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Abandoned Warehouse Hex Flower
Publisher: Tev's Next Idea
by Bob V. G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/01/2022 05:53:56

Extinction Punk (117 pages, free at DriveThruRPG) is a post-apocalyptic RPG. For the last part of the adventure, I used Abandoned Warehouse Hex Flower (one page, free/pay what you want at DriveThruRPG). To solo this, I used a yes/no/maybe oracle along with two encounter charts that I created. The first chart had 30 possibilities for outside encounters and the second chart had 14 possibilities for inside loot. The adventure started with my four PCs outside searching for food because they were hungry. The ground collapsed beneath them and they fell down into a tunnel that had been created by a giant burrow worm. Within a few minutes they were in combat with a large burrow worm. They continued along the tunnel and it eventually came to an underground warehouse. They could have continued travelling in the tunnel, but they searched the warehouse instead. Inside they destroyed six security cameras and nine robots (the PCs did take damage). They found cigarettes, a watch, a handgun, handgun ammo, a fireman axe, a gasoline can with 3L of gasoline, and several silver dollars. The most useful discovery was an emergency robot ally, “Please state the nature of your emergency.” The PCs explained that they were hungry. The robot replied, “Please follow me.” I decided that this was a good place to stop. Getting to the food is probably another adventure.

Give this adventure a try!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Abandoned Warehouse Hex Flower
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Chromatic Dungeons Basic Rulebook
Publisher: Izegrim Creations
by Bob V. G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/27/2022 21:10:50

For the past few days, I have soloed my way through Falkrest Abbey (44 pages, 50 cents, at the moment, at DriveThruRPG). This adventure is for Old-School Essentials, but I used the Chromatic Dungeons Basic Rules (85 pages, one buck, same place). I used Magic the Gathering cards along with a yes/no/maybe oracle as the solo engine. I used five player characters that were included in Chromatic and I created a cleric to join them. Here are the highlights of the adventure.

On the first day they wandered around the City of Ravnica to find a quest and hear rumors. On the second day, they left the city, found the Boros Legion Guild Castle, talked to some NPCs, and spent the night at Jora’s Last Inn. On the third day, they travelled through the Lune mountains (no encounters were rolled). At dusk they found the abbey. In no time at all they were in combat with three bandits and later an Icescale Viper. They also killed a flayed zombie and started acquiring loot. They also had to deal with a wight. The cleric turned him and they decided to go in a different direction. The cleric found some more undead to turn and they found an unstable room. In another room they found a skull circle and a portal. They destroyed the circle and the portal vanished (Oops!). Next, they found a ghost who sent them to kill the wight. So, now they had to go back to the wight. Raven the wizard damage him for two points of damage (his only spell – magic missle). At this point, they started talking to the wight. He says that he can help the PCs kill the ghost if they accept and complete a quest from the god of death. After the incantation, they get the quest – steal a silver goblet from the Shrine of Life (back at the city). They spend the night in the wight’s chamber.

On the fourth day they backtrack and spend the night at the inn. On the fifth day, Nasir the thief attempts to steal the silver goblet by himself. He gets caught, he is found guilty, and he is put in jail. The PCs decide that this is a bad sign. They give up on this quest. It is time to find a new one. They sell their loot in the city. The value of their loot is 943 gold pieces. All the PCs survived!

Give this fun RPG a try!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Chromatic Dungeons Basic Rulebook
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Falkrest Abbey
Publisher: Axian Spice
by Bob V. G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/27/2022 21:06:34

For the past few days, I have soloed my way through Falkrest Abbey (44 pages, 50 cents, at the moment, at DriveThruRPG). This adventure is for Old-School Essentials, but I used the Chromatic Dungeons Basic Rules (85 pages, one buck, same place). I used Magic the Gathering cards along with a yes/no/maybe oracle as the solo engine. I used five player characters that were included in Chromatic and I created a cleric to join them. Here are the highlights of the adventure.

On the first day they wandered around the City of Ravnica to find a quest and hear rumors. On the second day, they left the city, found the Boros Legion Guild Castle, talked to some NPCs, and spent the night at Jora’s Last Inn. On the third day, they travelled through the Lune mountains (no encounters were rolled). At dusk they found the abbey. In no time at all they were in combat with three bandits and later an Icescale Viper. They also killed a flayed zombie and started acquiring loot. They also had to deal with a wight. The cleric turned him and they decided to go in a different direction. The cleric found some more undead to turn and they found an unstable room. In another room they found a skull circle and a portal. They destroyed the circle and the portal vanished (Oops!). Next, they found a ghost who sent them to kill the wight. So, now they had to go back to the wight. Raven the wizard damage him for two points of damage (his only spell – magic missle). At this point, they started talking to the wight. He says that he can help the PCs kill the ghost if they accept and complete a quest from the god of death. After the incantation, they get the quest – steal a silver goblet from the Shrine of Life (back at the city). They spend the night in the wight’s chamber.

On the fourth day they backtrack and spend the night at the inn. On the fifth day, Nasir the thief attempts to steal the silver goblet by himself. He gets caught, he is found guilty, and he is put in jail. The PCs decide that this is a bad sign. They give up on this quest. It is time to find a new one. They sell their loot in the city. The value of their loot is 943 gold pieces. All of the PCs survived!

Give this fun adventure a try!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Falkrest Abbey
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Sorcerers at Smokewater
Publisher: Powercell Games
by Bob V. G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/18/2022 18:11:07

Sorcerers at Smokewater (James Eisert, free at DriveThruRPG) is a fun 104 page adventure for The Fantasy Trip RPG, but I used Deathtrap Light (152 pages, DriveThruRPG). To solo this, I used a yes/no/maybe oracle. I continued with my Deathtrap characters.

Andilet started the adventure demanding her cut of the loot. The mages did not want to sell the two faerie mushrooms. So, she stormed off and said that she was going to become a fisherman. She said that she might join them again if they paid her what she was owed. The other characters picked up a quest and ended up checking out a temple, two homes, a municipal building, a bar, a Guildhall, a farm, a forest, plains, mountains, and a cavern. When they realized they were being followed, they wounded the guilty guy and he led them to his wife in a tent. She went berserk and the fighter accidentally killed her (oops). It was here that they discovered that they had been played (a twist). Well, they were happy with the 66 silver pieces of silver that they had found in the caverns. They went back to the city. They found Andilet and invited her to a party to celebrate the finding of loot. She did join them for the party. They also invited Drexxy the dwarf, she is always a good time.

Give this fun adventure a try!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Sorcerers at Smokewater
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Deathtrap Lite Playtest Edition
Publisher: Deathtrap Games
by Bob V. G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/13/2022 19:36:54

Dungeon of the Week #1:Scattered Chambers of the Leper One (DMDave) is fun 8 page adventure for Fifth Edition D&D, but I used Deathtrap Light Playtest Edition (152 pages, DriveThruRPG). To solo this, I used the solo engine – FlexTale Solo Adventuring Toolkit (613 pages, same place). I created six characters and they started their adventure in the morning.

The first thing Taylor the necromancer did, was look for a dead body. No luck with that. Bancroft the mage tried to cast swarmform but instead, he was turned into one crow. While he was searching for the lair, the other five PCs were attacked by unhealthy bandits. The PCs killed one and wounded the others. They gave up. The PCs took their shoes, armor, and weapons. Their was nothing of value, but Taylor was able to get her zombie. The crow did find the lair. Three of the PCs took damage when Cobain the thief unlocked a locked door with his thieves’ tools. Next, the PCs had a conversation with a blue dragon wyrmling. They made a deal with him. Soon after this they encountered a mimic. Dalton the warrior did his best to kill it, but failed. The other PCs ran from the mimic.

So that past part was eight rooms. For the next three rooms I used FlexTale to create three more rooms. In a room with difficult terrain, they fought two skeletons. The PCs killed them, but Andilet the knave went down and the zombie died. Carmichael the mage healed him and his life was saved. They found five silver pieces and two faerie mushrooms. Sigh. At this point, the PCs were tired and frustrated. They went back to the dragon and gave him his share of the treasure: three silver pieces. They then exited the lair.

Maybe you will have better luck. The attached image is of Taylor and the artist is Aderhine.

Give this RPG a try!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Deathtrap Lite Playtest Edition
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Sister of Yhanith'lei
Publisher: Gallant Knight Games
by Bob V. G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/08/2022 19:42:42

Recently, I soloed my way through Tiny Cthulhu (181 pages at DriveThruRPG). This d6 system also includes rules for pulp games and noir games. The adventure that I used was Sister of Yhanith’lei (20 pages same place). I used Bivius Solo (5 pages) as the solo engine. So, my five PCs are on a boat with three NPCs. The professor NPC is the one in charge (this is not Gilligan’s Island). The PCs soon notice that Gordon (NPC) is acting weird. When it is time for the underwater exploration, Paul the war veteran (armed with a spear) stays in the boat to keep an eye on Gordon. So, now the captain, Gordon and Paul are alone in the boat and Gordon makes his move. There is a confrontation, weapons are drawn, shots are fired, and Gordon gets a spear stuck through him. He is bleeding out. Paul bandages his own wounds.

Down below, the explorers have to deal with a Star-Spawn. The professor dies, Dr. Smith (this is not Lost in Space) now has a fear of the figure 8, Pat now has a fear of the color white, Montague now has a fear of sleep, and Ester makes it to the surface without any corruption damage. Because the captain is still alive and undamaged, they do not have any problems getting back to land. They do get questioned by the police and the PCs are not charged for any crimes. The five player characters do turn in the professor’s journal to the Miskatonic University Library.

Give this exciting adventure a try!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Sister of Yhanith'lei
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Tiny Cthulhu
Publisher: Gallant Knight Games
by Bob V. G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/08/2022 19:39:34

Recently, I soloed my way through Tiny Cthulhu (181 pages at DriveThruRPG). This d6 system also includes rules for pulp games and noir games. The adventure that I used was Sister of Yhanith’lei (20 pages same place). I used Bivius Solo (5 pages) as the solo engine. So, my five PCs are on a boat with three NPCs. The professor NPC is the one in charge (this is not Gilligan’s Island). The PCs soon notice that Gordon (NPC) is acting weird. When it is time for the underwater exploration, Paul the war veteran (armed with a spear) stays in the boat to keep an eye on Gordon. So, now the captain, Gordon and Paul are alone in the boat and Gordon makes his move. There is a confrontation, weapons are drawn, shots are fired, and Gordon gets a spear stuck through him. He is bleeding out. Paul bandages his own wounds.

Down below, the explorers have to deal with a Star-Spawn. The professor dies, Dr. Smith (this is not Lost in Space) now has a fear of the figure 8, Pat now has a fear of the color white, Montague now has a fear of sleep, and Ester makes it to the surface without any corruption damage. Because the captain is still alive and undamaged, they do not have any problems getting back to land. They do get questioned by the police and the PCs are not charged for any crimes. They do turn in the professor’s journal to the Miskatonic University Library.

Give this exciting RPG a try!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Tiny Cthulhu
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Fighter Guy Super Simple System
Publisher: Fighter Guy Studios
by Bob V. G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/06/2022 13:44:19

Brains and Brawn is a PDF with four pages (free/pay what you want at DriveThruRPG). This 3d10 RPG can be used for any setting. The setting and random dungeon that I picked out came from Challenge Dungeon RPG (166 pages, free at the same place). The Solo Engine that I used was Bivius Solo (5 pages). I created four characters.

The adventure started with the PCs arriving at the outskirts of a ruins. Manson the necromancer was able to find a dead body and create a zombie. To complete their quest, they needed to kill the Boss Monster. Well, they found him in the first room they explored. They killed him and the treasure was a Rafflesia Plant (I didn’t see that coming). Herbalists use it as an ingredient and the PCs did harvest it. They exited the ruins and travelled towards the caves. They set up camp and it was a quiet evening.

The next day they entered the caves. They killed two monsters, triggered one trap, and found a wide variety of loot. They couldn’t use some of the loot, so in the future, they will need to find a town and sell it. In the last room, room twelve, they found the Boss Monster. They killed him too. The PCs did get wounded. Carl the cleric was having trouble casting his healing spells even though he was using his new Holy Pearl. So, they ate the magic potatoes they had found in the dungeon. They exited the cave and set up camp. They had another quiet evening.

Give this fun RPG a try!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Fighter Guy Super Simple System
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Creator Reply:
Thanks so much for the review! I'm glad you enjoyed it. Have you gotten to check out the expansions - they work with the main rules to create new genres and mechanics. I'd love to know what you think of them!
WHITEFRANK: Goldfish Graveyard
by Bob V. G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/01/2022 19:46:18

Goldfish Graveyard (10 pages, one buck at DriveThruRPG) is a fun adventure for Whitefrank. The RPG system I used was Mad Merlin’s Magical Wizarding Summer Camp (20 pages, 50 cents for now at the same place). I did use the Madey Upy Namey Emulator (five pages) to solo this adventure. I created five PCs with a wide variety of skills and spells.

The adventure started when Agatha was trying to turn herself into a dog. The spell failed and she was turned into a goldfish. She fell down and dropped through a grate, down into the sewers below. Her four friends were quick to volunteer to go find her. A teacher unlocked a door which gave them access to the sewers below. A toilet hobo was their first encounter. Eva used her persuasion and turned him into a friend. The Sewer Kings Gang was their second encounter. Salva created an illusion of a dragon the size of a cow. It scared the gang away. The Femme Fatale is their third encounter. She explains that she needs that “magic goldfish” as a spell ingredient. Eva tells the hobo to attack her, but he slips on a slimy spot and falls into the sewer water. Femme tries to shoot him, but misses (because he slipped). Femme warns the PCs and then wanders off. The fourth encounter is another hobo. They question him and find out that he does not know anything.

The fifth location/encounter is a dark sewer tunnel that goes straight. Pablo turns himself into a duck and explores it. When he encounters a rat swarm he flies back to the others. The sixth location is a whirlpool. They do not mess with that. Next, they run into Femme again and this time she has Agatha the goldfish in a pickle jar filled with water. Juan casts a spell at her and it fizzles. Femme shoots him and misses. Juan casts a spell and her revolver turns into a teacup. Femme casts a spell and turns Juan into a rabbit. Eva casts a spell and turns Femme into a box turtle. They pick up the turtle, go back to the whirlpool, and throw the turtle into the whirlpool. They go back to the magic school with their loot ($10,160.00). The next day, Pablo, Juan, Agatha, and Femme turn back into their human forms.

When you try this, maybe you will get a higher score ($). Give this adventure a try!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
WHITEFRANK: Goldfish Graveyard
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Mad Merlin's Magical Wizarding Summer Camp
Publisher: Meta Mage Studios
by Bob V. G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/01/2022 19:44:29

Goldfish Graveyard (10 pages, one buck at DriveThruRPG) is a fun adventure for Whitefrank. The RPG system I used was Mad Merlin’s Magical Wizarding Summer Camp (20 pages, 50 cents for now at the same place). I did use the Madey Upy Namey Emulator (five pages) to solo this adventure. I created five PCs with a wide variety of skills and spells.

The adventure started when Agatha was trying to turn herself into a dog. The spell failed and she was turned into a goldfish. She fell down and dropped through a grate, down into the sewers below. Her four friends were quick to volunteer to go find her. A teacher unlocked a door which gave them access to the sewers below. A toilet hobo was their first encounter. Eva used her persuasion and turned him into a friend. The Sewer Kings Gang was their second encounter. Salva created an illusion of a dragon the size of a cow. It scared the gang away. The Femme Fatale is their third encounter. She explains that she needs that “magic goldfish” as a spell ingredient. Eva tells the hobo to attack her, but he slips on a slimy spot and falls into the sewer water. Femme tries to shoot him, but misses (because he slipped). Femme warns the PCs and then wanders off. The fourth encounter is another hobo. They question him and find out that he does not know anything.

The fifth location/encounter is a dark sewer tunnel that goes straight. Pablo turns himself into a duck and explores it. When he encounters a rat swarm he flies back to the others. The sixth location is a whirlpool. They do not mess with that. Next, they run into Femme again and this time she has Agatha the goldfish in a pickle jar filled with water. Juan casts a spell at her and it fizzles. Femme shoots him and misses. Juan casts a spell and her revolver turns into a teacup. Femme casts a spell and turns Juan into a rabbit. Eva casts a spell and turns Femme into a box turtle. They pick up the turtle, go back to the whirlpool, and throw the turtle into the whirlpool. They go back to the magic school with their loot ($10,160.00). The next day, Pablo, Juan, Agatha, and Femme turn back into their human forms.

When you try this, maybe you will get a higher score ($). Give this a try!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Mad Merlin's Magical Wizarding Summer Camp
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Castles & Crusades U1 Shadows of the Halfling Hall
Publisher: Troll Lord Games
by Bob V. G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/29/2022 15:00:22

Recently, I soloed my way through Mighty Scout Leaders (22 pages, free/pay what you want at DriveThruRPG). I did use four of the characters that are in this set of rules as my PCs. To solo this I used Magic the Gathering cards with a yes/no/maybe oracle. So, the adventure started out with the four camp counselors and their campers trying to earn a cooking badge out at their campfires. It suddenly started to rain, and the event was washed out. No badges for anyone. When the campers got into their sleeping bags that evening, my four PCs went to the dining hall to play poker. Unfortunately, an alien ship came down, put the PCs asleep with a sleep gas, and the four cat sized aliens attached themselves to the heads of the PCs. This put them into a dream state. If the PCs survive the dream they can reject the alien’s influence. If the PC dies during the dream, he/she becomes a drone. For the dream sequence I used Shadows of the Halfling Hall (26 pages at DriveThruRPG, a fantasy adventure).

The dream starts with the PCs listening to the quest instructions from Redd at his inn. They start their investigation and question several people who are scattered throughout the town. They also go back to the inn and recruit a goblin wizard. The clues lead them to the Brambletoe estate. In The Hall, and down beneath it, they battle different kinds of zombies and skeletons. The PCs do take damage and things get nasty when they run into the DreamKeeper. Roger goes down, but they do kill this Big Bad.

As soon as the monster is dead, Cleo, George, and Tag wake up. The aliens that were clinging to their faces, make a run for it. Roger is now a drone and heads towards the alien ship floating outside. Cleo tries to stop Roger, but Roger knocks her out. George tries to get inside the alien ship, but he is hit with a paralyzing ray. Tag chases an alien in the kitchen, but slips on a greasy spot. He catches up to it out in the grass outside and kills it. Roger the Drone and the other aliens make it to the alien ship and it takes off. Maybe you will have better luck.

Give this fun adventure a try!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Castles & Crusades U1 Shadows of the Halfling Hall
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Mighty Scout Leaders
Publisher: Comedy Evening Games
by Bob V. G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/29/2022 14:57:56

Recently, I soloed my way through Mighty Scout Leaders (22 pages, free/pay what you want at DriveThruRPG). I did use four of the characters that are in this set of rules as my PCs. To solo this I used Magic the Gathering cards with a yes/no/maybe oracle. So, the adventure started out with the four camp counselors and their campers trying to earn a cooking badge out at their campfires. It suddenly started to rain, and the event was washed out. No badges for anyone. When the campers got into their sleeping bags that evening, my four PCs went to the dining hall to play poker. Unfortunately, an alien ship came down, put the PCs asleep with a sleep gas, and the four cat sized aliens attached themselves to the heads of the PCs. This put them into a dream state. If the PCs survive the dream they can reject the alien’s influence. If the PC dies during the dream, he/she becomes a drone. For the dream sequence I used Shadows of the Halfling Hall (26 pages at DriveThruRPG, a fantasy adventure).

The dream starts with the PCs listening to the quest instructions from Redd at his inn. They start their investigation and question several people who are scattered throughout the town. They also go back to the inn and recruit a goblin wizard. The clues lead them to the Brambletoe estate. In The Hall, and down beneath it, they battle different kinds of zombies and skeletons. The PCs do take damage and things get nasty when they run into the DreamKeeper. Roger goes down, but they do kill this Big Bad.

As soon as the monster is dead, Cleo, George, and Tag wake up. The aliens that were clinging to their faces, make a run for it. Roger is now a drone and heads towards the alien ship floating outside. Cleo tries to stop Roger, but Roger knocks her out. George tries to get inside the alien ship, but he is hit with a paralyzing ray. Tag chases an alien in the kitchen, but slips on a greasy spot. He catches up to it out in the grass outside and kills it. Roger the Drone and the other aliens make it to the alien ship and it takes off. Maybe you will have better luck. Give this fun game a try!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Mighty Scout Leaders
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Far Away Land Adventures: Peril of the Purple Parrot
Publisher: Simian Circle Games
by Bob V. G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/24/2022 07:28:25

Recently I soloed my way through Peril of the Purple Parrot (16 pages at DriveThruRPG for free) an adventure for Far Away Land RPG. The RPG system I used to play it was Mork Bork Barebones Edition (76 pages available for free at ). The Negligent Necromancer class came from DriveThruRPG. I soloed this with the FlexTale Solo Adventuring Toolkit. Well, my first attempt at this was short. My necromancer failed all of his attempts (four failed rolls). He died when his spell was not cast properly.

So, I rolled up my second necromancer, Max. Max has one hit point. I knew this was going to be a disaster. Max started his day by summoning two zombies. He already had an ooze named Foop. Max was surprised when an airship crashed near him. He looked up and saw a floating island. He was not able to fix the crashed ship. At this point, another ship lands. A repair guy starts fixing the broken ship and Max starts a long conversation with the pilot. The pilot says that Manaia the scientist would love to have his two zombies. The pilot then gives Max and his zombies a ride to the floating island. Foop had to stay below, he does not get along with metal. The pilot then escorts Max to Manaia. She takes the zombies and dismisses Max. Two guards escort the two zombies to the stairs leading down. Instead of leaving the building, Max goes back to the main hall. He starts a conversation with the cook Clinkle Toes. Toes hates his job. Max offers to help, so they go to the kitchen and prepare lunch and later dinner. After dinner, Max offers to do all of the cleanup and sends Toes away. At midnight, Max comes out of the kitchen and he hears two guards playing cards in the armory. He takes the stairs down and starts exploring. He finds loot : jars of acid, copper ingots, two syringes, and alchemicals. He uses one jar of acid to free his two zombies from their holding cell. The three of them head up the stairs, exit the building, and go over to the airship. They take off in the airship and start heading down. Unfortunately, one of the zombies did not follow the safety instructions and fell out of the ship. It died when he had an encounter with the ground below. Max then flew the ship to the nearest city and sold all of his loot including the airship.

Wow. He survived his first 24 hours. How long will his luck last? Give this adventure a try!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Far Away Land Adventures: Peril of the Purple Parrot
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Campfire Story
Publisher: Candlenaut
by Bob V. G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/20/2022 16:53:45

Recently I soloed my way through Campfire Story (20 pages, free/pay what you want at DriveThruRPG). It is for several players and one game master. I rolled up four characters. To solo this I used the Juice Oracle (free at itchio). My four PCs started at their cabin. They heard a scream in the distance and went to investigate it traveling through the woods. The first thing that they found was a secret hideout. No one was there. They continued in the direction of the scream and this time they found a gas station. They walked into the store and blood covered the floor and counter. They followed the bloody trail leading out of there and ran into a minotaur. They killed it, but its body disappeared. They decided to head back to the secret hideout, but they never reached it. Next, they encounter one of the camp counselors who happened to be a teacher. He is armed with a flare gun and he also had heard the screams. The next monster that they run into is a half-bear, half-man creature. They killed it and again the body vanished. They then followed its trail and discovered what looked like a haunted house. They walked through the front door and were face to face with a witch. The teacher noticed a complex pentagram symbol above her on the ceiling made with powders and chalk. He fired his flare gun at this pentagram. The symbol was disturbed, a giant red arm came out of it, grabbed the witch and pulled her up and out of this plane of existence. When a noise is heard on the second level, they go up the stairs. At the top they encounter the witch’s apprentice. They kill her. As they search the body, they notice a secret door in the wall. They go through it and find a small bedroom. They search it and find a magic knife. Because they are wounded and tired, they head back to the camp with their treasure. Give this fun game system a try!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Campfire Story
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Creator Reply:
Dear Bob, At first, wow, what a story.. the moment with the flare gun shot on the symbol and with that hand.. Awesome! I am really, really glad that you give my game a shot and even better, you enjoy it. Please stay tuned for a possible pdf updates, it will get bigger. In moment i will update the file you will receive a notice. The game is just a small part of a big area project.
Temple of 1000 Swords
Publisher: Swordlords Publishing
by Bob V. G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/17/2022 18:06:59

Recently I soloed my way through Temple of 1000 Swords (24 pages at DriveThruRPG for level three characters). The RPG system I used to play it was Dragonbones Sandbox & Dungeon Crawl – The King’s Crown RPG (for several players and one game master, 27 pages available at DriveThruRPG). For their second adventure, I used these same characters - Clip the illusionist, Trace the thief, Biggs the fighter, Tess the cleric, Rocks the ranger, and Sonnet the druid. I did bump them up to third level. The solo engine that I used was the Juice Oracle (free at itchio).

The game started with the PCs picking up the quest at The Iron Castle. The patron for this quest gave them some starting funds and a mule that they could borrow. He also gave them a ring. Their quest was to find the diety at the temple and get him to place a wish in that ring and then return the ring back to the patron. Here are the highlights of the adventure. The first day was travelling and dealing with stirges during the night. The second day was the arrival at the temple and getting damaged by obstacles and traps. The PCs did find a “safe room” where they could sleep at night. On the third day there was a big battle in a room with a six foot long egg. The egg got damaged, and a horror emerged from it. The horror attacked with a primal scream first and then a psychic assault. All of the PCs tried to run away, but Clip was confused, he was forced to fight the horror, and he died.

On the fourth day, they found the diety (Gladio, the god of swords) in a room in his temple. “Yes, I will bless this ring. If your patron is worthy, he will get his wish. /incantation/ It is now blessed. And here is your quest.” At this point, the five PCs were put under a geas to kill nine people in nine days or die. The PCs exited the temple, couldn’t find their mule, discovered five orcs, and killed them (each orc is ½ a person). On the fifth day they go back to the city. They could not find a cleric to hire, but they did hire a fighter. They return the ring to the patron. He immediately tries to take the fighter’s sword to kill him. The ranger killed the patron with an arrow. They take the patron’s money and food, exit the home, sell some potions, and run into the thieves’ guild. Trace pays his dues and the PCs leave the city. Late afternoon they kill five brigands. On the sixth day they kill four more brigands. That night the diety wakes them up. “You have completed the geas. Here is your reward.” The nine brigand swords become new and they are now tipped and edged with silver.

Give this fun adventure a try!

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