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Encounters in the Far North
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Ben R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/28/2023 16:10:06

The amount of work that went into this is just fantastic and obviously the production values are great. The Guild Adepts program really was a great thing while it lasted. Tons of great encounters for if you're running games north of Luskan, or most any arctic environment really.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Encounters in the Far North
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Domains of Delight (5e)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by Ben R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/28/2023 16:05:59

This is a great expansion to Wild Beyond the Witchlight. A lot of the information in here probably should have been in the book, in all honesty, but I like having it here on the DMs Guild as a PDF more than not having it (or it only being on D&D Beyond). I think if you're running a game in the Feywild, that's your own story, this is actually more useful to have than the adventure.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Domains of Delight (5e)
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Blue Alley
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Ben R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/28/2023 16:03:27

This is a wonderful product for anyone looking to run this iconic piece of Waterdeep in fifth edition. I particularly appreciated the adjustability for parties of different levels, because Blue Alley should always be a deathtrap, but I think there could have been more of that. That said, the alley is a fun romp and a great challenge for your players. I miss the Guild Adepts program!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Blue Alley
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Volo’s Waterdeep Enchiridion (5e)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by Ben R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/15/2022 05:04:58

This is in the back of Dragon Heist, but having a separate version you can point your players to, or use on its own without the adventure, is very useful. I wish WotC would credit who actually wrote it, I believe it was Matt Sernett but I don't know for sure. A great resource for anyone running a Waterdeep campaign!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Volo’s Waterdeep Enchiridion (5e)
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Dreams of the Red Wizards: Dead in Thay (D&D Next)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by Ben R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/15/2022 04:52:39

This version of Dead in Thay is not the same as the one in Tales from the Yawning Portal. It was the final D&D playtest adventure, as well as the final Sundering adventure and the final adventure in the Dreams of the Red Wizards adventure path that had started in Ghosts of Dragonspear Castle. Compared to the anthologized version, the original adventure has a whole opening act that links it with the previous adventure, Scourge of the Sword Coast. Designed to playtest as many monsters as possible, the statblocks at the back of the book take up a good quarter of the page count. Have fun comparing them to the Monster Manual versions!

The premium color POD version is pretty legit. It's weird there's no title on the spine, and you do miss having big versions of the maps to use. I recommend printing off big versions to use, but the book itself is very well produced and totally usable.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Dreams of the Red Wizards: Dead in Thay (D&D Next)
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Dreams of the Red Wizards: Scourge of the Sword Coast (D&D Next)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by Ben R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/15/2022 04:07:56

Scourge of the Sword Coast was the third of four Sundering adventures as well as the second adventure in the Dreams of the Red Wizards adventure path through the various D&D Next playtest adventures. Following the events of Ghosts of Dragonspear Castle, this adventure sees the party trying to protect Daggerford and its surrounding areas from trouble in the lead up to Dead in Thay. Like Ghosts this adventure provides a lot of great information on Daggerford to enable it to be a long term base of operations for a campaign. The D&D Next rules used by this adventure are not modern 5E as we know it, but frankly there's barely any conversion needed. A reasonably smart DM can run this with minimal fuss. The POD edition is quite handsome - I always recommend going with the premium color edition if you can manage it. Compared to the original version what you aren't getting is the NPC cards and any fold out maps, although all the maps are also printed in the body of the original. This is a fun adventure from the birth of 5E, with lots of great Forgotten Realms story material in it, back when Wizards were a bit more interested in the metaplot. If you're a fan of Under Illefarn from 1E, Ghosts of Dragonspear Castle from the playtest, or "Dead in Thay" from Tales from the Yawning Portal, you should check this one out.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Dreams of the Red Wizards: Scourge of the Sword Coast (D&D Next)
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Ghosts of Dragonspear Castle (D&D Next)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by Ben R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/14/2022 14:42:08

This piece of D&D history is a great addition to my collection. I got the POD, and the physical quality of the book is high, the construction feels solid and the pages look great. This tome presents a snapshot in time - when 5E was D&D Next, and the rules hadn't quite been ironed out yet, and the starting area was going to be Daggerford instead of Phandalin. The adventure campaign in the book is a lot of fun, with a ton of great lore about Daggerford and the surrounding area including the eponymous Dragonspear Castle. This information integrates well with the fifth edition Realms. The rules section is a fascinating look into what directions were considered for 5E and then discarded. Weapons and Spells are particularly interesting. An enterprising DM who likes some of these ideas could re-integrate them into their campaign with little effort, since they're still built on the 5E framework. All in all, I'm very pleased to have this in my collection!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Ghosts of Dragonspear Castle (D&D Next)
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Amarune's Almanac: Deserts of the Realms
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Ben R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/26/2022 05:18:55

The deserts of Faerûn are deadly for an unprepared adventurer - best to bring along a druid or ranger equipped with this volume of Amarune's Almanac so you can head deep into the deserts and raid all those tombs of Ancient Netheril and the like! Several deserts are detailed in this book, with Anauroch being the big one (literally). As always, this series delivers on fun character options, new spells and monsters, fantastic flora, and some wonderful additions to 5E Realmslore.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Amarune's Almanac: Deserts of the Realms
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Amarune's Almanac: Mountains of the Realms
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Ben R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/26/2022 05:15:41

Ah, mountains! A classic adventuring locale ever since Tolkien through a big wall of them right in the way of Thorin & Company! The Realms also has its fair share of legendary mountain locales - the Spine of the World and Mount Hotenow pop up often in adventures, novels, and other Realms products, so it's nice to have some focus on them here. But you best believe my eyes focused on "the Walls of Halruaa", and here was a section I greedily gobbled up after the hints of Halruaa's return in the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide. The nation of wizards remains mostly a mystery, however, which is probably as it should be, but there's a lot of good lore here answering questions about what happened to all the damage wrought by the Spellplague when Halruaa returned. Great reading!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Amarune's Almanac: Mountains of the Realms
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Amarune's Almanac: Coasts of the Realms
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Ben R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/26/2022 05:09:07

Upon seeing this book you might think "we can't possibly need another book on the Sword Coast", and while that might be true my friend, that is not what this book is about! Coasts of the Realms focuses, literally, on the coasts: the beaches, the waves, the surf, the shallows, etc. And aside from a brief humourous tale of the newfound popularity of swimming for pleasure among Waterdeep's elites (and my, what swimsuits!), most of the locales detailed are far away from the venerable adventuring region, giving us wonderful updates on other areas of the Realms and what is going on there in the 1490s DR. Another smash work in this incredibly well produced series!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Amarune's Almanac: Coasts of the Realms
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Amarune's Almanac: Arctics of the Realms
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Ben R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/26/2022 05:05:23

Arctics of the Realms includes an obligatory stop in Icewind Dale, but I was mostly excited to see 5E updates for Vaasa, Damara, and the Great Glacier. Certainly the Realms has no shortage of very cold places in which to find adventure! As always, this series delivers the goods, with excellent new options for druids and rangers, and a ton of interesting flora and fauna. A fantastic series!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Amarune's Almanac: Arctics of the Realms
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Amarune's Almanac: Grasslands of the Realms
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Ben R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/26/2022 05:02:41

In this volume of Amarune's Almanac, a kind of 5E update of the old Elminster's Ecologies books, we have a focus on the "big empty spaces between things", as it were. As always we have great new options for druids and rangers, and I'm also a big fan of the flora and fauna sections of these books. There's also some very evocative narrative passages, the section on the Battle of Bones was one of my favourites. Nicely unsettling.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Amarune's Almanac: Grasslands of the Realms
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Amarune's Almanac: The Underdark
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Ben R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/26/2022 04:59:25

The Underdark, and Faerûn's Underdark in particular, have been written about in guidebooks so many times that what possibly more could be said? Well, aside from some very cool Underdark specific druid and ranger stuff (I love the Favored Terrain spells in this series), we also visit areas of the Underdark other than Menzoberranzan, Gracklstugh, Blingdenstone, the usual suspects as it were. I was particularly interested in the 5e update of the Sharn Wall. We also find, in addition to the usual excellent write ups in this series of flora and fauna, a few interesting statblocks: a set of alternate deep dragons to the ones found in the more recent Fizban's Treasury of Dragons, at a higher CR across the board, and then a different take on the phaerimm than the one found in Minsc and Boo's Journal of Villainy - these ones come in different age categories, like a dragon. Which versions you prefer is up to you!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Amarune's Almanac: The Underdark
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Amarune's Almanac: Forests of the Realms
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Ben R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/26/2022 04:43:01

The fact of the matter is that the Amarune's Almanac series is incredibly good. While the new character subclasses, rules, and spells are grand, I'm a DM, so I gravitate towards the sections on various Realms locales. Of course, these are all written from the perspective of Elminster's heir, Amarune, and evoke the classic Realmsian device of having an in-world character describe the setting to you, which both adds extra narrative flavour but also the possibility of an unreliable narrator. Finally, the flora and fauna sections evoke the old Elminster's Ecologies books. It's all pretty great across the board.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Amarune's Almanac: Forests of the Realms
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Vault of the Dracolich (D&D Next)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by Ben R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/10/2022 17:07:13

I got the POD version of this and the quality of the POD was top notch! Very cool to own a copy of D&D history with this early D&D Next adventure, which is also just a super fun adventure to run in its own right. As a one table version it could be good, but I do have three weekly groups so getting them all together on one Saturday or something to run the multi-table version could be pretty epic. Anyways, cool adventure - the sequel is the 4E Search for the Diamond Staff adventure if you want to follow the story in this one up.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Vault of the Dracolich (D&D Next)
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