I already own 2 paper copies of this book, but wanted to add a digital version. This is a great system and book, but this is a poor scan. This pdf is human-readable but throughout there are whole chunks of text that have not been OCR'd correctly. This makes it useless for a screen reader or other accessibility tools. The issue is the background image on the gutter side column of the page. There is not sufficient contrast in the scan for the optical character recognition software to distinguish the text from the background image, so 2-5 words are missing from each sentence throughout several paragraphs on almost every page. I have paper copies of all the other d20 Modern, Future, Apocalypse, Dark Matter and Call of Cthulhu books and I am buying the OEFs as they become available. In comparison the scanned d20 Modern Core Rulebook is sub-optimal. It is not even on par with other scanned and OCR'd books I have bought from the DND Classics line. Hopefully, WOTC will do the right thing and re-scan with better settings.
Update: WOTC re-scanned and updated the file on 2021-07-28. Note, this is a scanned copy that has been OCR'd. The filesize on the new version is about double the size (122MB) of the previous version. This has resolved the missing text. It took a while, but it has been fixed.