buiilding Decision Deck or my favorite, The Gamemasters Apprntice for that. This massive book is meant to be your go to for thins like "What does the Big Bad Guy do next?" or "How soon do we need to leave on this quest before it's too late?". There's also a section on how to alter the rules of your favorite system to optimize play. In summary, this is a solid encyclopedia for solo play. If you want something more focused I recommend the Flex AI Guidebook that centers on monster/NPC actions and is excellent or the also excellent Flex Encounters sourcebook.
The Green Hack SRD (free/pay what you want at DriveThruRPG) is a 25 page fantasy RPG. The game designer started with the Black Hack rules and created his own version (He did a great job). I rolled up five characters. To solo this, I used The FlexTale Solo Adventuring Toolkit.
So, on the first day in the dungeon, the adventuring group had to deal with a puzzle, a tripping hazard, and then a lightning trap. This trap killed Sheena the conjurer. After this, they exited the dungeon, buried Sheena, and then went back to the inn (and recruited another conjurer). On the second day, they fought a manes demon, recruited a fighter they found in the dungeon, and killed some kobolds. The team was damaged again, had only found one gold piece, so they retreated and spent the night in a barn. On the third day, they found another trap, a slippery obstacle, and more kobolds. This time they found a total of 13 gold pieces. They were wounded and headed back to town, but ran into a group of deranged bandits. The team won the battle but were disgusted when it was discovered that the bandits did not have one coin on them. They then made it back to the inn for a good nights sleep. Give this a try!
I appreciate that a LOT of work has gone in to this publication but I cannot see how this level of complexity would ever be something I can use in a solo game. There are some great solo products on Drivethrurpg but for me this is not one of them. It appears to be pages and pages and pages of explaining new systems to use in your game - new experience systems, new handicapping systems and so on but with little context of why this is a better way of doing these things than the core rules you are already using in your game. The text is constantly referring to other products in the same system despite being almost 600 pages long is not actually the complete thing. Why is this all needed instead of a decent Oracle and some keywords? One of the main issues with solo play is stopping the game flow to look up rules which can break the immersion and all of these systems (using a mass of icons) just add layers of this intrusion to the game.The design and layout is confusingly busy full of solid colour blocks and is really tough to use. The sheer amount of "stuff" in here is just overwhelming. Example : Table 650 : D12 table to generate month between January - December.
Creator Reply: |
Hi John--Thanks for your feedback! I'd summarize by basically pointing out that the reasons this book didn't seem to work for you is ironically kind of the reason it exists, in a way. :)
If you're looking for a simple five-page book of "Yes/No/Yes But Also" tables in the vein of oracles, those are plentiful already, and I'd encourage you to explore the many established booklets in that space.
That's not this book, for sure! Nor does it pretend to be that. I know that many solo players enjoy those sorts of tools, but they've never really helped much for me, or if they have, they've only just barely scratched the surface of what it is to truly replace a DM and group of players in a traditional gaming table.
In terms of the new rules and systems in this book, there's nothing to say that they're necessarily *better* than the rules system of your choice. They're there as options. Mix and match and choose whichever combination of elements and changes you wish--it's your solo game, after all! The reason they're there, other than simply offering more choices and options and tweaks, is because solo play tends to be harder, fundamentally, than traditional play, especially if you use OPOC (one player, one character). I can well appreciate that it's easy to overlook things in a 600+ page book, but this is discussed in the intro to those sections.
Other IGS books are referenced because, even at 600 pages, not everything can fit into a single book. Aquilae: Bestiary of the Realm is six separate volumes, totaling more than 3,500 pages. FlexAI Guidebook is over 400 pages. And the upcoming FlexTale Encounter Generator books will each weigh in at several hundred pages. This book was designed to be a one-stop shop, complete in and of itself, for pretty much any possible thing you might want or need to run a solo game. It goes far, far beyond that, and includes tons of options that are immensely useful in a traditional game setting as well.
Do you *need* all of that? Good lord, no. Here at IGS, we tend to err on the side of overkill--we even have a DMs Guild book with literally that word as a suffix. I write the kind of books that I myself as a massive collector of RPG books enjoy buying and using. Your tastes, needs, and preferences might very well differ.
From your reaction, it looks as though this book isn't for you, and of course that's okay. Thanks for posting your thoughts--because maybe there's another potential customer who is looking for a simple 5-page oracle book, who won't accidentally buy a 600+ page in-depth host of over a thousand unprecedented and useful tools for dynamic rewards and penalties, generating infinite dynamic quests, and so on. :) That's meant completely honestly with no snark or sarcasm; some people want something quick and cursory, and that's totally great.
Onward! |
Book introduces unparalleled level of complexity to even simplest actions. If you are familiar with your GM's Section/Book for your chosen system, most of tables here will not be necessary and will slow down your game. Rules adjustments are focused on changing d20 game mechanic to be less or more difficult for solo play, again if you know your system you won't need it. I like simplified FlexAI rules, might be handy for this one fight where you want your adversary to act in unpredictable way - note that there is free version of this engine if you like to try. If you are seeking inspiring prompts for your adventures, help in creating conflict for your character/s to face - try other sources, you will find no such content here. If you like to have random dungeon challenge, with good map generator and adjusted to your favorite system then this book is worth checking.
Update after Creator Reply:
My review is written from perspective of solo player which seems to make most sense for title like this. While you may have different approaches to a game like this, the goal is to build compelling narrative that gives you interesting choices, letting you experience their consequences as well as track your progress. By far the biggest challenge is to be surprised by events you are taking part in. Having the plot outlined - like in Solo Quests section or published module - can work if strong element of uncertainty will be introduced. In this book you can find mechanic to track progress and some random encounters that does not change plot/scenario structure. Having said that, I think this book contains some very good tools for non-Solo GM when it comes to building scenarios.
Regarding Rewards and Penalties sections, rules takes ~86 pages and more then 120 tables to answer question "What do I get from this quest?". To be honest, in rpg you can always have rule for anything and it can be as complex as you like. Will it help you to generate unexpected results? Yes, however at cost of momentum and this is really precious commodity when playing rpg solo.
Creator Reply: |
Hi Kasper--Thanks for your feedback! I think most of your comments apply more to the QuickStart section for sure.
Regarding the prompts and conflict, I'd be interested in your thoughts on the extensive sections engineered specifically to generate this--the Solo Encounters and Solo Quests sections most of all. I'd also enjoy your thoughts on the Rewards and Penalties sections; one of the things I've never been able to find with existing products before this is a notion of consequences for failure, and a broader range of rewards beyond "+1 sword".
Whether you find value in any of that or not, thanks still for your feedback and support! :) |
Do not underestimate the author's claims of density - this boi is THICC.
As a relatively new participant as PC, this book is a great companion to the core rulebooks to test out possible player builds, spells, etc. almost like the "firing range" sandbox in a typical FPS game. While DMing is above my pay grade for the moment, I can also see what a great resource it is for filling in some less-than-fleshed out areas of your campaign, or in my group's case, when the party decides to fixate on a part of the adventure that the DM had no intention of us exploring and needs to whip up some encounters on the fly!
Just need to take a second to appreciate how comprehensive this quickstart toolkit is...the author put 4 pages of Quickstart traps alone! His claim about dynamic gaming holds up...Take a single book, and use it in a myriad of different ways. Highly recommend.
Also really like how he addresses some of challenges with solo play; obfuscation, making it interesting when you are the GM and all PCs,etc.
i've been using infinium stuff for a while now and this might be my new fav. So much stuff, tons of it. theres a thing in the intro thats like just flip to a page and get inspiration, and it pretty much works that way thats how much stuff there is here. I dont even really solo game but the stuff here is crazy good for regular group games. top notch thank you!
What a beast of a book! 400 plus pages of content that will keep any Gamemaster or player busy with content to integrate into thier campaigns.
Love the ability to quickly integrate hooks into existing games for the ahem busy GM who doesn't have the free time they once had and might have not done as much prep as they could have.
As someone who would have enjoyed Solo adventuring when I started DnD without an established group, this book really would have hit the spot, and I'm looking forward to digging much more into this functionality.
Thanks to the Author for the massive amount of work that went into this!