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Blood Hunter Class for D&D 5e (2020)
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Cort C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/08/2022 20:36:59

A few of my players have used this now to great effect in my games. I'm always down for another class for my players to use. And this one seems fairly balanced and so far hasnt distrupted anything. It's very much like a Witcher and thats something I can appreciate. I havent read/watched any of the content it originated from but I enjoy and apprecaite this class quite a bit.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Blood Hunter Class for D&D 5e (2020)
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Domains of Delight (5e)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by Cort C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/08/2022 20:35:53

This was the opposite of domains of dread I was waiting for. I love using faerie in my camps and this helped in so many ways to create and establish them even stronger in my setting and sessions. The archfey rules are exceptionally handy.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Domains of Delight (5e)
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The False Hydra
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Cort C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/08/2022 20:34:58

While I changed the adventure quite a bit, the concept of the monster and its stat block are phenomenal. Was such a great antagonist for running a big city campaign for a few first time D&D players. Truly creepy! Great work.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The False Hydra
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Ancestral Weapons
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Cort C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/08/2022 20:33:37

Super helpful and such a great book. Very useful for one of my players who wanted to grow with the magic items his characters father had left him. Worked very well and augmented the campaign in a fantastic way. Fantastic work!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Ancestral Weapons
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Mass Combat Rules
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Cort C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/08/2022 20:31:57

Very straightforward and very simple rules for mass combat, exceptionally handy for Dragonlance Shadow of the Dragon Queen, on a playtest it worked quite well. Thankyou!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Mass Combat Rules
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5e Critical Hit and Fumble Charts
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Cort C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/08/2022 20:27:12

I love this chart. I've been using it since this came out and it has added SO MUCH to literally every single campaign and session. Without it I think 5e would have been very different for my players and myself. A must get.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
5e Critical Hit and Fumble Charts
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Dragonlance Companion
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Cort C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/08/2022 14:19:50

A fantastic companion not just to Shadow of the Dragon Queen but of the many other Dragonlance resources on DMsGuild. I had never heard of Splinterverse before this product, but they did a great job reaching out to the various online Dragonlance communities in the leadup to this product, definitely have me interested in more of their stuff.

The art is gorgeous and the presentation is very clean. I noticed that right away. This is a professional product. As for the material? The races/species were solid, they offered some interesting and unique creatures from Krynn, and I really appreciated the racial feats. Incredibly underutalised, so it was nice to see the options. The classes were well thought out, balanced as far as I could tell, and interesting. Best part is they are wholly Dragonlance centric, lots of deep cuts and interesting choices to be had, and they also fit very well in other settings. And there are so many of them! Standouts are the Fewmaster and the Plague Cleric. Theres not just good alignment in here, but evil and neutral too for classes. It's a nice change of pace. The blurbs of the lore and the explanations show the group really loves the setting and honoured it as much as they could.

The backgrounds and the feats to offer a lot, and give the players and DMs far more options to really become engrossed and embedded in the world of Krynn. I would be remiss to even remotely run a campaign in Krynn going forward without the use of these. The spells are awesome, I always appreciate more to add to a caster repertoire. The magic items are great, but the standout are the legacy items! What a rad concept, and so well executed! I will absolutely be using these all over.

The monsters are a great selection with some awesome abilities, can't complain there at all. The art for them too is fantastic. You get a great sense of what they are and what they can do. The adventures are cleanly presented and look easy enough to drop into any camp, and I REALLY appreciate the adventure hooks. They spell them out in very keen and interesting ways that just sparked all sorts of ideas even at just a glance. And they have plenty of them!

And this book from all the other DMsGuild and Official WOTC material for Krynn may have the most comprehensive and complete guides to the deities of the setting without having to go back to older edition DL books. It's very appreciated and the ideas of piety and understanding the gods are all very clear and concise.

The tome is an excellent addition to not just Dragonlance material, but all of 5e. For those worried with crossover with Nexus' Tasslehoff's Pouches, don't be. They are wholly complimentary with almost little to no crossover. It's a great enough book I am even willing to overlook the oddities in it for Dragonlance like the tiefling in there (Though very well drawn). ;)

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Dragonlance Companion
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Creator Reply:
Thank you Cort for purchasing the book and providing a very thorough review. Words cannot express how much we appreciate it. We worked on this book in secret for so long that it seemed like the day would never come would people would get to enjoy all the fun stuff we were cooking up. But we're so happy that day has arrived and feedback like yours really makes all the hard work and time spent worth it. Thank you, and we wish you legendary adventures in the world of Krynn and beyond!
Tasslehoff's Pouches of Everything Revised/Champions of Krynn, Chapter 1
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Cort C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/07/2022 16:02:09

An excellent addition not to just to any Dragonlance fan, but to anyone who is currently playing 5e. This book offers an exemplary overview to the world of Krynn. I would consider this THE sourcebook for Dragonlance 5e. It offers so much backstory and an indepth look into all the peoples of Krynn that makes the setting so special. It has numerous dwarven ancestories (subraces) that really emphasis how much love and effort this group put into it. How often is there a book where the dwarves have as much options as elves if not more? There are even multiple types of Kender in here, playable draconians and half-ogres. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. There's several useful and Dragonlance specific feats, ontop of interesting spells and magical items. And not just magical items, but ITEMS proper. Finally a chance to add more of the different mundane objects that Krynn is abundant in. A few monsters to help round out the bite.

This book oozes a lot of the care and consideration to the setting while pushing the boundaries to what people know of the setting. Theres deep cuts, from the gold box video games to the old 80s comics! There's a little bit of everything in here. The lunar tracking is updated for 5e and makes a lot of sense, incredibly helpful for those of the Towers of High Sorcery. Plus they do an EXCELLENT job explaining the ambient magicks of Krynn and how one can adapt and use pretty well any option 5e offers to the setting. And my favourite part of the book has to be the Factions, an of unused aspect of 5e presented in the DMG. You build reputation and similar to old Dragonlance sourcebooks and modules you have very clear guidelines to advance and progress as a member of High Sorcery, a Solamnic Knight, and a member of the Legion of Steel. Theres so many hooks just built into it it screams to be played by DM and player alike. There's a lot here to easily use and adapt for your own settings and not just those in Krynn. The book feels inclusive to everyone.

The adventure I havent yet had the chance to run, but it's heavily inspired by Gold Box and seems like a proper classic romp. Exploring a time oft unused in the Dragonlance books and modules, taking up right after the War of the Lance. The encounters look engaging and varied. Theres even another race and some more spells at the end. For a first chapter it looks interesting enough to excite me for the rest to come.

The art is amazing, it's all unique pieces and each feel very much like the world many of us have come to love. There's a variety of scenes and peoples presented, its all very pleasing.

This book has basically everything you could ask for.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Tasslehoff's Pouches of Everything Revised/Champions of Krynn, Chapter 1
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The Wild Sheep Chase - A Single-Session Adventure
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Cort C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/11/2022 15:03:14

I ran this session as a two shot and incorporated it as a stop-gap between adventures in my campaign. I altered some things to fit our world a bit better, but overall I pretty much used everything as is, and it was one of the most fun we had the entire camp. It had smart characters, fun encounters, and a surprising ending (or rather, the route we had was surprising, and there are a few endings!). A lot of fun as a DM, and as told by my players, a lot of fun to play. I can't recommend this enough. Thank you for the adventure.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Wild Sheep Chase - A Single-Session Adventure
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Clyde Blackthorne's Book of Rogues
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Cort C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/06/2022 00:55:53

This was a fantastic book. All original illustrations that are high quality, a fun design that stayed true to the D&D template but played with it in a fun way. The content inside is great for rogues. Has a bunch of interesting subclasses that work fairly well, with interesting feats and items as well, good for all classes. Even allowing some rogue like abilities for others without the need for multiclassing without stealing, heh, what is unique about rogues. Constant balances for it come out, and solid feedback with the creator. It excels in what it sets out to be, which is fun. An excellent buy all around and highly recommended.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Clyde Blackthorne's Book of Rogues
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