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Zero Level Rulebook for 5E
Publisher: Weird Works
by Stan T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/13/2022 07:50:14

These rules work very well at their intended use. You can quickly create a handful of characters for each player. For those not familiar with DCC and its funnel system, the setup of is to give each player mutliple weak characters, most of who will die horribly - hopefully a few will become heroes. The zero level characters are much simpler than 1st level characters under the assumption that most of them will not live long enough to need a detailed background. The idea is that a characters personality will be found by their actions in play.

I have run a home brew funnel adventure with these rules and the rules functioned exactly as intended. If you like the idea, this publisher also published the fun funnel adventure Tournament of Pigs which has a 5e version.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Zero Level Rulebook for 5E
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Dueling Fops of Vindamere
Publisher: Crankshaft Constellation
by Stan T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/23/2021 10:06:47

This game knows what it wants to do and does it very well. It's tightly focused with quite a bit of inherent pvp so it's not going to be easily adaptable to other campaigns.

Your only stats are two paired values: foppish/serious and duelling/aristrocrat. The sum of each pair always equals 10. For example, if your duelling goes up, your serious goes down. If any socre hits zero, you've left the foppish duelling scene.

The game progresses through a series of scenes where players try to stay alive, steal followers from each other, and weather the harsh world of the idle rich. The structure gives it a feel between an rpg and a boardgame and the whole campaing should play out in 1-2 sessions.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Dueling Fops of Vindamere
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