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The Storyguide's Guide to Telling Stories: A Guide $3.99
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The Storyguide\'s Guide to Telling Stories: A Guide
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The Storyguide's Guide to Telling Stories: A Guide
Publisher: Onyx Path Publishing
by TJ W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/05/2021 18:24:30

Sean is a friend of mine, that being said, if you are looking for a general guideline to the rules of any of the Trinity Contiuum titles The Storyguide's Guide to Guiding Stories: A Guide, is an excellent treatise on the rules and developer's intentions. It fills in some holes in the core, such as vehicular combat, and provides plenty of examples of how to use Storypath. It answers questions like, how do I build a death ray with super science? When and how does Scale apply? I have run three Storypath campaigns and found the house rules to be useful and conservative attempts to try to interpret rules as written and intended, but your mileage may vary. This isn't the prettiest community content available and I caught at least one typo that crept in, but aside from those minor quibbles, I would highly recommend it for anyone looking to get a better look at what Storypath can do.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Storyguide's Guide to Telling Stories: A Guide
Publisher: Onyx Path Publishing
by Troy L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/29/2021 12:39:02

Full disclosure: I am writing this review based on a free copy provided by the author.

This product is meant to provide clarification, commentary, guidance, and houserules for using the Trinity Continuum: Core rulebook.

The Good: The book does a great job of making the rules clearer than they were written in the core book. It also has useful suggestions on how to apply the existing rules to situations where it is not obvious how you'd apply the rules. (There is great part of the book where he gives examples of using every attribute with the Aim skill to fire a gun.) It also points out where there are inconsitencies within the core book and offers guidance on how to resolve them. The author does an admirable job of walking the line between explaining and critiquing the rules in the most useful way possible.

The Bad: As someone who has run around 30 sessions of Trinity games, I don't agree with some of the interpretations, house rules, and suggestions, but I also don't see any obvious problems with following them.

The Ugly: Like any self-edited and -published book it has some errors in layout and typing, but it is still very readable.

Overall, I think this book is extremely helpful, and it addresses a number of questions I've seen on various internet forums and sites regarding the system. It is well-worth your money and time to check out.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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