This is a COMPLETE hex crawl adventure. It has a well-done 80x82(?) 1-mile hex map that is at the same time basic but attractive. A calendar with weather events, and a plethora of locals, oh my! 192 pages are overkill for the adventure, but there is much cut and pastable material in here. A good layout was made for gear to be displayed in various OSR systems. I found this to be a well-done classic-style adventure with a more social-leaning gameplay than normally found with goblins.
Edited and Revised:
The characters are fun, the art is fun, are is consistent and good, if you are into cards and Shadowdark... this is a no brainer to pick up. I use these for public play sessions. Helps the new players pick a quick character and get right into it.
A great tool to bring a little more mother nature into your games. Art is evocative and pulls you into the work. The write up of the atmosphere and mood of the various wetlands is fantastic and translates very well to good story telling at the table.
Wow, it really is 15,0000 all split into three groups of your standard NPC's.
If you are looking for a baker say, you need to go through the list of labor NPC's, kind of annoying. (but its 1 dollar!)
The vastness of the list is awesome, specifically for the price point.
Fun, quick and simple system. The potion recepies are hillarious. I love a good artist/writer. Digital ingredients are a great handout.
Creator Reply: |
Thank you for the kind words. I'm very glad you like it.
A simple fun little tavern that just feels like it fits right into a fantasy city setting.
This is one of the few taverns that "made sense" to me in how it operates within the city.
Its not "just a bar", its a space that the community uses.
I had high expectations after DM'ing Black Worm of Brandonford multiple sessions.
Expectations met, and exceeded, by a large margin.
The of THE ABSOLUTE BEST mini sandbox with a sailing theme, period.
The adventure works. There is just nothing exciting about it.
Probably the most fun of the Cephus style games out there.
Is it as glossy as some of the other systems? No. This product is also a fraction of the cost, and is a self contained system unto itself.
No frills, just quality gaming material that can be used stand alone, or stripped the material down to its parts and harvest into other cephus style games.
Creator Reply: |
Thank you for the excellent review! |
Moving from fantasy to sc-fi games there are many things I wish I would have known about setting up a campaign that would have made my first 2-3 long term sci-fi game avoid many of the pitfalls that I stumbled with for a while.
No cruch, just great advice.
If you are looking to drop a trading post full of NCP's and some plot hooks into a Cephus style Sci-Fi Game, congratulations, your quest is over.
I have used this product as is, re-used, re-skinned, ect.
Northen Edge puts out some quality vehicles and robots. The ships provided in these series of books far surpass that found in the Traveller books. The art work is so good and invokes what you want at the table when during the "reveal". Highly recomend this and all the books in Northern Edge's Traveller vehicles series.
The combination of Filling in the Blanks and Into the Wild, and an dicerolling program, is the system I use to build my sandbox's. The books incorperate the OSE random monsters as well as some dungeon design principals found within those core books. I enjoy when I can sit down and pound out some six mile hexes.
I don't know where Kerr came from, but we need to go back to where ever that is and bring back more like him.
The dungeon has a bevy of of role play and memory creation fodder. The dungeon is easy to place any any campaign (as long as you don't mind adding a funky sword god into a pantheon), fun rewards, and interesting things for players to mess around with. The capstone of the adventures is the AFTERMATH and cleanup that can happen upon conclusion. Between Hideous Daylight, and now the Wyvern Song adventures, Kerr is a strong new voice that has my attention.
A wonderful little adventure. I have run it multiple times. The festival is fantastic, memories were made chashing birds away from baked pies and fainting goat boxers. My favorite part to run is giving ghostly terrible buisness advice.