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WBW-DC-FDC-08 The Great Toy Escape $7.95 $6.36
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WBW-DC-FDC-08 The Great Toy Escape
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WBW-DC-FDC-08 The Great Toy Escape
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Jay A. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/30/2022 10:03:32

Great premise but could use a bit more content. Felt more like a 3 hour than 4 hour adventure. Some of the DCs are a bit too high or the main "effect" happens too fast.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
WBW-DC-FDC-08 The Great Toy Escape
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Olha P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/27/2021 17:16:24

I agree that saves DC are too high for a T1 characters, and one of my player's character with broken fey pact would ended up petrified at the start of the adventure, which is not fun for me and for a player.

Measuring everything in miles is also difficult and seems unappropriate, as on a failed check PCs have to navigate through the difficult terrain during 3-4 hours even before entering the main location, while playing against the time.

[Not sure about calculation, but 5 miles from the spawn point to the shop divided by 30f per round equals 880 rounds of movement, twice as much for difficult terrain, which will take 10560 seconds, or 17 hours of travel; one mile long shelf will take almost 2h of travel]

My group has liked the overall plot and challenges, but as a DM I would prefer number of saves and their DC reviewd and reduced.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
WBW-DC-FDC-08 The Great Toy Escape
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Marcello V. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/11/2021 23:06:52

Good evening, I was prepping this adventure for a series of adventuers that I will be running for my local community over the next few weekends. My Fey-Run if you will. I thought I would share my thoughts:

  • The adventure does have some minor grammatical hiccups, but these are easily overlooked.
  • It provides a random chart of visages that you can use to describe the journey your players will take.
  • It introduces some interesting butterfly beings
  • You will likely need to consider reducing the DCs of the Joy Shops Curse. Those DCs appear a bit high, but the adventure is optimized for APL 4. The challenge presented in overcoming the curse involves making strings of saves or checks, depending on travelling time.
  • Please take a look at rules for travelling. Because of this domain's effect on players, they are dimunitive and have to travel long distances to get to locations--while making these saves/checks against environmental effects.
  • Players are against the clock--remember that.
  • I enjoyed that there was a random Archey Customer chart to provide different play experiences and an unique twist on Chase scenario that is wonderfully creative and considered as meta for future considerations of chases!

My rating is based on these thoughts and my limited exposure to this designer's works. I look forward to seeing more from this designer in the future! Consider adding this to your collection of fey-themed adventures!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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