Midnight is a dark setting but the dark side is so heavy that sometimes it's a bit hard to believe. Everything is dark, nobody is happy, everybody is starving in a gloomy land, being an elf or a dwarf means you'll be killed on sight ... I guess I was waiting for something maybe more subtle, with an evil that could seduce people to make them believe that Izrador is the right way (like in the video game Tyranny) but here Izrador is just an invincible force of evil that tortures, uses and oppresses people. That would make me think if I was in this world "no food, no hope, no other gods ? why bother living ? "
The rules also are very light and it's a big problem. We're supposed to create characters that can fight the Shadow but without noticeable armor or weapons (they are forbidden) and without flashy magic. The rules won't help : no subclasses that would provide "unarmored defense", brawling skills (you have to pay a feat for this), discreet magic or some capacities that can help to fight back, ... Or maybe the intention was to play only in wilderness where you will have to hit-and-run all your life ? no urban adventures, hidden among the population ? Also some feats are a bit weird like "You have advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks to grapple a creature who cannot see you" which is already the case in the basic rules ...
The rest is good, the book is well-written, the images are inspiring, the forces of shadow are ennemies your players will hate with a passion, breaking a black mirror is already an awesome quest plot ... hence the 3/5