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Hoard of the Dragon Queen Maps: Episode 1 Greenest in Flames
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Ben R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/12/2020 15:04:50

Very helpful for running the first episode of HotDQ. I found it useful for visualizing the spaces and most of all it saved me prep time before the session because I didn't have to build the maps myself. Very thankful for the existence of the D&D community that enables us to help each other like this!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Hoard of the Dragon Queen Maps: Episode 1 Greenest in Flames
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Glad you liked it! And hope your campaign is going awesomely :)
Frozen Castle - Expanding Tyranny of Dragons
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Ben R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/04/2020 14:08:54

A fantastic add-on to Tyranny of Dragons, that frankly should have been included in the recent omnibus reprint of the campaign! If you've read Hoard of the Dragon Queen and ever got confused about the way it promises more about giants and Skyreach Castle in Rise of Tiamat -- well, this is where that stuff went. A great way to bridge the gap between the two or add a new side-quest, fits right into the existing material. My only caveat would be that I wish there was slightly more instruction on how best to integrate it into the printed material, but there's enough that any bright DM should be able to figure it out.

(Note: This expansion assumes that Skyreach Castle ended up crashed in the Miklos Glacier in the Spine of the World, as detailed at the end of HotDQ - if Blagothus took it there without crashing it you'll need to revise the adventure to take that into account, and if the PCs managed to just get it and keep it then this adventure is superfluous)

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Frozen Castle - Expanding Tyranny of Dragons
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MZC1 The Maztica Campaign Guide
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Ben R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/16/2019 01:40:12

The Maztica Campaign Guide does a wonderful job in both giving a solid grounding in the lore of the setting for those unfamiliar with the AD&D 2E version as well as updating the setting for D&D 5E. This was particularly important to me because of the huge changes implied for Maztica due to first the Spellplague in 4E and then the Second Sundering in 5E. I used the guide to create a surrounding setting for running The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan from Tales from the Yawning Portal in a 5E Forgotten Realms game.

I did, however, occasionally find the pages hard to read - the thin serif font on a white page with a piece of (lovely) monochrome background art looked nice, but hurt my eyes to look at (particularly on a screen) after a time. I did print a few pages for quick reference at my table and they looked better - but the font could still have benefitted from being a bit thicker. A lay-out scheme more akin to the WotC house style would probably have worked better.

The Maztican character races, classes, spells, items and other options were well handled and appreciated, as were the (few) new monster statblocks and the sample adventure at the end. Some of the subraces were a bit underwhelming compared to their 2E counterparts, but this is a minor complaint. The map at the end of the book is the one big low point for me - it's very blurry, low resolution, done in the 3E style - I suspect it's reused from somewhere. I've seen better custom maps of 5E Maztica (and indeed, used one), and it would've done the authors well to commission such a map.

If there was one thing really missing from the guide that I would have very much appreciated, it would be a random encounter table, something keyed to the unique Maztican setting, using both MM monsters and monsters from TWC.

However, all of that is irrelevant when you consider the depth and breadth of this updated version of Maztica and that the book is FREE. So who am I to criticize anything, really?

[4 of 5 Stars!]
MZC1 The Maztica Campaign Guide
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Creator Reply:
This is a remarkably fair and poignant bit of criticism and praise for TWC1. Likely, had I purchased this product myself today, I would have said many of the same things. I created this guide in the early days of DMsGuild and to be honest, I really had no experience in putting together any type of gaming product. It was simply a labor of love that I wanted to share with others who might have felt some serious nostalgia for the setting (ergo the price). Since then, I have worked on over a dozen new products, hopefully improving with each new one (including a guide for an Anchorome Campaign to the north of Maztica). I am embroiled in the Anchorome setting at the moment but your review has inspired me to revisit and hopefully “perfect” this guide. There are other, game oriented portions I’m thinking of changing as well. For example, I believe the jaguar and eagle knight are far more suited to be paladin archetypes than ranger. Also, I had written up the tabaxi as a race long before they appeared in an official source which makes them obsolete. I appreciate you’re wel thought out review and I do hope to getting to revisiting this product, my first and therefore favorite, at some point in the future. If you have other thoughts please feel free to email me on my gmail account at seethe75 or drop them in the comments here. I’ll listen to all criticisms.
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