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The Haunting of Abbeyham Priory! (A Jumpstart for They Came From Beyond the Grave!) $2.99
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The Haunting of Abbeyham Priory! (A Jumpstart for They Came From Beyond the Grave!)
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The Haunting of Abbeyham Priory! (A Jumpstart for They Came From Beyond the Grave!)
Publisher: Onyx Path Publishing
by Bob V. G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/11/2023 06:38:03

Recently, I soloed my way through The Haunting of Abbeyham Priory! (A Jumpstart for They Came From Beyond the Grave!) (50 pages). This RPG is set in the 1970s and the characters are in a movie. I did use the five characters that are in this set of rules as my PCs. To solo this I used Betrayal at House on the Hill with a yes/no/maybe oracle. So, the adventure started out with the PCs arriving at the English priory and being forced to deal with some vocal villagers (there was no violence, only talking/scene one). Sister Faustina gives the PCs a tour (scene two), but things change when they discover a secret trapdoor. The PCs climb down through it and start to move through a crawl space. The Sister hits them with a sleep spell.

Scene three is a dream sequence. Diana gets damaged by a beast and her damage carries over to the real world. In scene four, three PCs wake up before the others. They are on the ground, but get kicked in the face and go unconscious. When all of them wake up, they find themselves tied to chairs, sitting at a dining room table. There are more conversations and the PCs realize how much trouble they are in. Next, they are put to sleep with Chloroform. In the scene five dream sequence, they explore a different version of the priory. Rowland the professor finds a lucky stone. He slips it in his shirt pocket and it does carry over to the real world.

In scene six, the PCs are tied to wooden racks down in the basement. Their feet are elevated higher than their heads. They wake up, struggle against the ropes, and are lacerated. Their blood is collected by the devil worshippers, the lucky stone slips out of the pocket, hits the floor, and then Rowland hears a voice in his head. It is the voice of Sister Fortitude. She instructs him to repeat a spell if he wants him and his friends to survive this. He does so. The PCs bleed out. Their blood is taken upstairs. The dead PCs wake up. They are now zombies. This time they all hear the voice, “You are mine”. The zombies break the ropes, and follow a large black cat out of the priory. The PCs have escaped the priory, but what plans does Sister Fortitude have for them? The next adventure will answer this question.

Give this a try! All the rules you need for this exciting adventure are included in this Jumpstart.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Haunting of Abbeyham Priory! (A Jumpstart for They Came From Beyond the Grave!)
Publisher: Onyx Path Publishing
by Chris J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/02/2021 09:28:18

The Haunting of Abbeyham Priory! is first and foremost a really fun read, and even with little experience of the system, you really get a sense of the tone they're aiming at - you've little doubt at whats being skewered! As a jumpstart, this gives you plenty to get you started, and hints at the larger world the line covers - I'm certainly keen to get the full book when it releases!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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