This is mostly what is says on the tin. a list of animals that can fly. (Not all are avian.) This has the entries listed 1 to 100.
- The numbering allows you to roll a d100 to get a random creature.
- Each creature has some good details.
- There is not a separate category in each entry for information about the climate or terrain the creature comes from. With many of the creatures that can be determined. But it will require extra work on the DMs part to determine.
- Because that information isn't listed in an easily accessible way, DMs will have a hard time finding creatures for the location their characters are at quickly.
Of course a merchant might have one of these creatures far from their normal climes, or maybe they stowed away in a crate and now the local population doesn't know how to deal with these foreign pests.
Personally, I think the best uses for this product might be to either read all the entries and choose something the characters will discover. Or to give some random entries to the players when they discover a book on nature or flying creatures.