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Johnny Snaggletooth's Casebook of Crime
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Evan W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/10/2021 07:35:20

The Fantasy Noir setting that DCBradshaw created with Hardboiled Adventures has been expanded with this supplement and is incredible! Being able to live a crime fighting detective or gritty journalist in a seedy world has been a lot of fun. Having my 'Bad Preacher' Inquisitor trope (paladin) use Find Wheels to summon his motorbike was living out my hellrider dreams! if youre a fan of noir and fantasy, please pick up this work, you wint be disappointed. a lot of effort has gone into it with subclasses, spells and magic items to flesh out your imagination!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Johnny Snaggletooth's Casebook of Crime
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