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Mounts Revisited Beta
Publisher: Dragoncrown Games
by Achilles A. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/23/2022 12:38:16

This is a solid piece of work. Anyone planning on running mounts in their game should give it a read. I highly recommend picking it up.I'm planning on making a major battle in my home game, and the content I've read in this supplement has been exceptionally useful.This is a solid piece of work. Anyone planning on running mounts in their game should give it a read. I highly recommend picking it up.I'm planning on making a major battle in my home game, and the content I've read in this supplement has been exceptionally useful.Like the one I intend to make, require calvary. It just makes sense. This supplements really helped me better understand how a mounted battle should go.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Mounts Revisited Beta
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Lost Among The Starlit Wreckage
Publisher: Seamus Conneely
by Achilles A. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/17/2022 10:09:02

Absolutely fantastic journaling TTRPG! If you’ve never played a journaling TTRPG, this is a great place to start. If you have played and enjoy journaling games, I recommend “Lost Among the Starlit Wreckage”. It really allows you to dive deep into character development.

This game also has a 2 player rule set that is phenomenal. Which is a rarity with this type of game. The rules are easy to understand and employ and give you an excellent opportunity to write interesting dialogue with a partner.

Overall, I’d say that this game is a rare gem. It’s definitely worth picking up and diving into.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Lost Among The Starlit Wreckage
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The Road to Monsterberg, Crypt of the Raubritter
Publisher: Codex Integrum LLC
by Achilles A. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/23/2022 16:47:34

This is a fantastic module for a variety of reasons and a lot of different play styles could make good use of the content found here.

The Road to Monsterberg, Crypt of the Raubritter uses the Codex rulebook and the Codex superno magic system. If you haven’t already picked up those rulebooks, I highly suggest doing so. That being said, a creative GM could still make use of this module without needing to put too much elbow grease into making the DC’s or monsters fit their core system. Of course, using the system this module is designed for is recommended.

The Codex core rules and soprano magic system are designed for a low magic setting. If you’re running that kind of game, do yourself a favor and pick this book up. Writing interesting modules without the use of high magic elements can be difficult, but in this module the developers prove that they are up for the challenge.

The setting is based off of real-world 14th-century Europe. And as you explore the various twists and turns the landscape offers, you realize you want to know more about this world. You want to know who lives in all of these keeps and castles. You want to know what’s really going on in that haunted forest. You want to know what happens next. The game is full of rich detail and intriguing mystery which will engage your players and incite their curiosity.

The format of the module is easy to follow and well organized. The writers list out a series of events in what they refer to as “episodes”. Each episode contains a plot point that the players need to experience in order to progress to another location and adventure. However, these episodes don’t need to be in order. They wrote the module so that it doesn’t matter where the adventurers go because there’s something interesting wherever they end up. They can progress to another location and further the story without feeling railroaded.

This episodic system makes it easy for the GM to remember locations and events while still being able to shuffle the plot points as the players move around. Every GM knows that you can’t count on anything your players are going to do. This module gives you all the tools necessary to stay on your toes and one step ahead of those irksome adventurers.

Because of this flexibility, any gaming table could take advantage of this module. However, if you are running a low magic campaign with a darker and more realistic style, you need this book. In fact, if you’ve never run a low magic campaign but would like to give it a try, this book would be ideal. It’s so well organized, that you could almost use this as a “how to guide” for running a low magic world.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s an intriguing story, but it’s an invaluable example of solid writing for what is a challenging setting.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Road to Monsterberg, Crypt of the Raubritter
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Codex Superno
Publisher: Codex Integrum LLC
by Achilles A. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/20/2021 11:29:17

Codex Superno offers a truly superior magic system for a low magic game.

Low magic games can be tricky to run. If you’re taking a game like Pathfinder or Dungeons & Dragons, and trying to make a grittier, realistic, low magic campaign, you’re often forced to restrict magic progression. That can be a little bland.

Codex Superno lets you build a world that is rich, interesting, and full of truly unique plot hooks and potential campaign arcs. In the introduction, the author explains how they took a deep dive into real world historical records of magic, astrology, alchemy and herbology, as well as historical documentation regarding religious magic.

Yes, that’s right, the Catholic Church really did practice a special brand of holy magic!

The book maintains some of the basic mechanics that you will already be familiar with. Your low level spells from STR content still function in the system. However, they also give you a list of original spells that is rooted in real world books and grimoires. They flesh out ritual magic by providing actual instructions to rituals that reflect the historical accounts and beliefs of people that practiced magic centuries ago.

If you’re thinking about a low magic campaign with a grittier feel, you absolutely have to pick up this book. If you’re playing any of the other Codex systems, you absolutely have to pick up this book. If you enjoy historical myths and legends around magic, sorcery, and witchcraft, you absolutely have to pick up this book.

As I read the text, I developed a dozen ideas for various storylines and settings centered around this magic system. I haven’t run a low magic game for a while, but I’m excited to start one now.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Codex Superno
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Codex Martialis: Core Rules (2024 Edition)
Publisher: Codex Integrum LLC
by Achilles A. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/16/2021 06:23:26

I got about halfway through the first page of chapter 1 when I blurted out, “Damn, this is going to be a fun game.”

In the Codex Core Rule book, you’ll find a dynamic game system that prioritizes strategy without sacrificing speed or pacing. Not an easy feat to accomplish, but they did it. Within the book you’ll find a system for armed and even unarmed combat. There is a large number of rules to this game, but you will find these rules easy to understand, remember, and intuitive. That’s why the Codex system can center on strategy without ending up bloated or slow. Your strategic options are numerous but easy to understand and fast to execute.

Codex focuses on armed combat and historical martial arts. This game offers a few options any GM should take seriously. First, it’s very modular. This system can be effectively adapted and combined with another TTRPG. This would be particularly useful for a low magic setting, but not, by any means, restricted to that type of game. Any homebrewer that enjoys tinkering with game mechanics should pick up this book.

If you have been playing the same TTRPG for a while and want to try something new, the Codex Core Rulebook is worth a read. A series of modules and adventures can also be purchased with this book. Codex isn’t just a alternative combat system. It’s a total game system that can, as an option, be adapted and assimilated by other game systems. Still, it’s totally playable independently.

One of the unique features of the Codex Core Rulebook is its focus on historical European martial arts. The book uses authentic illustrations from historical combat manuscripts. These illustrations offer the reader insight into the Codex world. You have a sense of realism with this combat system, and when combined with the illustrations of real combat techniques as well as the strategic nature of the rules, you get an elevated sense of immersion. Just reading the rules gives you a sense of what it would have been like to live and fight in medieval Europe.

Another element the writers of Codex ingeniously employed in their system, dice focused gameplay. As opposed to modifier focused gameplay. You build your character with different features that can be chosen as you level up. However, instead of simply adding a modifier to your character’s stats, you get more dice or can use your dice more strategically. I believe this is a trend that the TTRPG industry is headed towards, and Codex is there now. Rolling dice is fun, it’s suspenseful, it’s why we play tabletop games. Just like any other RPG, you build your character, but you don’t lose the excitement that comes along with the element of chance.

Codex blends strategy, immersion, and excitement in a new approach. It can be adapted into a campaign you’re in the middle of or a system that you love but needs some freshening up, but it also manages to stand alone as an independent and fully functional game. Any GM can find something worthwhile in the Codex Core Rulebook. This is easily one of the best gaming systems I’ve read this year.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Codex Martialis: Core Rules (2024 Edition)
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