The third part in the Idlip trilogy and it really does justice to the narrative platforms set up in parts one and two. There is an excellent trail of suspicion to lead your players through from the first act right through to the final set piece encounter. You will not have time in a four hour session to present everything here to your players but that seems to be the prevailing thinking and I'm ok with it. Pick and choose the encounters that speak to you as a DM or that you think your players will dig. This is an excellent adventure and the trilogy itself overall is worth the investment.
Excellent, encounters, dark and brooding atmosphere and an interesting and engaging story. Part 2 of a 3 part adventure and I would recommend running it for regular experienced players for maximum enjoyment for all. I needed to simplify the puzzle a little and make some other minor adjustments here and there but overall a superb adventure.
Part 1 of a three part trilogy, I recommend running it as such over three sessions with continuous players for maximum enjoyment. The characters and plot hooks are interesting but the puzzle encounter is somewhat confused. I had to simplify somewhat to maintain player engagement. I absolutely hated the Stanley/Stella reference from that otherwise excellent roleplay encounter. It made me cringe so much that I changed the names to avoid breaking immersion. Still, that is a miner pet peeve in an otherwise sound and engaging adventure.
The Lost Things introductory adventure is excellent. It has been my default go to for new player groups all year. Just heavy enough in atmosphere to instlll a sense of great wheels in motion and just light hearted enough to engage the inner child in all who play. To DMs presenting this to your WBTW group or as a standalone I would suggest working closely with your players to agree on a lost thing and dont just assign one to your players. A great collaborative showcase for starting DND
A fey flavoured adventure that has the feel of mods from previous seasons, or perhaps a 1970s Great Chase movie. This adventure has a colourful and inclusive landscape with a nicely constructed 'Dungeon Crawl' (Nightclub) There is a lot here to evolve and adapt for your players and thier roleplay proclivities! I had a mix of new and vet when I ran this and it was received pretty well.
I enjoyed presenting this well written and original adventure. The Story hook is meaningful and understandable even to new players and the mix or linear and sandbox encounters provide versatility to your session. Would fit in well with most Fey inspired campaigns. A very original and interesting Archfey concept.
An engaging adventure ideally suited for DND beginners or children or those that are kids at heart. If run well the framework of this adventure can really showcase what DND roleplay really CAN be. (Characters reassuring and bolstering their young selves) Its a bit whacky but it works. I think there may be some players or groups that might find it a bit boring or perhaps a bit saccerine but for me, I"m happy to tell my adult self to take a chill pill and just enjoy this ride as intended.
A nicely well rounded adventure that should fit well into most Feywild campaigns and should find most Fey inspired characters revelling in its landscape. For my taste it draws a little too heavily on Carroll but that is a minor complaint. The melange between modron and fey worked really well for me and I was able to present most characters in fun and meaningful ways. Chessire-Kittywhippins would find an expanded role for me in any retelling of this story and I loved roleplaying the Queen. The courtroom like final encounter also worked well. I'd happily run this again for new and experienced players.
Masterfully designed and presented with superb emotional gravity, this sequel adventure picks up where its successor left off. Not for beginner DMs or novice players, and only run this as a sequel to One moment and only run if you give yourself sufficient time to prepare AND only run if you are running for mature and competent players. The silly wackiness of the Feywild trope is suspended for this complex and gripping story. I would have loved some kind of return or the antagonists kind shard from One moment as my party was invested in her and not in Fugit-made-whole. The wind up and down mechanics of time where fun to play with and our old mate Karaptis from WPM was great to bounce around with again. I will run this again but only sparingly and only for players that deserve and appreciate what it has to offer. A brushstroke short of a masterpeice.
Creator Reply: |
Thank you for your very kind review! There was definitely the notion of trying to do justice by the lore that it interacts with, so hopefully we did accomplish that in some regard. :) Aha, we actually did a special one-shot (though unfortunately unpublished; this was during the Author-Only running permissible period) where Keraptis and Fugit are in the same timeline, and that adventure was called One Fight. As it turns out, I'm not sure they're that compatible...
But yes, thank you very much for reviewing, and I'm glad if your party (and you!) had fun. :D |
Superbly written with great set piece encounter with some of Adventurer's Leagues most beloved historical villians! Not for beginner or novice DMs, and really not for novice players. The information here is so very dense that you will need to do your prep and then some. However, for a veteran group of AL players, you will delight them with some great fun with old frenemies! Great for an extended 6 hour session. For a standard 4 hour slot you will need to trim as needed. As a DM I really felt sorrow for the Antagonist. Hat tip to the author, I think you have written something that you can be very proud of
Creator Reply: |
Thank you for that very kind review! It definitely was meant to pay homage to all the fantastic adventuring we've had a long the way, and just a bit of fun exploring how certain personalities and situations end up in history. I'm glad if you had fun! |
Its hard to get past the sloppy editing, typographical, grammatical and typesetting errors in this and other installments like it from Adventurer's League. Once you do, you are left with a somewhat bewildering ending to this trilogy. Enthralled Adventurers, Rooms with no meaning and a story with a eye raising twist. Oh well I guess I got to play with a vampire that said 'Ribbit!'
Your classic dungeon crawl at its best. I nice mix of encounters including varied traps and enemies to overcome. Well done Author! Sloppy publishing is a real issue. So many spelling, grammatical and typesetting errors bring this and other AL publishing into the sewers.
The maps and the adventure placement requires careful study by the DM to ensure that all know where and what they are doing. Its a good adventure that sets up the 2nd and third act in a way that is engaging while not revealing too early the mysteries from later delvings. Please, please someone proof read these with some competence. Riddled with the most basic typographical errors that high schoolers would surely pick up.
A suitable adventure to get started with season 8 content. Draws some important threads between two of the most influential NPC from the season. Explores some interesting landmarks within Waterdeep - Ally of Daggers, Hawkman statue, Trollskull ally. Riddled with typos and grammatical errors. Writer should be applauded, editor/proofreader should be ashamed.
A real crowd plaeser this. Light on combat but big on roleplay. Some of the most beatifully written text boxes that I have seen in adventures so far. Dont be afraid to use props and a second DM to run the games.