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Cepheus Deluxe

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Cepheus Deluxe
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Cepheus Deluxe
Publisher: Stellagama Publishing
by Brenda C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/14/2022 10:08:25

I have been playing 2D6 SF RPGs since '78. Deluxe is the best such rule set I have ever played with. Enough detail but not too much. Char Gen is great. PC centric rather than machine centric. Ship design easy and covers all the bases. I have had to only make one house rule (very minor) rather than a couple of pages worth as with other most recent offical 2D6 Space RPG. Cannot recommend enough.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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Cepheus Deluxe
Publisher: Stellagama Publishing
by Chris C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/15/2022 03:57:47

I loved this and highly recommend the rules system as a clearly written, well conceived way to start playing Traveller ASAP.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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Cepheus Deluxe
Publisher: Stellagama Publishing
by wade g. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/04/2022 04:06:41

Good, other than no water aboard which can be used for drinking, showering, pooping. Remove some fuel and replace with water, water filters, and some of containers for refuse for poop which can be emptied during the trip.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Cepheus Deluxe
Publisher: Stellagama Publishing
by Andrew K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/26/2022 17:48:24

Not a fan of several changes to the rules.   Advantage/Disadvantage added, this was a big problem for many in D&D 5th ed and when mongoose decided to imitate it. Not including it in Cepheus was a big point in it favor, so why put in? Skills have been removed. Not odd esoteric things, but long time standbys like comms and gambling. Less randomness character generation. One of the key points of Taveller character gen was that it would not go according to some well laid out plan power gamer blueprint. Like real life unforseen events haveinfluence

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Cepheus Deluxe
Publisher: Stellagama Publishing
by Alex T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/19/2022 09:40:39

Enough rules to make the game work, but not so many that they get in the way.

This is an excellent "middle ground" between the classic 2d6 system (which was in some places a bit sparse and lacking) and the current versions (which are in many places too fussy and unnecessarily complex, or suffer from contradictions and clarity issues). Think of it as the classic system which has been enhanced, introducing some new ideas and incorporating some of the better ideas from the later versions.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Cepheus Deluxe
Publisher: Stellagama Publishing
by Joe C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/10/2021 20:29:02

This ruleset is comprehensive neat and tidy. Fantastic addition for your 2D6 scifi needs. Highly recommend getting this. The comprehensive system isnt hard to pick up. Great for new and old players alike. You can run  eons worth of adventures with this. Stellgamma always deliver and the price is a steal. Got a print copy as well as the PDF. Looking forward to that landing.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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Cepheus Deluxe
Publisher: Stellagama Publishing
by Dorrell Z. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/12/2021 13:52:46

Book is great. Filled tons of information to construct your own campaign. A must have for any scifi RPG fan.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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Cepheus Deluxe
Publisher: Stellagama Publishing
by Craig U. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/25/2021 12:11:44

Within the realm of 2D6 Sci-Fi games, Cepheus Deluxe stands in an interesting position of being both an excellent restatement of the classsic core rules we've all loved and used since the late '70s as well as being interesting take on many of those rules that I haven't seen done before.

Probably the change I was most concerned about (but nevertheless very intrigued by) was the decision to replace the classic 2D6 SF character generation system with one that allows more player input. Having created a few characters of my own, and used the system with some of my players, I have to say I think this new character creation system works well. While the old SF character creation system is of course iconic in it's own way (who doesn't love dying in character creation!) I feel the decision to switch the character creation system to one that is more player driven was ultimately a positive one. The system is also quite a bit faster when it comes to using it with new players, as there is less need for each player to have a copy of their career's table for reference. Overall, I like the new system. It's similar but different in a good way, less random but still gives room for random events (and the optional ability to die in character creation like the good ol' days hehe.)

Speaking of character creation, an aspect I really enjoy about Cepheus Deluxe is the addition of the Traits system. While similar to the Feat system from that very popular Fantasy Role-Playing Game, the Traits system meshes surprisingly well with the 2d6 SF skeleton. None of the traits seem "broken" in a way that could cause serious issue, and given this game's high lethality I doubt it would be possible for any combat traits to be excessively unbalanced. What the Traits instead allow is more player choice, while not being overwhelming, as the Traits available are constrained by what skills and abilities the player character already has.

Other than the traits and the character creation system, much of the rest of the book is made up of rules which are all refinements to the already excellent Cepheus Light rules. The book also contains many optional rules allowing for more heroic Science Fiction campaigns if that is more your thing. There are plenty of random tables for GMs as well, something which I feel more modern 2D6 SF games should take advantage of. Formatting is very good, much improved from the first publication of Cepheus Light. Also of special note, as of writing this, this is only one of two 2D6 SF RPGs I own which has an Index.

Cepheus Deluxe is a great system, and for it's price it's price it is truly wonderful. I would say if you are looking for a 100% pure restatement of original 2D6 SF rules, you may be better served elsewhere, but if you are looking for an excellent RPG using those rules a base I can't recommend Cepheus Deluxe enough. Personally, I can't wait for a print copy.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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Cepheus Deluxe
Publisher: Stellagama Publishing
by Gerald M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/16/2021 13:07:12

Cepheus Deluxe is fabulous!

This game has taken concepts aspects and multiple optional rules and combined them in a new edition. New character generation systems, life events, character traits, animal rules.This game can be used as an addition tio the Cepheus Light rules or as a stand alone rule set. The artwok is gritty simple and old school. I like this game and its layout. I also very much like the fact it is so compatible with the original Cepheus Light system. You can tell a whole lot of heart and passion was put into this edition. Also The price!!! You have a complete game for a very affordable price compared to some of the other over priced game system printing companies. I love this system it is the same 2D6 engine as other more pricey Sci Fi versions. I highly recommend Cepehus Deluxe but I would play it with Cepheus Light and decide which systems and home rules you want to apply at you table. Most excellent game and great value

G Miller.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Cepheus Deluxe
Publisher: Stellagama Publishing
by Noah S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/09/2021 15:36:38

I can't review from a player or GM perspective, but you can't get much better than the latest revision to a time-tested system released under a truly fan-friendly open license for ten bucks. The entire text of the book, with the smallest possible exceptions, is open content; practically the only restriction is "please don't just sell reprints of the book" (an exaggeration, but barely). To me, that alone is worth the purchase price; this is a future-proof product that is designed to be used by players, authors, and game designers alike.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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Cepheus Deluxe
Publisher: Stellagama Publishing
by Eric F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/08/2021 21:08:51

" Starships riding fire across the sky. Heroes and villains exchanging laser fire. Desperate spacers struggling against an alien monstrosity. Vast planetary vistas, flying cities, moonscapes, mad robots, and first encounters. In short: high-action science-fiction adventure that stimulates your sense of wonder. Cepheus Deluxe puts you in the shoes of an adventurer visiting distant stars and encountering the unknown. Whether you are a seasoned player looking for a rules-light game, or a new gamer wanting to experience what science-fiction role-playing games are all about, Cepheus Deluxe opens your way forward.

Cepheus Deluxe is a set of rules for playing classic science fiction games. It includes rules on creating characters, resolving actions, fighting other creatures, and engaging in space battles, generating worlds, handling the risks of interstellar speculative trading, exploring new worlds, and many other activities. While designed for fast, action-packed play rather than an accurate simulation of reality, Cepheus Deluxe encompasses a wide variety of rules and materials for building a science-fiction universe and playing in it.

Cepheus Deluxe draws its inspiration from old-school science-fiction roleplaying games. It shares many similarities with these games. Material from older rules sets and those created with Cepheus Deluxe, the old Cepheus Light, the Cepheus Engine Core, and old-school sci-fi roleplaying games, are easily compatible with only a moderate amount of adjustment."

The other day I received my copy of Cepheus Deluxe and this is one OSR system that we've been looking forward to for sometime. Authors/designers Omer Golan-Joel, Richard Hazlewood, Josh Peters, & Robert L. S. Weaver really do actually deliver the goods here. Cepheus Deluxe is far different & far superior to other versions of the Cepheus Engine even though they are cross compatible. How is this version of the Cepheus Engine different then say Cepheus Light? Well according to the Omar Golan-Joel himself; "Double the size of Cepheus Light - including animal generation rules, robot creation rules, new and expanded ship design rules, many new vehicles, equipment, and cybernetics, and many, many optional rules to easily permit you to make the game your own. We revised all rules based on customer (and, later, playtester) feedback, to make this as playable and enjoyable as possible."

And they really have clocking in at two hundred & twenty seven pages of OSR & Cepheus Engine goodness Cepheus Deluxe covers everyithing from PC generation down to space combat in an easily understood format. The material here within Cepheus Deluxe is up to Stellagama Publishing standards & its very well done. Cepheus Deluxe has easy to read colums, nice layout, & presents a well tested system. Cepheus Deluxe travels down the same road as The Sword of Cepheus Sword was published in 2020, so it has sold quickly. It uses a streamlined and skill-based 2d6 system & so does Cepheus Deluxe. Cepheus Deluxe takes full advantage of the Cepheus Engine system in invovatlve & well thought out ways. So what can be done with Cepheus Deluxe?! Anythng! The material & rules of Cepheus Deluxe is geared for actual campaign play & it lives up to its The Sword of Cepheus pedigree. Cepheus Deluxe is geared towards adventure & campaign play. The rules are simple, reliable, & easy to digest 2d6 system goodness done with respect to the legacy of the Cepheus Engine. Very solid design & good ultility with Cepheus Deluxe as it only sells for a mere 9.99 for the pdf on Drivethrurpg. Cepheus Deluxe is an amazing addition to the Stellagama Publishing line of games continuing the amazing quality of products. For me Cepheus Deluxe is definitely worth the download! Thanks for reading our review! Eric Fabiaschi Swords & Stitchery Blog For more reviews & support for 2d6 Cepheus Engine & other OSR products please subsribe to

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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