The loremaster screen has great advice on running the rules and in running games in general. It discourages rolling for eveyrthing -- encouraging dice rolls only where there's a stake: some danger, discovering something unknown discovery, when trying to influence or manipulate an uncooperative Loremaster character. It has guides for each gameplay phase: journeys (roles, endurance, and events), combat, councils, and shadow tests. It's dense and table based. No fluff illustrations on the loremaster side -- every panel has related rules. The PDF does crop the loremaster screen player-side oddly when the interior panels are clearly ultrawide (looks like three, landscape oriented a5 papers).
Also, stay for the Rivendell Guidebook. It offers an additional player-hero culture and details about the Last Homely House, Imladris. It'll be quite delightful if more noteworth sites arcross Eriador, Rhovanion, Gondor, and Harad get this treatment. Doesn't overstay its welcome.