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The Scumbag's Guide to Scrapbridge $5.99
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The Scumbag\'s Guide to Scrapbridge
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The Scumbag's Guide to Scrapbridge
Publisher: Schwalb Entertainment
by Mike N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/30/2021 23:38:20

This is good and well worthwhile. It's well written and clearly written (although those averse to profane language probably shouldn't buy this... or be playing this game!). It has some good flavour on Scrapbridge - it makes it easy to find characters, places and inspiration without having to wade through the type of excessive, padded minutiae that is common to supplements in many gaming systems. Lastly, and importantly for the nuts and bolts of gaming, it includes about a dozen interesting monsters/critters for GMs to throw at players. Many of these creatures provide built-in ways to make the combat a more considered, tactical affair than just running forward and hitting them. Nicely done. A lot of gaming systems could learn from this.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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