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Cyberpunk RED Data Pack $8.00
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Cyberpunk RED Data Pack
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Cyberpunk RED Data Pack
Publisher: R. Talsorian Games Inc.
by Salman A. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/11/2022 19:53:04

I was very excited to buy this product as there's not that much Cyberpunk red extra content and because so far the writing and the lore was so intersting and dark just the way i like my cyberpunk fiction. unfortunately that is not what I found in the supplement ; its bascically a gender studies manual with a cyberpunk coating to fool the fans into buying it. the "Edge" that is the defining feature of cyberpunk is nowehre to be seen. it is tame and safe and boring. before this prodcuct anything cyberpunk red was an automatic buy but im sad to say that is no longer the case.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Cyberpunk RED Data Pack
Publisher: R. Talsorian Games Inc.
by James T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/20/2022 12:09:22

Even though I love R Talsorian, the writing in this is so bad. Half of it sounds like it ws written by an edgy intern with a gender studies degree. Plus the vulgarity was so over the top. I know cyberpunk isn't sunshine and rainbows, but when "fuck" is thrown around every other bloody word like a hackysack it just comes off as immature. The base game is amazing though. Buy that instead. Hopefully Black Chrome is better than this.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Cyberpunk RED Data Pack
Publisher: R. Talsorian Games Inc.
by Aga M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/21/2021 13:30:26

Screemsheet, Hotspot, Safe House, and Luxury Vendor is good. We really need a RED Night City Sourcebook (also more stuff about the gangs would be great. the gangs are kinda the main draw for me personally)

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Cyberpunk RED Data Pack
Publisher: R. Talsorian Games Inc.
by Michael B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/14/2021 00:16:53

For Game Masters both experienced and new, this data pack is worth it's weight in gold! Tons of resources to open up the sandbox with the 20 things tables. Great screamsheet adventures that I will be incorporating into our campaign. If you're a GM this will help you bring a lot of joy to your players.

For players, I will say, this is a great gift for your Game Master for them to incorporate into your campaign, but do not look inside as this contains basically 100% spoilers.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Cyberpunk RED Data Pack
Publisher: R. Talsorian Games Inc.
by Anthony C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/27/2021 18:06:38

Overall for the price that it is digitally its a steal. You have 30+ pages of writing in addition to the 12 maps that it comes with for something most GMs (and even players) will likely use within a few sessions.

The 12 provided maps are of the same scale and quality as the big books of Loke Battlemats and they slot effortlessly into VTTs such as Roll20 and are extremely print friendly. The scenes themselves seem like they could slot into any campaign. They're all honestly very good to have your hands on if you're going to roll with random encounters. If you expect the unexpected, a stretch of cracked concrete in high definition is very useful when one of your players does a silly, silly side quest for their own curiosity or pushes a gangoon to his violence point.

The character sheets are just as you'd expect: the graphic design holds tight to RED's overall interface and its sleek and easy to read and honestly? They're clean, easy to read, compact, and they just look good - even in that classic black & white.

The booklet itself is set up wonderfully; the PDF-first design philosophy makes reading it on a side screen super easy while in game and much like the core book. The Screamsheets are more detailed than I expected and have a good, meaty personality to them and with minimal fussing you can slot them into a campaign of any color and caliber pretty easily. While they are on the shorter side and we're all groaning for a larger campaign book it has all the highlights you'd expect: nomad job, braindance job, horrible murder job, gang violence job, job-at-a-concert job. They're all pretty good and don't require a specific makeup of a party and they'd be an excellent second step to any group after finishing The Apartment from the jumpstart kit, or when someone can't make session to a larger story.

Lastly, the "20 things" lists help build the city up but also are a great tool for beginner GMs or players who want to familiarize themselves with Cyberpunk RED. You can easily use these as either to help make your campaign more lived-in and if you're in a game where roleplay is king? These lists are basically as good as gold. Part plot point, part useful resource, these lists overall act like seasoning on the meal. There's enough there for a quick stop or as the starter thread to a good roleplay scene, random pocket loot on dead guys, reoccuring characters or... an aside that provides some levity like bees in the flesh zipper. That'll haunt me forever.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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