If I could describe this epic, I'd call it "A Kaskur" because it boasts of an epic ending to the storyline being told from T1 all the way to its conclusions in T3. But in the end, it's nothing but a big old pile of disappointment. The rest of the review has some spoilers in it so be forewarned.
I bought this mod hoping for a satisfying conclusion to the Season 10 storyline but in the end, none of it mattered. I wish I could get a refund for the module and I wish I could get back the time I wasted playing because despite all that stress and tragedy the epic puts your PC through, Nothing of Value was Gained. The Magic Items rewards are probably only useful for trade-fodder between your own PCs (or you have druids who wears heavy armor), you get no interesting story awards for having played the epic, and the fate of the Thuunlakalaga tribe is pretty much "Wait, that's it?"
If you came in the epic having played NONE of the previous S10 modules and have no idea who is what and their significance to the story, this no-resolution-ending is tolerable. But if you did, like I and the rest of my party who played all S10 modules with the same group from T1 to T3, just ready yourself for the non-ending. Even if you succeeded in all the encounters, the ending is still a bleak, hopeless, aimless one. Oh and the one thing that does acknowledge previous module story awards punishes the players. FANTASTIC /s.
There is no exploration, there are no social encounters, it's one fight after another with no time to rest. You don't get to confront or save any of the NPCs, they're just there for you to watch them die. Which would be fine if this advanced the story somehow instead it just cuts everything short and leaves all these loose threads blowing in the icewindale wind. If this was just another module, I'm sure DMs could put their own spin to them and give a much more satisfying conclusion but as it's an epic, it has to be what is written. And what is written amounts to the storyline equivalent of the NPC Kaskur.
If all you and your group want is combat, this epic will provide you that and then some what with the enemy creatures from Ravnica and Theros and Wildemount being thrown at you. Just hope your rolls are excellent because I saw some players spend 3 rounds doing nothing but try (and fail) to make multiple saves against multiple conditions that effectively lock you down.
tl;dr - get/play it if you just want to hit things.
If you care about the NPCs, let me spoil the ending so you can decide if you want to skip it or experience it: the Thuunlakalaga tribe ends up leaderless with no idea what to do next and whether they'll survive with this power vaccuum.